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Review of Jet


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I hit up Jet last Monday. Insaaaanely good time, packed to the gills right at 11pm and stayed that way well past 4am.

Yet another first-class Vegas club, it's design and layout clearly shows that the management has paid close attention what works and what doesn't, and it still pulls off an original look and vibe.

On Monday night, each of the three rooms were entirely different in music. Hip-hop/mash from DJ Eddie in the main room, electronic from Josh Wink in the second, and rock (unknown DJ) in the third, every room had people dancing hard non-stop from open to close. The sound system throughout is fantastic. Before Josh Wink came on in the electronic room, they did an absolutely killer jungle session with a live congo drummer backed by a DJ. Outstanding.

The main room features the best lighting rig in town. Seriously. In addition to the independent spots with full effects (at least 16, could be as many as 24), they feature a massive grid of LCD panels suspended above and parralel to the floor. It's hard to believe how bright and vibrant these panels are -- they can (and sometimes do) shut off all the other lights as a result.

Gorgeous woodwork arches from wall to celing on three of the four sides, with countless wall sconces and recesses holding candles. Combined with a bumping dance floor (about the size/shape of Pure's main floor) and great DJ work, it's a killer spot to please the senses even when you're standing still, taking a break from dancing, having a drink or just soaking it all in.

Speaking of which, one of the things I really enjoyed about Jet was the abundance of places to set your drink down -- bars, rails, tables, shelves.

Options for tables are strong but I don't think will be as huge of a selling point. There's no dedicated VIP room or separated area, so those who prefer a bit of seclusion are likely to be attracted elsewhere. However, for those who want dancefloor tables, it's hard to beat. With the exception of a small platform behind the DJ/light booth in the main room, every table in every room is separated from the dance floor only by a velvet rope. The only way you'd have a "bad" table here is if you get a table in a room featuring music that you don't like.

This leads me to one of the things that I think will really help Jet succeed: flexibility. They can quickly and easily adapt based on demand and desire for tables on any given evening; in a flash they could add or remove tables without issue. Moreover, on a slower night they could quite easily close down one of the three rooms, and only the regulars would notice (but not care).

What I think sets Jet apart is the best musical diversity under one roof. If you're going with a small group but everyone likes different music -- hip/hop, electronic and rock -- then there's no question in my mind that this is currently the best spot to hit.

Regular clubbers with a strong preference for a specific music type and/or scene would most likely be happier elsewhere, but I honestly can't imagine any clubber that wouldn't enjoy their time at Jet.

The next time someone throws me the "I'm into clubbing but I'm with a friend or two that are club virgins" question, without hesitation I'll point them to Jet. Whether you want to get your groove or your drink on, or simply hover and watch the pretty people, it's a killer spot.

In other words, I think Jet is the one club that can make ANYONE happy.

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When I arrive on Friday February 3rd...my group is deliberating on whether to get a Table or two at TAO or Jet for Friday night.

We already have two tables for Friday night at Drai's but were thinking about getting a table beforehand at one of the above mentioned spots.

I have been to neither one but have positive reviews about the vibes at both. Obviously my crowd is much more into Electronic music.

Your take is appreciated.

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My take on house/electronic at the two clubs.

Although relegating it to a secondary room, there's no question that Jet still wants people to get a serious groove on to whomever is on the decks. Although there is no fixed DJ booth, the sound system in the room is fixed, tight, booming and loud, and the lighting and decor are geared towards dancing. The room is a moderately sized square: the bar along one wall, tables along the other three walls. The DJ is set up along the wall opposite the bar, amidst the tables -- so if you're the type that loves to give your love to the DJ, this is a great location.

Although it's not a huge room -- about the size of the Fur room at ICE -- they make great use of space and the dance floor is a good size as a result. Finally, the entrances to the room are in the corners, to either side of the bar. So whether you're at your table or in the middle of the dance floor, you don't have to worry about people brushing by you.

Comparatively, on my previous visits I don't get the feeling that Tao really wants people dancing too much in their house room. It's more of a lounge, really. There's no real dance floor there, the music is relegated to the background, and the vibe always seems to be more of socializing and chilling out rather than rocking your body. The light level in here is also fairly high, with no dance lighting (moving/colored spots). There's also a bit of a bottleneck between the DJ setup (also not a fixed booth), the first few tables and the bar when you first get down the stairs. Always feels to me in there like people are a bit on top of one another.

Unless you *really* dislike hip-hop/mash, the main rooms at both clubs are still a treat, if only for the visual treats. Tao will give you bit more in terms of go-go girls, Jet will give you more in terms of lighting and effects. Wild cards here are that Tao has a truly unique (for Vegas) decor and a separated VIP area, while Jet has a third room, dedicated to rock... and getting folks dancing hard to it.

Ultimately I think it depends on what you want for that first part of the evening. If you want to do some real dancing to house/electronic, no question: Jet. If you're looking to just warm up the evening with an overall vibe, some unique eye candy (e.g. the gal in the rose-petal bath, in the iron-clawed tub in the midst of the dance floor), then you won't go wrong with Tao.

Personally, I get enough of the uber-ultra-euro-whatever lounge approach in the earlier part of the evening (not to mention here at home). When I'm out at the clubs, especially in Vegas, I want to get down. I've enjoyed Tao, but I've always been a bit disappointed when there's no other dancing option there. Thing I love about Jet is that if a track drops that doesn't float your boat, you can instantly move to one of two other rooms and get rocking again. The whole place is centered around the idea of dancing, and I just dig that.

BTW: Doubtful I'll be out for SB weekend; already set for Feb 17, Mar 3 and Mar 17. Gotta pace myself. :)

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When I arrive on Friday February 3rd...my group is deliberating on whether to get a Table or two at TAO or Jet for Friday night.

We already have two tables for Friday night at Drai's but were thinking about getting a table beforehand at one of the above mentioned spots.

I have been to neither one but have positive reviews about the vibes at both. Obviously my crowd is much more into Electronic music.

Your take is appreciated.

<cough> with a certain someone/thing, could easily do both in one night and tryst </cough> :D

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I thought JET was supposed to be SO MUCH BIGGER THAN TAO.. and blah blah blah... Well when i got inside.. all i found was a slightly larger version of LIGHT.. Yes its cool to have a seperate room for House and i guess the other is 80's or Rock. But i was expecting some awe inspiring club the size of an airport Hangar or something.

The sound in the House room was not that great, but listening to another DJ i found it to be really nice. the first DJ just killed everyones ears with the Highs.. vocals and melodies were indistinguishable.

didnt see to much of this so called LIGHT RIG.. saw the same lighthing at EMPIRE.. but with a lower ceiling..

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yeah true.. i did go the opening night and was not impressed.. From what I observed, it was a few lights pointed toward or coming from inside the chandelier. It has come along way from the first night .. along with the sound.

as far as the capability of the rig at JET, I didnt really see it working too much.. so . it might have more to offer, i just havent witnessed it yet

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