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Ever get rejected from a club before????


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u know what i find fucking hilarious...the fact that Jon is badmouthing a place like Sullivan Room...because of its grimy decor...well shit jon..i didnt know u moved to cali and got all bottles and models on us...

from what i remember we spent a great deal of time @ vinyl..which , before the remodeling, was the grimiest place on the fucking planet..and guess what...we all loved it..

ur basically selling off everything u once stood for to prove ur point to Detroit...

nice job kid...keep on california dreamin

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u know what i find fucking hilarious...the fact that Jon is badmouthing a place like Sullivan Room...because of its grimy decor...well shit jon..i didnt know u moved to cali and got all bottles and models on us...

from what i remember we spent a great deal of time @ vinyl..which , before the remodeling, was the grimiest place on the fucking planet..and guess what...we all loved it..

ur basically selling off everything u once stood for to prove ur point to Detroit...

nice job kid...keep on california dreamin

arent you bottles and models now too?
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hysterical...point being..all u guys sound like hypocrites trying to shit on sully..we all practically grew up in fucking vinyl...and now ur all badmouthing a place thats similar to it
where have i bad mouthed it? but it is a shithole..

and besides.. if i bad mouthed it..Al would end our friendship

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ur agreeing with jon..it sounds like u guys would sell ur own mother down the river just to prove a point
yea im agreeing with him that freddie is a douchebag and a loser.. but please show me where i bad mouthed sully..i always thought sully was a shithole but i also mentioned i was there last week.
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ur agreeing with jon..it sounds like u guys would sell ur own mother down the river just to prove a point

I never said I didnt go there, I never said I didnt go to vinyl, I never said anything but the fact that the place is a shitthole....I never said I sold out to bottles and modles, I never expressed that I did....

if you know so much about my life why dont you share it amongst the crowd?

and since I'm such a fuckin sellout and since you want me to keep california dreaming, maybe supporting the crew that gets their kicks from picking on women and contradicting time after time makes sense. i think there's a newbie on the board, lets rag on him and throw our internet braun around so he feels so little about himself that our sense of self confidence can be quenched for those few minutes before reality sets in again

and I got news for you....sully is nothing like vinyl

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Actually, the consensus is that you're a pissing douchebag. I'll keep you posted if it changes, ok, douchebag?

douchebag? flattering

I hope this elevates your status amongst your internet hommies.....maybe when the next big meetup at Newport Jai Alai takes place they'll sport you a Heineken and you guys can chat about the latest CP gossip

way to go playa :aright:

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I never said I didnt go there, I never said I didnt go to vinyl, I never said anything but the fact that the place is a shitthole....I never said I sold out to bottles and modles, I never expressed that I did....

if you know so much about my life why dont you share it amongst the crowd?

and since I'm such a fuckin sellout and since you want me to keep california dreaming, maybe supporting the crew that gets their kicks from picking on women and contradicting time after time makes sense. i think there's a newbie on the board, lets rag on him and throw our internet braun around so he feels so little about himself that our sense of self confidence can be quenched for those few minutes before reality sets in again

and I got news for you....sully is nothing like vinyl

i never said u didnt go to vinyl..alll i said is that vinyl is a lot like sullivan room...A LOT..u cant even deny it..but u go on talking shit about it..meanwhile...remember vinyl before the makeover??? 10x worse than sully....and we fuckin loved it...lived there practically..sounds mad hypocritical of u

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