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Looking For a Job at a salon? READ!


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Dude get over it

Your fucking BUSTED UGLY


and you used to try and kiss my ass on aim

So who the fuck are you kidding

Stop trying to be like your little mentor Ant and get some new shit you fucking ugly big eared low life

Oh and lemme guess. ... ur comeback is (( drumroll please ))

"Your a dumb fucking whore"

How many times can you say that without it getting old?

are you saying im his mentor??? :confused:

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...we all have to deal with consequences of our actions...honestly, you're better off not responding to any of this...set the example of moving on/letting it go by not feeding into the drama...personally, i think part of you likes the drama...and no offense, but you crossed a line - no matter what anyone tells you, the ends DO NOT justify the means...you lost a part of your soul whether you chose to see it or not...i wish you well with your new business, i really do...

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Hahaha please, if you looked semi decent and had ppl throwing money at you for a stupid 2 second clip of you dancing or some wack ass cam shots ... honey YOU WOULD DO IT!

i know lots of semi decent looking girls who would not do what you did in order to make some money but if that's what you need to tell yourself to make you feel better, that's cool...

but seriously, i do get a good laugh everytime I'm on some weird website and there is a link that reads "some whore dancing to britney" or "another camslut" and when I open it and it's you

and I'm not "hatin" cause don't think for a second that I wouldn't do you because of this...I would hit that shit in a heartbeat

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...we all have to deal with consequences of our actions...honestly, you're better off not responding to any of this...set the example of moving on/letting it go by not feeding into the drama...personally, i think part of you likes the drama...and no offense, but you crossed a line - no matter what anyone tells you, the ends DO NOT justify the means...you lost a part of your soul whether you chose to see it or not...i wish you well with your new business, i really do...

I can understand the "You lost part of your soul" comment if I did PORN

But for fucks sake .... IT WASN'T THAT FUCKING SERIOUS!

I moved on by not posting here that much anymore, but obviously the boys on this board don't move on or have anything good in their lives that as soon as I post something, Daniella get's attacked!

If my parents, my family, and my friends got over it and saw nothing really wrong with it, those are the only people in my life I care who have any say in my life. So keep on hating .... it's not gonna get you anywhere in life!


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I can understand the "You lost part of your soul" comment if I did PORN

But for fucks sake .... IT WASN'T THAT FUCKING SERIOUS!

I moved on by not posting here that much anymore, but obviously the boys on this board don't move on or have anything good in their lives that as soon as I post something, Daniella get's attacked!

If my parents, my family, and my friends got over it and saw nothing really wrong with it, those are the only people in my life I care who have any say in my life. So keep on hating .... it's not gonna get you anywhere in life!


question.. why did you say im ghhhhost mentor??

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Face it, you had the reputation of a whore and a slut and it's gonna be hard to get rid of.

And your "job" is nothing to be admirable of, sorry.

I'll take my office job any day of the week over a fucking tanning salon.

but at least your proud of yourself.

And who are you? Jumping on the bandwagon I see

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If my parents, my family, and my friends got over it and saw nothing really wrong with it, those are the only people in my life I care who have any say in my life. So keep on hating .... it's not gonna get you anywhere in life!

...if all these people saw nothing really wrong with it, then they're fucked up as well...come on, you cant be that oblivious to it...you sold your body for money...you think because you didnt make a porn that it's ok?...people paid to see your body...whether you showed nothing or just some boobage...nice nips, btw...there are no shades of gray here...but whatever...trust me, i'm not hating...at this point it's merely entertainment until i leave in about an hour on a roadtrip...

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Actually we got reviewd in Scheckys as one of Soho's most chic and upscale salons in Manhattan

But hey ... what would Iknow about running a business ;)


the place is fairly new, right? are you doing any advertising for it...any specials going on that I might be interested in? I've been looking for a new salon to go to

feel free to shoot me a PM if you don't feel like discussing it here


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Actually we got reviewd in Scheckys as one of Soho's most chic and upscale salons in Manhattan

But hey ... what would Iknow about running a business ;)

So your running every aspect of the bus, I highly doubt that? Didnt you go to some jr college, and you seem a little too imature to be doing this all on your own.. if you are, then i'm impressed and happy for you, but from what I have seen in posts and whatnot, your just a little girl who uses men for money and sex to advance your so called career.

You have a website for this front for a whore house?

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