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drugs are better than alcohol

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i know people are going to jump all over me for this one, but i'm not trying to say, stop having that wine with dinner; do a line of coke instead. actually, i'm not trying to advocate either drugs or alcohol. both are bad. people should be good and not do either.

i just really hate alcohol right now. for my friend's bday last night, i went to that Chinese restaurant uptown that serves as much free, low-grade wine as you can drink with your dinner. my friends and i decided, what the fuck, we're not studying anyway, so we might as well drink ourselves to sleep and get up early to study. well, whatever

drugs don't make you puke

drugs don't give you hangovers

you don't have to down several glasses of drugs to feel their effect

the effect is pretty immediate

alcohol sucks



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i don't think it's that one is necessarily better than the other like you said, deanna, but it's whatever a person's choice of vice is in life.

if you drink, you can't say anything to a drug user, as you are also intaking substances into your body. just as, a drug user cannot say anything to a drinker; just because a drinker may act differently from you while you are fuct up doesn't make you any better.

but people, keep in mind that there is still a BIG stigma against drug users. there are drug tests, but not alcohol tests. you can go to jail for many years for drugs, and none for alcohol. you can get kicked out of any club for having drugs, not having alcohol.

even if you feel that drugs may be better, be aware that it is still not accepted and be careful.. plurr.. (sorry, this post is very PLURR-y). cwm38.gif

(ie, Peace.Love.Unity.Respect.RESPONSIBILITY)



*turn it around baby*


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I really do not agree with that post, obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Wine, is recommended by most doctors, coke is not, at least i hope it isn't.

If drinking makes you puke it's from either inexperience or overdrinkage. Same goes for drugs. If you overdo anything, you can die from it.

The point being everyone must be reasonable about everything they do. If one chooses to do a certain drug, be careful about it and know your limits.

Any drug is just as bad as a chocolate bar, in my opinion.


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Originally posted by kitty19:

there are drug tests, but not alcohol tests. you can go to jail for many years for drugs, and none for alcohol.

Breathalyser test anyone? I thought that's what roadblocks were for. If I was drunk I woulda mowed them bastards down...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by benzo:

Any drug is just as bad as a chocolate bar, in my opinion.

I'm glad that's your opinion... cause my opinion is that what you said is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard...

Well, actually that's true for a canine, chocolate bars are killers...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Breathalyser test anyone? I thought that's what roadblocks were for. If I was drunk I woulda mowed them bastards down...

you should never DWI. drugs or alcohol. that is completely different. but have you heard of a company testing you for alcohol use in the past, like they do for drugs? does FAFSA have a separate line for alcohol related charges like they do for drugs? do you see the difference?



*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by kitty19:

you should never DWI. drugs or alcohol. that is completely different. but have you heard of a company testing you for alcohol use in the past, like they do for drugs? does FAFSA have a separate line for alcohol related charges like they do for drugs? do you see the difference?

Schweeenng... went right over your head... DO YOU UNDERSTAND that one? Oops, right over your head again.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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how about we make a bet and I will get responses from doctors, respectful ones that wine is good for you?

or were you refering to my analogy of chocolate?

Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Breathalyser test anyone? I thought that's what roadblocks were for. If I was drunk I woulda mowed them bastards down...

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alcohol has its moments

same as drugs

so in the tradition of not bashing one club for another, i'm gonna say i love them both biggrin.gif



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Schweeenng... went right over your head... DO YOU UNDERSTAND that one? Oops, right over your head again.

my goodness, someone is in an asshole mood today! my point is, basically, society has a stigma. deal with it.



*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by benzo:

how about we make a bet and I will get responses from doctors, respectful ones that wine is good for you?

or were you refering to my analogy of chocolate?

No bet here... I know one glass of wine or one beer away keeps the heart attack away.

I was referring to your chocolate thingie.

Sup this morning? No one is coherent or something?


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by kitty19:

my goodness, someone is in an asshole mood today! my point is, basically, society has a stigma. deal with it.

