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Random Thoughts #3


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It kinda sucks when you lie to someone you consider one of your best friends.. but the only reason why you lie is so they don't get upset.... its like, you don't wanna lie, but you kinda lie as to not piss them off.

I made the grave mistake of bringing one of my closest girlfriends to meet up with my guy friends... and she hooked up with one of them (this is over a year ago) and my life has been turned upside down... knowing what i know (pretty much everything) i had to endure the break up that has lasted now 9 months. yes. NINE fucking months. All the "i'm done with him.. i'm moving on.." blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - what a crock of shittttttttttttttttttt!!

But they aren't done.. its starting again......... i had plans to go to our mutual friends BBQ but opted to no-show since they were going to be there together.. i advised my best guy friend that i wouldn't be coming around when they are together anymore.. after what i went through last year (phone calls of her crying all hours of the day... stalker situations... etc..) - its all i can do to stomach them anymore.. which is sad as i love them both dearly.

i feel bad that she asked me why i didn't go to the BBQ... i said - for personal reasons... and she said - why because of me?.. and i said - well no. just personal reasons.

ahhhhh i needed to vent... sorry :splat:

I will neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr make that mistake again.. i've always not mixed my friends with each other.. i have certain groups of friends i hang out with, and i always keep them separate... can't believe i fucked up like that last year... :blown:

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There was a similar problem in my family... That really sucks..are they still together..

haha good question.. yeah i guess they are.. but she claims they aren't.. but i know better than that...

he cheats on her for like 6 months.. and i knew all about it.. but i never said a word.. i couldn't.. i'm loyal to him...

she talked to the girl that he's been cheating on her with.. yet i guess its okay and she wants him back.. and she recently took him on vacation too? wtf is wrong with peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

wow so glad i'm not like that :laugh:

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haha good question.. yeah i guess they are.. but she claims they aren't.. but i know better than that...

he cheats on her for like 6 months.. and i knew all about it.. but i never said a word.. i couldn't.. i'm loyal to him...

she talked to the girl that he's been cheating on her with.. yet i guess its okay and she wants him back.. and she recently took him on vacation too? wtf is wrong with peopleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

wow so glad i'm not like that :laugh:


I've been in a similar sitch before...thats why i dont like to hook friends up with friends cuz sooner or later you get caught in the middle and are forced to take sides.

Now I try to avoid that completely...UNLESS...both people agree that they want a booty call and nothing else. In that case I'll hook a sista and brotha up.:hump:

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I've been in a similar sitch before...thats why i dont like to hook friends up with friends cuz sooner or later you get caught in the middle and are forced to take sides.

Now I try to avoid that completely...UNLESS...both people agree that they want a booty call and nothing else. In that case I'll hook a sista and brotha up.:hump:

yeah well.. it was only "supposed" to be a bootie call...

they waited for me to go out of town before hooking up.... go figure... not that i cared.. but i knew shit would hit the fan (um hello... she knows when i go out with the boys its to pick up bitches.. i'm their wing-girl!!!).... and i told her i'd never ever sell my boy out... we go out clubbing, i've seen him hook up with other girls.. and i told him i'd never say a word.. which i didn't.

i'm soooooo not a drama person.............this last year during this whole drama - it just wore me out.. i mean, me and my other boys had fun talking about it.. but there were times when you have someone balling on the phone all hours of the day.. and yer trying to be nice and say - yo I told you soo... but you can't..


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I know exactly what you mean. My sister has a tendency of always hooking up with the wrong guy. This time it was my uncle's very close friend. They both said..it was for fun..they were just hanging out..nothing more.. WEll, she eventually caught feelings for this guy,and he was the cheat everyone knew he was..needless to say..it caused problems for my uncle..He eventually confronted his friend..and its not something he wanted to..

I also hate drama..I'm a very calm person..and hate all the drama involved with some relationships..

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I know exactly what you mean. My sister has a tendency of always hooking up with the wrong guy. This time it was my uncle's very close friend. They both said..it was for fun..they were just hanging out..nothing more.. WEll, she eventually caught feelings for this guy,and he was the cheat everyone knew he was..needless to say..it caused problems for my uncle..He eventually confronted his friend..and its not something he wanted to..

I also hate drama..I'm a very calm person..and hate all the drama involved with some relationships..

exactly.. drama realtionships drive me nuts..

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yeah well.. it was only "supposed" to be a bootie call...

they waited for me to go out of town before hooking up.... go figure... not that i cared.. but i knew shit would hit the fan (um hello... she knows when i go out with the boys its to pick up bitches.. i'm their wing-girl!!!).... and i told her i'd never ever sell my boy out... we go out clubbing, i've seen him hook up with other girls.. and i told him i'd never say a word.. which i didn't.

i'm soooooo not a drama person.............this last year during this whole drama - it just wore me out.. i mean, me and my other boys had fun talking about it.. but there were times when you have someone balling on the phone all hours of the day.. and yer trying to be nice and say - yo I told you soo... but you can't..


Yeah thats kind of fucked up. You knowing that he hooks up and shit and she being your friend and all. Does she like try to pry information out of you? If so that has got to just plain suck with a capital S.

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Yeah thats kind of fucked up. You knowing that he hooks up and shit and she being your friend and all. Does she like try to pry information out of you? If so that has got to just plain suck with a capital S.

no.. that was the one thing i said i'd never do.. .don't ask me shit when i go out with my boys... what happens when were out - stays when were out... that goes for all my crew ;)

he's got three girls right now... he's my hero :heart::laugh:

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no.. that was the one thing i said i'd never do.. .don't ask me shit when i go out with my boys... what happens when were out - stays when were out... that goes for all my crew ;)

he's got three girls right now... he's my hero :heart::laugh:

He is my hero 2....

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