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dino -

look, egg-rollz - I'm not sure when/how/or where you came about ( I guess I fell off and you wanted to reign as new 'piss-people-off' guy? ).. .in any case, your jokes are blase, silly, half the times they dont really make much sense etc. I'm assuming you're a developer/programmer... . you get excessive time to play on the internet - probably can't mumble more than "ahhh errrpsss eeeekk hrmm" (in FACT, I'm willing to be you're one of those guys that's limbless and types with a forehead-stick (in FACT , I'm EVEN willing to go as far as saying your slave to a wheelchair, and all this "bad-assed attitude" is pent up aggression from the first day you recevied denials from Twilo Mgmt. regarding your wheelchair-access requests. .(it's ok! we shall dance FOR you!) .. .. middle-management probably owns your busted-ass and slides pizzas under your door at 2am while you widdle away at the keyboard and "get CRAZY on the 'net " .. anyway - sure, ur a funny guy, hell I might invite you to a party sometime and let you get "Loud and Wild" with some friends.. ..all for now buddha-boy

Zoya - Guess I'm a victim of "never cry wolf"... . .great,thanks.

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Originally posted by alpha:

dino -

look, egg-rollz - I'm not sure when/how/or where you came about ( I guess I fell off and you wanted to reign as new 'piss-people-off' guy? ).. .in any case, your jokes are blase, silly, half the times they dont really make much sense etc. I'm assuming you're a developer/programmer... . you get excessive time to play on the internet - probably can't mumble more than "ahhh errrpsss eeeekk hrmm" (in FACT, I'm willing to be you're one of those guys that's limbless and types with a forehead-stick (in FACT , I'm EVEN willing to go as far as saying your slave to a wheelchair, and all this "bad-assed attitude" is pent up aggression from the first day you recevied denials from Twilo Mgmt. regarding your wheelchair-access requests. .(it's ok! we shall dance FOR you!) .. .. middle-management probably owns your busted-ass and slides pizzas under your door at 2am while you widdle away at the keyboard and "get CRAZY on the 'net " .. anyway - sure, ur a funny guy, hell I might invite you to a party sometime and let you get "Loud and Wild" with some friends.. ..all for now buddha-boy

Zoya - Guess I'm a victim of "never cry wolf"... . .great,thanks.

Bro, you definitely didn't fall off!!!



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Hey Alpha,

Don't know you, however, your ramblings make a you out to be one of those Indian freaks at Webster Hall Friday nights with toungues hanging out, butt grabbing, smelly when sweating, losers. To top it off, is it true you actually showed your face at a meetup only to be ridiculed? That's the work of an idiot. Curious now to know how ugly you look.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by alpha:

blahblhalbahhbalbab racial slurring is SO unbecoming O'Year-Of-The-Rat.. .. I feel awful for your F5 key; to constantly refresh clubnyc for new posts/replies. See, chopstix, you're a "get-by"'er. ..(just "getting by"). . . You're that guy who had three herbosaur friends who leaned against the wall for the middle school prom.. .then the junior prom.. .the senior prom (unless at this time you were feeling "nutty" enough to take pops' Grey Goose and "throw a couple down in Buddy's 240SX". .you're BASICALLY the face of rejection .. the same guy who spends $300 a night going out ($250 to squeak your pimple-army past tough doors).. .look, stir-fryez . .just leave me alone.. please.... you're unrelenting hatred and general " badboyness" is sometihng I can't deal with. .. I can't work properly knowing that some guy deep in the underbelly of a corporate server room in manhattan who makes sure no one goes over their email quota is lurking over me, watching my every movement... .i cant LIVE tihnking that, deep, in the nasty jungles of "bastardino land", some evil man. .a very bad bad person, is using "penis" and "you" in the same sentence..... MAKE IT STOPPP .. SOMEONE.. ...dont you have a manager!! dont you have a computer to fix! leave me alone!! aren't there more ads to browse on love.aol.com . .

p.s. your mom like the sukki-sukki!

(had to!)


My dear friend Alpha. The fact that you even know that F5 key refreshes (Who the fuck knew?) makes you a gork. that's right, a combination of a geek and a dork. Listen, I think it maybe time to go back to work, that cab isn't gonna drive itself you know. Also, next time I wave you down, please do us all a big favor and wash that towel on your head. I mean it fucking stinks up the whole car.

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PS. Don't you have a wife waiting for you? You know, the one you were arranged to marry when you were 6. So what if she's 437 pounds? the more the marrier as they say. And I don't want to hear from others that you are still using that pick up line "Hey beutiful, I went to Cal tech" and later it turns out that you went to Calcutta Technical Institute with a class of 4 million students.

