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cash money at exit...

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

well i have news for u guys, my brother and his friends always got into soundfactory on a saturday and their all 19, they've been going to sf since they were 17 and they also have a 14 year old friend who goes to sf, with no problem, its who u know, if u know a bouncer or ur cool with paris they let u in, trust me, i am talking from experience, i've gone to sf with my brother and friends and its been no problem, so yeah every club u could get in, if u got the look, or know ppl, or pay more

Thats the way it should be...The "Guest List" should mean something...bring it back to the days of Studio 54...




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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

well i have news for u guys, my brother and his friends always got into soundfactory on a saturday and their all 19, they've been going to sf since they were 17 and they also have a 14 year old friend who goes to sf, with no problem, its who u know, if u know a bouncer or ur cool with paris they let u in, trust me, i am talking from experience, i've gone to sf with my brother and friends and its been no problem, so yeah every club u could get in, if u got the look, or know ppl, or pay more

I couldn't agree with you more. I have been using the crapiest, fakest of ALL fake, computer made NY State driver license ID since I was 16 (eeer shall I say 21) to go to SF Saturdays and I have NEVER been turned away. Every kid from my high school goes there on Saturdays and they NEVER get turned away. If there is a club that has more underage kids than Exit, it is deffinitly SF. The ONLY place i've been turned away is from Cheetah, and hell my unkle owns a percentage there. They wouldn't let me in for shit. I am taking my 14 year old brother to Exit on Friday. I'm sure i'll have fun, even with all the underage kids. And DJ Boris isn't THAT bad...



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Originally posted by theprod98:

why would anybody actually take their 14 year old brother to a ny club....14 y/o'shouldnt be anywhere near those places...

I started clubbing at 12. Its fun for him because him and all his friends will be there. Thats what we have been saying all along... places like Exit let kiddies in. So let them go and have some fun. It sure as hell beats the movies every friday night. Plus, he gets there safely with me and gets home safely. G-D forbid something happens, I am right there.



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Yeah they are gonna drop all that money this coming Friday. And you know what, while I'm there. I'm gonna go in that pool they built. Also I can't wait to hear Draper vs. Boris spinning against each other. OH yeah... I gotta hear Melanie C perform live too!!


Did you find your ecstacy???

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

AIM: PrimeKMB2

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Originally posted by edge420:

yeh, i have to agree with Lipz on this one pfloyd, i've never seen Paris let anyone under 21 in there, at least not on a saturday. that's actually one of the best things about the factory. i'm sure it happens, but i don;t know to what extent or under what circumstances.


oh wait i'm sorry for laughing so hard but for a second there i thought you guys were serious


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its gonna be monopoly money, nobody in their right mind will throw away money to a bunch of kids tripping face


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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