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My Mother makes a good point!!!! About Katrina reliefe


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SO im in the car with mom today and somethng sparked a comment from her about this whole hurricane issue.

The comment she made was "See?....did you notice that no other contries are doing or even offering to lend a hand with all assistance needed down south?"

Well i know i havent been folllowing to the letter what Bush has been saying or any official statments from the red cross and im sorry but im human and at times very selfish in my work so. appology exntended.

But is she right? Is it true no other contries are offering assistance?

Because the end of her statment was:

"And everyone thinks that americans think of themselves as the superior contry while at the same time we but into everyone elses problems, arms wide open and at times put other contries in a position where they HAVE to accept our help less they feel as if we wont be there for them when they next need it"

Is she right?

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Is this Irina?

I had this exact conversation with someone yesterday and it's funny to me how some people are comparing this to the tsunami...I'm not trying to downplay how bad this hurricane was in anyway but it is in no way anywhere close to the tsunami. I don't think we need world wide relief efforts in this situation. I doubt other countries even know about the hurricane. We will be fine on our own.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that are suffering from this

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Is this Irina?

I'm not trying to downplay how bad this hurricane was in anyway but it is in no way anywhere close to the tsunami.

Said the same thing to my fiance yesterday. I think it's in poor taste to compare this to the tsunami. 216,000 people died...

I'm not saying this isn't horrible, but come on.

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Is this Irina?

I had this exact conversation with someone yesterday and it's funny to me how some people are comparing this to the tsunami...I'm not trying to downplay how bad this hurricane was in anyway but it is in no way anywhere close to the tsunami. I don't think we need world wide relief efforts in this situation. I doubt other countries even know about the hurricane. We will be fine on our own.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families that are suffering from this

:nono: it's not me lol

*and after yesterdays talk I kind of understand it better now :)

Oh and I have NEVERRRRRRRR compared it to the Tsunami Mike..I don't know where u're getting that from ;)

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I didn't say you compared it to the Tsunami but like someone else said, the governor called it "our tsunami" which is fine also...

I guess I was assuming that when people say, "why aren't other countries helping us" that they were maybe comparing it to how the USA and other countries helped during the Tsunami

antifm, what would you mother like other countries to do to help us?

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hey nmn

yea i was jsut venting about what the gov said - i know you didnt make that statement

what does she want them to do? who knows....she usualy turns into some random rant and at the end

its always the "fat cats" that are behind everything LOL

or thats where he head leads anyway LOL

ok moving on

heres a question

if other contries where going ot do something (even though some already are) what would you like them to do?

and giving up lottery tickets dont count

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I didn't say you compared it to the Tsunami but like someone else said, the governor called it "our tsunami" which is fine also...

I guess I was assuming that when people say, "why aren't other countries helping us" that they were maybe comparing it to how the USA and other countries helped during the Tsunami

antifm, what would you mother like other countries to do to help us?

I think her point was, whether we need it or not, it would be nice of them to offer since we give everyone aid for everything. Whether it be money, or supplies.

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hey nmn

yea i was jsut venting about what the gov said - i know you didnt make that statement

what does she want them to do? who knows....she usualy turns into some random rant and at the end

its always the "fat cats" that are behind everything LOL

or thats where he head leads anyway LOL

ok moving on

heres a question

if other contries where going ot do something (even though some already are) what would you like them to do?

and giving up lottery tickets dont count

no offense but reading your post make my head hurt sometimes

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I think her point was, whether we need it or not, it would be nice of them to offer since we give everyone aid for everything. Whether it be money, or supplies.

other countries never offer us shit. since we are the all mighty united states, they think we dont need help sometimes. as a country we have made ourself out to be the only true superpower....hence the mentality by others that we can take care of ourselves. in essence, we can take care on our own, but an offer would be nice.

truly a sad horrible situation. my prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones :(:hug:

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other countries never offer us shit. since we are the all mighty united states, they think we dont need help sometimes. as a country we have made ourself out to be the only true superpower....hence the mentality by others that we can take care of ourselves. in essence, we can take care on our own, but an offer would be nice.

truly a sad horrible situation. my prayers go out to the families that lost loved ones :(:hug:

That's all, just an offer. I mean, throw us a frickin' bone.

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2hours, 10 minutes ago

PARIS - French humanitarian aid officials met on Thursday to examine ways of providing support for victims of Hurricane Katrina in the United States, a French Foreign Ministry spokesman said. France is considering ways of mobilizing relief teams from the French Antilles in the Caribbean, ministry spokesman Denis Simonneau said at a news conference.

"France expresses its readiness to bring this aid based on the needs American authorities express," he said. French authorities were following Katrina's aftermath "with particular attention," he added.

Authorities set up a telephone hotline in France for people to obtain information about relatives or friends who may be missing in the hurricane-ravaged region, Simonneau said.

It was not immediately clear how many French citizens might have been in the region when the hurricane hit.

A day earlier, French President Jacques Chirac sent a message of solidarity to U.S. President George W. Bush, saying France was standing by the victims of the hurricane.

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on Good Morning America today,

Bush said the United States had the resources to cover the massive rebuilding costs, and was not looking for foreign aid.

"I'm not expecting much from foreign nations, because I haven't asked for it. I'm expecting sympathy and maybe some will send cash," he said.

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The governor of Mississipi said that this is their tsunami.

I'm sure i'd be sayin the same thing if I lost my house, friends, family and everything I owned...

Its funny how people can debate on messageboard or other outlets about "is this as bad as 9-11" or "this is our Tsunami", yet the people out in the streets looking for family, or food even, this is last thing on their minds, so people should relax.

jim jim from lynn the city of sin, this wasn't directed towards you or anyone personally, we'll maybe Kaydup.

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I'm sure i'd be sayin the same thing if I lost my house, friends, family and everything I owned...

Its funny how people can debate on messageboard or other outlets about "is this as bad as 9-11" or "this is our Tsunami", yet the people out in the streets looking for family, or food even, this is last thing on their minds, so people should relax.

jim jim from lynn the city of sin, this wasn't directed towards you or anyone personally, we'll maybe Kaydup.

You never come out the way you went in.

All I'm saying is this, I am not saying that this is not a horrible tragedy, but look at the tsunami and the devestation and death (216,000 people) that it caused. In my humble opinion, nothing compares to that.

At the same time, I guess a tragedy is a tragedy... both were caused by nature. So maybe there isn't a difference?

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Its funny how people can debate on messageboard or other outlets about "is this as bad as 9-11" or "this is our Tsunami", yet the people out in the streets looking for family, or food even, this is last thing on their minds, so people should relax.


arguing about semantics is useless at this point.

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I'm sure i'd be sayin the same thing if I lost my house, friends, family and everything I owned...

Its funny how people can debate on messageboard or other outlets about "is this as bad as 9-11" or "this is our Tsunami", yet the people out in the streets looking for family, or food even, this is last thing on their minds, so people should relax.

jim jim from lynn the city of sin, this wasn't directed towards you or anyone personally, we'll maybe Kaydup.

you're DEF taking a stab at antifm's mom in this post

and since we're on the subject, antifm can you post a pic of her please?

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