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Originally posted by bungee:

Hey Alpha,

Don't know you, however, your ramblings make a you out to be one of those Indian freaks at Webster Hall Friday nights with toungues hanging out, butt grabbing, smelly when sweating, losers. To top it off, is it true you actually showed your face at a meetup only to be ridiculed? That's the work of an idiot. Curious now to know how ugly you look.

Hmmm.. I'm not sure, bro , I'm not sure.. .considering you have more than double the posts I do, (and I've never been to webhall) but at least I make it out to clubs, my Queens-dwelling Bung.. bungee bunghole whatever the fuck your name is.. .and YES, i smell when I sweat, when I stuff my balls down your menopausal mother's throat and do my "O-face" " OHH OHO hohoh OHHOhohohoho hOHOH" you silly faggot . .and dont make me repost that message you wrote a while back about "hey guys. .when you roll REALLY hard and start hugging your guy-friends onthe dance floor do you eve think, when coming down, you might be gay/bi-curious. .because sometime I thi. . ." STFU

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Originally posted by alpha:

Hmmm.. I'm not sure, bro , I'm not sure.. .considering you have more than double the posts I do, (and I've never been to webhall) but at least I make it out to clubs, my Queens-dwelling Bung.. bungee bunghole whatever the fuck your name is.. .and YES, i smell when I sweat, when I stuff my balls down your menopausal mother's throat and do my "O-face" " OHH OHO hohoh OHHOhohohoho hOHOH" you silly faggot . .and dont make me repost that message you wrote a while back about "hey guys. .when you roll REALLY hard and start hugging your guy-friends onthe dance floor do you eve think, when coming down, you might be gay/bi-curious. .because sometime I thi. . ." STFU

Your ramblings continue to befuddle my senses. Yous remind me of 'Jasea', a friend from my posting past. My sig was originally designed for him/her, whatever, now I dedicate to you. You prove to me your intellect, or lack thereof in your instance. Mother jokes can be funny if done properly, what Imma saying is you do not. Childish, yes, sophisticated, NOT. Then again, how far can a G.E.D. carry one nowadays, in your case, to the welfare line. Were you whom I heard screaming when Bush was declared the winna? Sigh..Tis a shame you need to move from Webster once they bagan allowing only humans in. Go ahead, pull your prior posts and read aloud, several times albeit, to see how infantile they really are. Before you respond, please read my sig..or shall I wait while you pull your G.E.D..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

Your ramblings continue to befuddle my senses. Yous remind me of 'Jasea', a friend from my posting past. My sig was originally designed for him/her, whatever, now I dedicate to you. You prove to me your intellect, or lack thereof in your instance. Mother jokes can be funny if done properly, what Imma saying is you do not. Childish, yes, sophisticated, NOT. Then again, how far can a G.E.D. carry one nowadays, in your case, to the welfare line. Were you whom I heard screaming when Bush was declared the winna? Sigh..Tis a shame you need to move from Webster once they bagan allowing only humans in. Go ahead, pull your prior posts and read aloud, several times albeit, to see how infantile they really are. Before you respond, please read my sig..or shall I wait while you pull your G.E.D..

BLAHBLHAb lahblahblAhb A


".. intellecet.. .to whom. ..ramblings. .bahlbalhb"

Look man, just STFU and(KNOW YOUR PLACE). .

heed my warning as you wince at a picture of bastardinos momma showin off some stinky-puss

(. .just stfu!)



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Originally posted by bungee:

Your ramblings continue to befuddle my senses. Yous remind me of 'Jasea', a friend from my posting past. My sig was originally designed for him/her, whatever, now I dedicate to you. You prove to me your intellect, or lack thereof in your instance. Mother jokes can be funny if done properly, what Imma saying is you do not. Childish, yes, sophisticated, NOT. Then again, how far can a G.E.D. carry one nowadays, in your case, to the welfare line. Were you whom I heard screaming when Bush was declared the winna? Sigh..Tis a shame you need to move from Webster once they bagan allowing only humans in. Go ahead, pull your prior posts and read aloud, several times albeit, to see how infantile they really are. Before you respond, please read my sig..or shall I wait while you pull your G.E.D..

Hey a piece of advice.. STFU!!

Sorry but the feud is between them..Stay out of it..


AIM vampie

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Originally posted by alpha:

dino -

look, egg-rollz - I'm not sure when/how/or where you came about ( I guess I fell off and you wanted to reign as new 'piss-people-off' guy? ).. .in any case, your jokes are blase, silly, half the times they dont really make much sense etc. I'm assuming you're a developer/programmer... . you get excessive time to play on the internet - probably can't mumble more than "ahhh errrpsss eeeekk hrmm" (in FACT, I'm willing to be you're one of those guys that's limbless and types with a forehead-stick (in FACT , I'm EVEN willing to go as far as saying your slave to a wheelchair, and all this "bad-assed attitude" is pent up aggression from the first day you recevied denials from Twilo Mgmt. regarding your wheelchair-access requests. .(it's ok! we shall dance FOR you!) .. .. middle-management probably owns your busted-ass and slides pizzas under your door at 2am while you widdle away at the keyboard and "get CRAZY on the 'net " .. anyway - sure, ur a funny guy, hell I might invite you to a party sometime and let you get "Loud and Wild" with some friends.. ..all for now buddha-boy

Zoya - Guess I'm a victim of "never cry wolf"... . .great,thanks.

