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Mr VIP brings in Major Las Vegas Show


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In Las Vegas, many VIP hosts are able to provide access to the best venues in town. That is the easy part. The hard part of the hosting business is to keep people's attention and not get lost in the crowd of the other VIP hosts. We came across a great opportunity that could lead Mr VIP "above and beyond" many other VIP hosts that deal with Las Vegas. The question for us is whether or not we want to go in this direction at this point in time, or focus on our previous plans.

We are entertaining the idea of introducing a major Las Vegas show, that plays at a strip resort, in a VIP package that we will offer through our service. Also in that package, we would include limo service.

In anyone's opinion, would the same tourist-clubgoers that frequent our venues be in the market for a popular Las Vegas show?

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Mr VIP and LA Late parted ways a long time ago. This show isn't one of the two that you mentioned, but it is one that is popular and everyone likes. Like I said, we're only entertaining the idea at this point in time, but it is a definite possibility if we get a good response to it.

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Mr VIP and LA Late parted ways a long time ago. This show isn't one of the two that you mentioned, but it is one that is popular and everyone likes. Like I said, we're only entertaining the idea at this point in time, but it is a definite possibility if we get a good response to it.

Your not gonna get good feedback if you cant tell us the fuckin show moron.

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At this point in time we are not at liberty to say which show we are dealing with until the possible deal closes, or doesn't close. We were just asking a general opinion question about the type of interest we would receive from clubgoers if we introduced a major Las Vegas show into a package. To answer this question, it is not necessary for you to know which show we are speaking of.

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In anyone's opinion, would the same tourist-clubgoers that frequent our venues be in the market for a popular Las Vegas show?

Hard to say. Certainly some folks would be interested, but aside from the big question of "what show" the bigger question is what kind of seating will you be offering.

For the most part though, when I'm in a show in Vegas and I look around the audience, I'm not exactly seeing folks whose next stop is Body English, Pure, OPM or ICE.

Effectively it sounds like you're getting into the market of being a ticket broker, in which case I'd imagine you'd be better off establishing a relationship with a good, established one who has access to multiple shows rather than try to push a single deal.

Think of it this way: you no longer represent just one club, you've graduated to the level where you establish relationships with multiple spots so you can meet a wider range of clients' wishes.

The bulk of the theaters for the big shows are small enough and designed well enough that getting super-premium seating just isn't that great of a benefit over the same seats that are available online. For example, I just bought a pair of seats for the new BMG show through the Venetian website and the seats are just about dead-center. I can't imagine any sort of package that would make the deal any better.

On the flipside, the money I've seen people fork over to brokers for Celine tickets is mind-boggling.

That's where the perception of value comes into play, and it's something you need to consider among your customer base. There are a lot of people out there that won't flinch at a $500 bar tab, but will downright refuse to spend $75 (let alone $100-150) on tickets to a Cirque show. Similarly, the same friends I've seen hand over $500 cash for Celine tickets won't even dream about spending the same (or less) for an all-night table reservation.

Finally, there's the notion that what you provide as a VIP club host goes beyond simple access; it's how well you can read your clients' tastes. Your job is not only to provide access, but to make sure the personality of your clients matches the vibe of the club you get them to (as well as populate the clubs themselves with the clientele they want). To me that makes the services of a host much more worthwhile -- you're offering a value-add that goes beyond a simple line pass. With show tickets, you're just a broker and little more.

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To answer this question, it is not necessary for you to know which show we are speaking of.

Hey asshole.... yes it is necessary, you dont want to bring on a show that is out of the age range of intrest for clubbers...Actually I hope you do.

How do you run a business, honestly? If you looking for answers you have to ask direct questions w/ details, to know what people are into..

Your gonna be a flop, your not direct enuff, your service seems real sketchy..

Like I said a few weeks back, you'd never get a refrence from me, your too wishy washy....

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Greenie, thank you for the valuable input. We will take into account the pros and cons that you mentioned along with a few others before we make our final decision. xlr8ted, we know that if we were to provide a show with a package, it would have to be a show that would cater to the age range of a clubgoer. This is a factor that we have already taken into account. We weren't necessarily looking for a direct answer from the forum, just a generalization of what people thought of the idea based on shows they may or may not want to see. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There are many people who like the service that we provide. If you think that our service is "sketchy," then you are entitled to that opinion. As the cliche saying goes, "to each their own."

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