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Tookie Williams


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interesting pictures on the covers of the children's books: a few just of little blonde children. a writer has to address the correct audience if he wants to make a difference. i don't think speaking at beverly hills nursery schools would've changed much, so he shouldn't've tried to be pc by putting irrelevant pictures in his books :shaky: .
State sanctioned murder is awesome!
i guess you and i are the only anti-death penalty people on this thread, but i believe in people serving their sentences. to me, what the court said, goes. if someone is sentenced to 10 years, i think that "off in 5 for good behavior" is bullshit. people might argue with me 'cause of monetary reasons, but i think the most important thing is to keep dangerous people away from the general public.
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I am still torn on this subject. An eye for an eye does make the world blind BUT I also believe that if you do not value life enough in that you would take someone elses, you should be ready to give up your own. The death penalty seems to be an attribute of a primitive society but how evolved are we when murderous acts are committed daily? Our system for rehabilitation and deterrance do not work - there really is a limited if no fear of consequences. I think changes need to occur in the system as well as for us to look at the possible roots of these problems - i.e. family values at home.

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I am still torn on this subject. An eye for an eye does make the world blind BUT I also believe that if you do not value life enough in that you would take someone elses, you should be ready to give up your own. The death penalty seems to be an attribute of a primitive society but how evolved are we when murderous acts are committed daily?

some would argue that in some cases of abortion the same logic should apply.

i never really understood people who are against the death penalty and are full hardcore pro-abortion. for the record i'm pro-abortion in cases of rape, incest and when the mothers health is in danger, not when you get your GF pregnant and you just dont want to deal with having a kid.

in any case, this is what i wrote somewhere else:

i'lll be sincere that i am notr 100% familiar with the case, but from what i've read, the casings from the 2 murder secenes matched his gun. the one at the 7-11 and the one at the hotel. further, his fellow gang members admitted that he bragged about the execution style killing of the 7-11 guy (of course they could have been lying in order to get a more lenient sentence themselves) and witnesses put him at the scene of the crime at the hotel. and there were witnesses that were not at the scene with no criminal record that stated for fact that he bought the gun and that he talked about the murders with the guy who rented him a room.

was there anything in these cases, that could lead one to believe that there was any reasonable doubt that he didn't commit the crimes? from my understanding the case was appealed about 10 times and it was denied, so state and federel courts have reviewed the case to death for 24 years before it come to this. in 24 years there was no new evidence for his innocence? no new witnesses? no one changed their stories? i find it hard to believe that in 24 years nothing new came up that would have contributed to his claims of innocence.

another trial? that could have been a possibility - but a lot of people involved in the case from 1981 (witnesses, police, prosecuters, other gang members) are probably dead, dont remember shit, or just want to leave it in the past.

yeah, while it is morally wrong for man to decide on who shall live and who shall die, i think this goes on on other areas where we dont view it as being a problem.

while there has been cases where the wrong person was put in death row and in some cases was executed, i am not at all convinced even by the most insignificant of margins that this was one of those cases.

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some would argue that in some cases of abortion the same logic should apply.

i never really understood people who are against the death penalty and are full hardcore pro-abortion. for the record i'm pro-abortion in cases of rape, incest and when the mothers health is in danger, not when you get your GF pregnant and you just dont want to deal with having a kid...

that, my friend, is a different topic enTIREly.
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some would argue that in some cases of abortion the same logic should apply.

i never really understood people who are against the death penalty and are full hardcore pro-abortion. for the record i'm pro-abortion in cases of rape, incest and when the mothers health is in danger, not when you get your GF pregnant and you just dont want to deal with having a kid.

Oh yeah, i bet we wouldnt be having this conversation if tookies mama had a chance at having the hoover to her cooter and pulled that bastard out dead before he went and started one of the most violent gangs out there today.

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