Mista Alpo,

Me name a not Dino. Pwueeze donta call me dino? You no likee me Alpo? So vat I likee Eggrollz. So Vat. You no a wemember me? I sneaka into your momma's woom one night and you were then born. You are actually my son. heh heh. Half Indian, half chinese. Maybe you a likee eggrollz too, just no admit? So show your respect son. Or HungRollz will bang you till you cry my names out in your sleep, boy..

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Hey a piece of advice.. STFU!!

Sorry but the feud is between them..Stay out of it..

I was bored so,....F.U. Sides, they were taking too long to come up with their material. I mean how long should it take to do mother jokes? I can do one on you in .001 seconds, Vamp. You look like Dracula?..hence the name? Or is it that you like to suck guys dry.

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Originally posted by petedapimp:

cwm13.gif yo - why do u guys hafta pretend your all sophisticated n shit while makin fun of eachother.."you prove to me your intelect".."my dear friend Alpha"..Blah blah..u guyz r a joke..

-i gotta say it is pretty funny tho.. so whatever..keep goin i guess..




PETE =DA= PImP wutup wutupw twupt you fucking FUCK. ...(a) dont patronize me (B) STFU © (. ... hmm. ..just STFU)


pete you fucking benchwarmer STFU/STFA (STAY THE FUCK AWAY).. i'll brain you

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Alpha do us all a big favor and stop posting pictures of your dream girl. For god sakes she has feelings also. And don't deny the fact that you masturbate to that picture for hours every night. Isn't it time to do an 8 hour cab shit anyway? you really should get some sleep cause after the 8hour cab duty you still need to work another 12 hours at the quickie mart. And don't foget to say Thank you come again, to each and every customer that walks in.

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Originally posted by petedapimp:

cwm13.gif yo - why do u guys hafta pretend your all sophisticated n shit while makin fun of eachother.."you prove to me your intelect".."my dear friend Alpha"..Blah blah..u guyz r a joke..

-i gotta say it is pretty funny tho.. so whatever..keep goin i guess..



You pimply pimp fucker. Ya forgot to take care of business between my thick legs you fag. Go back to 42nd St and chase those Greyhound buses, will ya?..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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This is the most amusing shit I have read all day!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I find it kind if ironic that everytime I go to a 7 - 11 or a dairymart that there appears to be a towel head behind the register. And what is the deal with that " dot " on the forehead? Does it signify anything or is it residue left on their faces from not washing their face correctly?? Towel on the head thing I'll never really understand. Is it dandruff problem, lack of taking a shower? This is america..... dress like one!!! THere are no camels or deserts around here buddy!!!!!!



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Originally posted by snappy139:

This is the most amusing shit I have read all day!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! I find it kind if ironic that everytime I go to a 7 - 11 or a dairymart that there appears to be a towel head behind the register. And what is the deal with that " dot " on the forehead? Does it signify anything or is it residue left on their faces from not washing their face correctly?? Towel on the head thing I'll never really understand. Is it dandruff problem, lack of taking a shower? This is america..... dress like one!!! THere are no camels or deserts around here buddy!!!!!!

You'll never understand cuz you're a fuckin red-neck moron. Yo, are your parents brother and sister?? hehe

Christ, you're living proof that Darwin's theory doesn't work...otherwise how would fuck-heads like you ever survive?

lol lol


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by bastardino:

Alpha do us all a big favor and stop posting pictures of your dream girl. For god sakes she has feelings also. And don't deny the fact that you masturbate to that picture for hours every night. Isn't it time to do an 8 hour cab shit anyway? you really should get some sleep cause after the 8hour cab duty you still need to work another 12 hours at the quickie mart. And don't foget to say Thank you come again, to each and every customer that walks in.

Listen, chi-chu, I seriulsy have NO time for you, your mom, bunghole, pete-da-buttfuck, crappy138 etc etc ETC. .DFA (DONT FUCK AROUND)

anyway, I found this clipping from my trip to the Great Wall of China . .in the photo is bastardino's pre-teen brace-faced sister contemplating another mind-blowing buttblast from her Creator/Master/Guru (ME) while she exmaines the backdoor damage i inflicted




[This message has been edited by alpha (edited 12-15-2000).]

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