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Marathon Sets..How Long Is good enough??

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what about DT's 24 hour closing party set....

he was everywhere from The rolling stones to Diana Ross, tribal, classics, house, reggae, etc....and it was awesome....

oh, yeah, i forgot about DT. i think i just stayed for about 9 hours for the Arc closing party. somehow i managed to stay for the 12 at the first DT/DH party - goddam 24 hrs would be insane for me, i would have to stock up and be a pharmacist to last that long.

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8 hours for any one dj for me. any more than that and a dj is just playing a whole lotta filler tracks to make up the extra hours.


I still find it hard to believe the fascination with sets longer than this. How can you say that sets less than 8 hrs are "not complete"? Of course these guys are using filler tracks and stretching everything out to the max.

I'd much rather hear some 3-hour sets from 3 dj's over the course of a night. It's a much more diverse night that way. Plus I get to hear 3 great djs instead of just 1!

I did go to Howells at Arc once for about 8 hours.. it was cool to hear him play a few different styles, but it still felt very dragged out.

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my favorite nights out have been the 6+ hour PVD nights. I like to be there when he plays his first record and his last, and see how he gets from point A to point B. I hate walking into a night right in the middle of a set and then being too burned out to stay for the whole thing.

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I have a feeling the people who prefer a shorter set are more of a '12-6am' crowd than an afterhours one?

I don't think the Arc closing was 'filled' with anything for example. Some dj have tons of good records and they can't even fit all of them in a 12hours set!

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Why Not??

because myself and a # of close friends are completely drug free

and we still keep up with the dj

when we spin

we remain as such

so ... one has nothing to do with the other.

WHat the media has projected however is that you CANT goto a nightclub sober and come out NOT high.

hence why i say one has nothing to do with the other.

You have crackheads sitting on street corners getting high

meth heads and extacy abusers doing the same

and to be honest, ill bet some of the ones youll find have not and would not

goto a nightclub

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because myself and a # of close friends are completely drug free

and we still keep up with the dj

when we spin

we remain as such

so ... one has nothing to do with the other.

WHat the media has projected however is that you CANT goto a nightclub sober and come out NOT high.

hence why i say one has nothing to do with the other.

You have crackheads sitting on street corners getting high

meth heads and extacy abusers doing the same

and to be honest, ill bet some of the ones youll find have not and would not

goto a nightclub

Well that's Great that you and your crew r Drug Free and still a have a great time @ clubs, but I do not fallow the media, what I’m telling you is a fact, being in the music industry myself I can assure you than most of these kids today r using stronger drugs than they did back in my days, I'll even tell you more, Drugs Have influenced even music production, music today r being made around criteria’s Such as Club and youth. Maybe the club you spin in White Plains is drug free, that's great!!

Unfortunately Drugs and Electronic Music have a strong connection, it's certainly started my and many other careers. I certainly am not promoting the use of drugs,

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Well that's Great that you and your crew r Drug Free and still a have a great time @ clubs, but I do not fallow the media, what I’m telling you is a fact, being in the music industry myself I can assure you than most of these kids today r using stronger drugs than they did back in my days, I'll even tell you more, Drugs Have influenced even music production, music today r being made around criteria’s Such as Club and youth. Maybe the club you spin in White Plains is drug free, that's great!!

Unfortunately Drugs and Electronic Music have a strong connection, it's certainly started my and many other careers. I certainly am not promoting the use of drugs,

sorry king pin

i spin here in nyc as well as nj

but from what youre saying it seems you imply that the music industry will not survive w/o substances

and vice verses

but this i cant agree 100% with

what I’m telling you is a fact, being in the music industry myself I can assure you than most of these kids today r using stronger drugs than they did back in my days

yes im sure that todays drugs are stronger - that just obvious but

not most of the kids in clubs are using drugs

there are more kids per classroom in college that use then kinds ratio in a nightclub

and to be honest according to the latest statistics only 1 in 5 college kids drink alcohol and the about the same with drugs

i understand your saying what your saying according to what you know

and i am doing the same however part of my responcibilites are to know these things so i do keep up to latest studies on a weekly basis

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Those college statistics are crap. When they give out surveys, even though its anonymous, people taking drugs and who are drinking underage still dont want to incriminate themselves. I took a Criminology class once and my professor was a NYC cop and even he said those statisitcs are off. As far as marathon sets...if anyone can go for more than 8 hours straight they are either a cross country runner or under the influence for something. The length all depends on the dj and the venue too, but in my opinion 8 hours is perfect. Yes it is a shame the drugs and edm have such a strong connection, but you cant deny the connection. Alot of dj's and the majority of club goers taking SOMETHING when they go out even if its just redbull. EDM definitely could thrive without drugs but seems like alot of producers and dj's use them for influence, but isnt rock & roll influenced by drugs just as much if not more.....?

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Binge Drinking

What is binge drinking?

5 or more drinks in a row for men

4 or more drinks in a row for women

Drinking too much too fast or drinking a lot in a short period of time. Drinking to get drunk!

What percentage of college students binge drink?


That means that 56% of college students do not binge drink

What percentage of college students abstain from alcohol?


What are some negative consequences of binge drinking?


• fighting/violence

• blackouts

• unprotected sex

• date rape

• falls/injuries/accidents

• saying and doing things you normally wouldn’t normally do

• bad grades/skipping class

• hangover

• vomiting

• brain damage

• overdosing

• death

What are some ways to avoid binge drinking?

• Eat before you drink

• Keep active and do other things besides drink

• Slow down your drinking(no more than one drink per hour - sip your drink)

• Alternate an alcoholic beverage with a non-alcoholic beverage(water)

• Consider the consequences of drinking

• Dilute your drink

• Stay away from drinking games

• Educate yourself on how alcohol affects the body

• Be aware of your surroundings and how much alcohol you are consuming

Nothing sobers up a drunk person except TIME! Coffee, cold showers, & exercise do NOT work!

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