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Show on Meth

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yeah I saw most of that show... that stuff looks like it seriously messes you up... and ewww who wants to age and have decaying teeth like that??? very scary. It def has becoming an epidemic though.

on another note has anyone seen that show Intervention? It's on A&E as well. Each sunday they show stories of drug addicts (you literally see them smoking up and getting fucked up on camera) and then show the families struggle to have an intervention which is aired as well. i'm all about this shit! :type: lol

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and the worst part was they were sitting there saying how dangerous it is....but then they tell you when they searched for meth recipes online they get 1000's of results....they told u what chemicals you need....they tell you the chemicals are easily obtainable by anyone....they said u can even get some of them at walmart...they even said it is as easy as making chococlate chip cookies...and thats an exact quote. are these people serious? they also said that every 1 person that knows how to cook meth that person teaches 10 people.....way to keep that chain going by letting tina heads know they can make it themselves. If you liked this show check out the movie Spun, that shit is sick

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and the worst part was they were sitting there saying how dangerous it is....but then they tell you when they searched for meth recipes online they get 1000's of results....they told u what chemicals you need....they tell you the chemicals are easily obtainable by anyone....they said u can even get some of them at walmart...they even said it is as easy as making chococlate chip cookies...and thats an exact quote. are these people serious? they also said that every 1 person that knows how to cook meth that person teaches 10 people.....way to keep that chain going by letting tina heads know they can make it themselves. If you liked this show check out the movie Spun, that shit is sick

First, I don't think this show told meth heads how easy it is to make. I'm fairly certain that they know, doesn't everyone?

Secondly, I don't know why, but when I watched Spun I had an urge to get fucked up. I wanted a ball so badly about an hour into that shit.

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someone that watched this show please chime in....one of the scientists or cops not exactly sure who....but they def compared the level of difficulty of making meth to making chocolate chip cookies, and thats no joke. My point of view is....take someone not too familiar with meth, but they do meth semi/regularly and are spending a good amount of money to support their habit. Now imagine even after watching this show they dont give a fuck about what happens to them and they just want to tweak. The cops and scientists on the show continually stated its easy to get the chemicals, find recipes, and make. They might as well make a show on terrorism, and list hook ups on where to buy explosives and show you step by step how to make a bomb.

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someone that watched this show please chime in....one of the scientists or cops not exactly sure who....but they def compared the level of difficulty of making meth to making chocolate chip cookies, and thats no joke. My point of view is....take someone not too familiar with meth, but they do meth semi/regularly and are spending a good amount of money to support their habit. Now imagine even after watching this show they dont give a fuck about what happens to them and they just want to tweak. The cops and scientists on the show continually stated its easy to get the chemicals, find recipes, and make. They might as well make a show on terrorism, and list hook ups on where to buy explosives and show you step by step how to make a bomb.

Does anyone not know that meth is easy to make? and that you make it with things that are readily accessible? was this news to anyone??

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2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 large eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 (12-ounce) package or 2 cups white chocolate chips

1 to 2 cups macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped

Preheat oven to 375*F (190*C).

In a medium bowl, mix together flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.

In large mixing bowl, with an electric mixer at medium speed, cream together the butter and both sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Gently stir in flour mixture until just combined. Fold in the white chocolate and

macadamia nuts.

Drop cookies by rounded tablespoonfuls onto a non-stick cookie sheet (or lined with parchment paper) about 1-inch apart.

Bake for 9 to 12 minutes or until lightly golden, turning cookie sheet around after 5 minutes to ensure even browning.

Transfer cookies to a wire rack and cool completely. Store in airtight container.

Makes about 5 dozen cookies.

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