Oh, you had a point? Hmmm... I guess I didn't pass second grade after all...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by deanna11:

i know people are going to jump all over me for this one, but i'm not trying to say, stop having that wine with dinner; do a line of coke instead. actually, i'm not trying to advocate either drugs or alcohol. both are bad. people should be good and not do either.

i just really hate alcohol right now. for my friend's bday last night, i went to that Chinese restaurant uptown that serves as much free, low-grade wine as you can drink with your dinner. my friends and i decided, what the fuck, we're not studying anyway, so we might as well drink ourselves to sleep and get up early to study. well, whatever

drugs don't make you puke

drugs don't give you hangovers

you don't have to down several glasses of drugs to feel their effect

the effect is pretty immediate

alcohol sucks

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Originally posted by deanna11:

drugs don't make you puke

drugs don't give you hangovers

you don't have to down several glasses of drugs to feel their effect

the effect is pretty immediate

alcohol sucks

I have to stop you there. Some drugs make you puke, some drugs give you hangovers, some drugs you have to take a lot of if you are a crackhead and do them all the time.

Now it all depends on what type of drug we are talking about here. No, I have never puked from smoking a blunt, but I've definatley puked from doing E. You don't get an E hangover? Without the help of that 5HTP of whatever it's called? I feel like complete ass the next day (most times).

Now....drugs to CURE a hangover. That is the solution!!

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I like the fact that when you are drinking alcohol you know what you are taking and you know how you are going to feel and you can control how much of an effect it has on you by how much you drink. With drugs especially E you have no clue what you are in for but maybe thats what your lookin for....

just me 2cents


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Originally posted by deanna11:

drugs don't make you puke

drugs don't give you hangovers

you don't have to down several glasses of drugs to feel their effect

the effect is pretty immediate

alcohol sucks

Drugs dont make you puke? Guess you have never really rolled hard.. Funny thing is i use to rate pills if i puked or not.. jees now or days i do a few bumps and i get perjectile vomits..

Drugs don't give you hangovers? how about that mid week depression everyone talks about? i would say i would rather be hung over then EXTREMLY UPSET AND MOODY becaues i got a hangnail...

You don't have to down several glasses of drugs.. But those of you who party every weekend, i'm sure your TAKING MORE THEN ONE E IN A NIGHT!...even those of you who don't party every weekend.. the pills around are not that good.. i would rather spend 40$ on gettin drunk with a few stackers, rather spend 40$ on 2 e's and another 50$ on a jar of k.. Oh and i'm not even gonna touch the simple fact that some of you do ghb...

effect is pretty immediate? on drugs?? HOW are you taking your e? i wanna know, cause it usually takes me about an hr to kick in..

i would say alch kicks in ALOT FASTER..

Sorry don't get me wrong, i don't do either or much anymore.. But this topic was kinda like the Blind man telling the deff man hes dumb...<~think about that...








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Originally posted by kitty19:

But people, keep in mind that there is still a BIG stigma against drug users. there are drug tests, but not alcohol tests. you can go to jail for many years for drugs, and none for alcohol. you can get kicked out of any club for having drugs, not having alcohol.

Simply because drugs are illegal, alcohol is not. ALcohol is only illegal when you posess it underage, drink and drive, serve to minors, etc. Drugs are illegal all the time so of course there is going to be a stigma against them. It's all has to do with what's accepted by society. Alcohol is socially accpetable to almost all the population, drugs are not.

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"Drugs are better." I uttered those words two weeks ago while lying on the floor of my friends apartment after having way too many drinks/shots. As the room was violently spinning I proceeded to explain how this never happens with E and that drugs are better

Just five days later at home after rolling @ Twilo, I had second thoughts about that statement. Seems as if I was grinding my teeth like a freak all night and had this unbelievable headache and was feeling all together like shit. Unable to sleep for two hours and wimpering like a wounded animal, I had second thoughts about if drugs are better...

Point is moderation is key with any drug you chose, whether its alcohol or our club drugs of choice.

my two cents

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