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To all that where at the meetup, i just want to tell you that I had yet another WONDERFUL time. I enjoyed hanging out with all 60 of you. Incredible turn out i must say.

Must give Mikey credit on choosing this place, it was a very beautiful restaurant, great lighting, service, food, and drinks. And most of all GREAT COMPANY. it was really nice seeing all of you again.

For all those who left as i was getting there, i wish you would have stayed later (Marcella) smile.gif.....WE'll have to do lunch sometime late next week again.

I gotta say it was just like the good ol days! hehehehehehehehe.....well, im here at ooana's and she's going to post her reply, so ima quit hoggin her keyboard, and grab some hot chocolate!!! smile.gif.....See you all again soon

Andy, i'll Prolly see you tomorrow afternoon.

Peace in the middle east! cwm35.gif


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"Live for Twilo Fridays, The rest are just details" -Me

-----"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


[This message has been edited by trippintrance64 (edited 12-13-2000).]

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Well, what can I say folks. It was WONDERFUL to meet you all. You made a sick girl feel much much better! And I got out of the house FINALLY!!!!!

Mikey, thanks for setting up a great time. You really pulled it off. I promise you some chocolate milk real soon :-)

Honestly guys, I can't tell you how lucky I feel to have met you. Thank you.

Tanya and Cara, we will definitely be hanging out again soon. We've a lot more to talk about ;-)

Claudio and Charlie, I'll get you both back, just you wait!!!! Muhahahahaha! And Charlie, stop stickin' glow sticks in your eye will ya?!

Andy, you should be with us enjoying hot chocolate!!! Maybe. ;-)I think your dinner order will go down in history. But I do have to say, that was MAD good PB&J! Al wants me to tell you to ask them to cut the crust off next time though cwm17.gif

MikeyM good luck with the studying this weekend, bud. You're almost done!!!

All the folks at our table, how the HELL did we eat all that?!!!??! Seriously! (Al chimed in there. ;-) )

Lets see lets see...who else. I know I'm forgetting things I don't want to. Gah of course!

DAVE!!!! Great to see you there. We all owe you a lot of thank yous for what you've created here. And get a new box!!!!!!!! Al chimes in, "It was great meeting you, and things WILL get better!"

James, James James James <just chuckles shaking her head>. Ya know I adore ya buddy <winks>

Frodo Boris!! We ARE doing a B&D run. Must must must.

Hugh, can't wait to go skating, it'll be a blast. Real good to have met ya and I'm looking forward to crashing on my butt on the ice....over, and over and over again. Please don't laugh TOO much.

Sineal, I'll getcha yer champagne, don't ya worry! But what the hell will we talk about? There's nothing we CAN talk about!!!!

I'm sure I've forgotten some people I don't want to leave out of this post but forgive me for now. I'll make it up ta ya ;-)

Hopefully see you all again this weekend or sometime soon! <cough cough, hack hack> Okay...more hot chocolate time! You're all baaaaaaad influences!!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Originally posted by jdogg:

It was great....just got back from it and it was great....nice meeting everyone there, the new people and once again to everyone else.

Pictures tomorrow?

Gah of course! MARIO get those pics up!!!! Great seeing you as always m'dear. ::::hugs::::



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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I got home!


Wish i could've joined all at the outting afterwards.

I won't even *try* to list all the name, but I will add one person who had to leave early too: PeachE. Everyone say 'Hi'

I'm really looking forward to the next time I get to meet you all out. I remember at least 30+ plus and there were so many more my brain is fried.

I had a really great time... and that PB *did* look pretty good... but my sammich was tasty too.

BIG thanks to Mikey and everyone who had a hand in wrangling out so many tables for such a huge group. I swear it took them over an hour just to get our food out of the kitchen.

See you in the clubs/ on the board...



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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I LOVED ALL THE NEW PEOPLE I MET and the ONES i already knew

..not gonna start mentioning names for the risk of missing somebody (you all know who you are)

thank you all for making the night for me cwm41.gif



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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Arthur! Great meeting you and your lady! Looking forward to seeing you both again.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Great time tonight......such a good turnout.....I apologize to everyone as I was very "zoned out" at the meetup.....haven't slept in many days so I wasn't the most social person......didn't get to meet a lot of new people, which I had hoped to, but I guess there will be other times......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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sorry people this has nothing to do with the topic just need your attention

this is Arhtur posting for my dear GF Lina who all of you saw and now can judge - i am trying to convince her to start using this SN -wich is so much cuter than the one shes using

(a lottle peer pressure never killed anyone cwm32.gif )



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I was great meeting all of you last night...I met a ton of new faces, and only remember a couple new names so I'm not going to get into that...

Overall there was a great showing for the meetup...hopefully we turn out Cream tomorrow night like we turned out America last night...hope to see you all again this weekend... cwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Most importantly of all, two people who made last night possible, Mikey (apotheosis) for his organizing efforts in getting us all a place to chill, and DaVe, without whom none of this would have been possible. Also brought to you by the letter "L" and the number "420"

Thanks guys, and see ya's at Cream (maybe, i think...)



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It was so nice seeingyou guys once again and for thsoe I just met, it was nice meeting all of you...

(Al, I know, I wanted to stay too but I was better off, I am feeling much better today so it paid off wink.gif I can breathe again )


I love you guys !!

P.S. Thanks Mikey you did a great job!

When is the next meetup????


AIM vampie

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I must say what has been said...great time, great food, great place, and...great people!

So busy yappin':

Amalkav saw what I got for dinner and said "That looks good...I'll have one."

I got mine before she even ordered, and she finished hers before I was even 1/3 done!

That's how crazy this meetup was, for those of you who didn't make it. Not easy meeting 60 peeeps at once.

Thanks Mike for puttin' it all together.

When are we giving the secret santa presents? Next meetup?

Oi, and Fun was fun too...read that thread.

To all those I met, this is just the beginning...

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