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What would some of you do?

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What would some of you do in this scenario:

Someone breaks into your home and ties you and your entire family up. You are helpless and none of you can do anything to stop this individual. Now, this individual presents a bargain to you. He points to you and says that he is going to kill someone in your family. He says it can't be you, because if it is you, he will torcher your mother after he kills you, and then rape her. He then says that you must pick someone, because if you dont, he will torcher your entire family for hours, then slowly burn them. So the bargain is, if you tell him which member of your family to kill, he will leave you and the rest of your family alone and leave the home. There is no possibility of not choosing anyone or not taking part in the bargain, because this is your only option and this is all you can do. So assume the situation were happening and tell me who the person would be in your family that you would suggest to get killed? The murder wouldnt be slow, it would be quick.

Would it be your mother, father, sister, brother? (Pets not included).

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

What would some of you do in this scenario:

Someone breaks into your home and ties you and your entire family up. You are helpless and none of you can do anything to stop this individual. Now, this individual presents a bargain to you. He points to you and says that he is going to kill someone in your family. He says it can't be you, because if it is you, he will torcher your mother after he kills you, and then rape her. He then says that you must pick someone, because if you dont, he will torcher your entire family for hours, then slowly burn them. So the bargain is, if you tell him which member of your family to kill, he will leave you and the rest of your family alone and leave the home. There is no possibility of not choosing anyone or not taking part in the bargain, because this is your only option and this is all you can do. So assume the situation were happening and tell me who the person would be in your family that you would suggest to get killed? The murder wouldnt be slow, it would be quick.

Would it be your mother, father, sister, brother? (Pets not included).

your a sick fuk.. um i don't think thats happening..




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EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! There seems to be something pathological about the fact that you even thought that up dude!! cwm24.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

What would some of you do in this scenario:

Someone breaks into your home and ties you and your entire family up. You are helpless and none of you can do anything to stop this individual. Now, this individual presents a bargain to you. He points to you and says that he is going to kill someone in your family. He says it can't be you, because if it is you, he will torcher your mother after he kills you, and then rape her. He then says that you must pick someone, because if you dont, he will torcher your entire family for hours, then slowly burn them. So the bargain is, if you tell him which member of your family to kill, he will leave you and the rest of your family alone and leave the home. There is no possibility of not choosing anyone or not taking part in the bargain, because this is your only option and this is all you can do. So assume the situation were happening and tell me who the person would be in your family that you would suggest to get killed? The murder wouldnt be slow, it would be quick.

Would it be your mother, father, sister, brother? (Pets not included).

People like this and then everybody wonders why I hated living on the f!cking island! lol cwm21.gif



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Originally posted by cathyo:

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW! There seems to be something pathological about the fact that you even thought that up dude!! cwm24.gif

you talkin'a me? this is an unsophisticated version of tiny part of a psych study done numerous times in numerous locations (Johns Hopkins, BU, Brown, Columbia, Rhodes, etc. etc.) and the type of thing you see in psych 101. The answer I gave was the same one I gave in September 1995, when my psych prof asked the same basic question to everyone in the class.

All this question means is NOT that the person asking it is sick, but that they know it will get a rise from the crowd. Sorry to get so analytical on everyone tonight. See ya's Monday,



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I would say my brother. Why?? BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But seriously, aside from the analytical point of view,what the F#$@ does this have to do w/ clubbing???!!! cwm23.gif



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Ichi Gami..

You don't have to worry, you weren't being analytical, nor were you sounding analytical. What you were doing was offering a worthless, limited, obtuse answer for a question. Try to think next time, it won't hurt. Then maybe you might sound analytical.

As for the rest of you, regardless of how sick the question is, there are plenty of sick things that occur. If it did happen, what would you do, make a half assed decision at that very moment? Is it wrong to think of what you would do in such a dire situation? of course not.

There is no use in considering it a useless topic since "it never will happen." The majority of thought that many people spend their mind/time on, revolves around things that either never will happen, or never have.

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YO, RudeBoyYouth man,


I want us to chill this weekend. I'll being my girlfriend and she'll bring one of her friends for you.

We'll all go out and party, ok?

I know this hot spot it's called the ...


You're gonna love it bro, don't worry.

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k, first of all, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE "ANSWERING!!" Kids, he's just asking a question, it's not a representation of what he thinks! at least i hope not



this guy just broke into my house: yeah, i'm really going to trust that he will kill 1 person fast or torture us all.

so . . . i would say, go and fucking torture us all, i'm not going to choose who should die, and we'd all have a better chance of figuring out away to get rid of this fucker.

plus, me and my 2 sisters are way too sexy not to be able to seduce him wink.gif and my brother has a temper like a motherfo he'd definetly find a way, and has the strength, to kill the jerk.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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