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The Scariest Moment I have ever Lived


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Ok so it was 9pm last night when all of the sudden I felt Dizzy, I thought it was me when my hubby said the building is moving. So we get up and run to tell his brother that the building was moving, and then it really started to move.....we are on a 14th floor, and literally the whole building moved side to side. The doors starting opening and closing, boxes fell a lamp by the wall would move back and forth. So we all grabbed our shoes and headed down the stairs, I swear I HAVE NEVER BEEN THAT SCARED IN MY LIFE.......my legs were shaking on the way down,I was breathing heavily I felt my blood rushing to every part of my body, everyone was trying to get to the first floor. So many things started running through my mind, all I could think of was getting to the first floor before the building collapsed, thankfully it did not.......so when everything passes, we find out that there was a Major Earthquake in Peru which was measured at a 7 on the Richter Scale, it was felt throughout Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela.

Mind you Bogota is on top of the Andes Mountain, we are 8000ft above sea level, and this earthquake effected a part of the Andes which is the reason Bogota felt it so much. I have been thru Hurricanes & Tornados, but I SWEAR to you this is 100 times scarier!!!

Mind you earthquakes are not a normal thing here, so everyone was scared. I pray to God that the people of Peru are ok.

I was still shaken up during the night, had a hard time getting to sleep....but everything is ok and back to normal. I just hope I dont have to live through a bigger one in mylife.

MJM and Funk I know you guys are from Peru don't know if you have family in Peru, but here is the link to the website where you can know exactly where it hit


I guess you can look it up on Yahoo as well cause that link is in Spanish.

Ingrid.. I know what you mean. The lights in my aunts house were rattling like crazy and there was a feeling of nausea and lightheadedness while that was happening. I forgot to tell you that I was flying to Bogota. I got here last week and have been dealing with a death in my family. Drop me your number and maybe we can hang out before I leave on saturday if I can manage to escape for a bit

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Damn, Ingrid, that sounds terrifying. I'm glad you and all of yours are okay. I've got an ex in Bogota, I hope she's okay too.

Funketeer, that is some interesting shit about the Ring of Fire. I need to brush up on my geography because I did not realize that it went all the way down through south America too.

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Damn, Ingrid, that sounds terrifying. I'm glad you and all of yours are okay. I've got an ex in Bogota, I hope she's okay too.

Funketeer, that is some interesting shit about the Ring of Fire. I need to brush up on my geography because I did not realize that it went all the way down through south America too.

it's a chain of interconected rivers of magma, magma is what lava's called when lava flows underground, it's melted rock on almost liquid state...magma becomes lava when it surfaces through a volcano's crater...you heard it here...boom...boom...boom...first! :biggrin:

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it's a chain of interconected rivers of magma, magma is what lava's called when lava flows underground, it's melted rock on almost liquid state...magma becomes lava when it surfaces through a volcano's crater...you heard it here...boom...boom...boom...first! :biggrin:

puff puff give!!!

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it's a chain of interconected rivers of magma, magma is what lava's called when lava flows underground, it's melted rock on almost liquid state...magma becomes lava when it surfaces through a volcano's crater...you heard it here...boom...boom...boom...first! :biggrin:
I know all about lava and magma from watching Return of the King and Revenge of the Sith, who needs school when there's movies to teach us this stuff? :grin3: Nah, it was just the Ring of Fire I was unsure about. But thanks for the science lesson. :aright:
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