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YANKEES FANS!!! can it happen?!?

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yes. it *will* happen!!!


saturday, september 1, 2001

boston, massachusetts

7:47 PM (bottom of the 8th)


"batting 3rd-- nomahhhhhh gahh-cia-pahh-rahh!

batting 4th-- mann-yyyyyyyyyyy raaaa-mir-ez!

batting 5th-- caaaaaaaaallll evvvvvvv-rhett!"


"...and with pedro pitching a no hitter going into the ninth inning, jerry, it looks as if the sox are going to wrest the 2001 AL pennant from the defeated world champion yankees. what a fitting finale for one of the last regular season meetups, evah, beween these two storied teams in historical fenway paaak!"


the duke has opened up the coffers! now weve got manny ramirez, the *most coveted slugger in the A.L.*! ramirez not only compliments pedro martinez, the *best pitcher to ever hurl the ball*, but also bats behind nomar gariciaparra, the *only shortstop who can hit and field so well he makes it look like jeeter belongs in little league*.

so whats king george gonna do about it?

besides kiss bostons collective (!)



i love music!

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Originally posted by precator:

GOD I HATE RED SOX FANS!! Until you think of a way to pitch PEDRO in every game of the series you will never beat the yanks!

Face it!



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

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do you sox fans recall last year whatsoever?

the yanks had pedro's numba, he couldn't do jack against them.

i'll take the shy quiet underated Andy P, who by the way, has like 2 less wins than Pedro in the last 6 years, any day.

pipe dream man, pipe dream.



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youre right about pedro. you yanks fans are always quick to point out how you are the only team with any depth in the middle of your bullpen. but i only mentioned pedro as a "compliment" to the new look of the *offense.*

perhaps you need to review that lineup again. i admit, our 3rd best hitter, everett, is *only* as good as *your* 3rd best hitter, but next year, nomar and manny will *produce more* than any of the yankee bats. i will lay money on it. nomar-manny will deliver a devistating one-two punch, with pedro, tim wakefield, and the return of my personal favorite, tom "flash" gordon, as the right hook, body blow, and uppercut!

the fact that the yanks of the past few seasons are the best championship team to have ever walked onto a diamond, only makes the newly improved red sox that much more exciting. complacency is, fortunately for you, not one of steinbrenners weaknesses. i am sure the yanks are willing to make some move (if they ever have an opportunity) to counter the acquistion of ramirez.

you hit it right on. it is def in the best interest of the yanks and every other AL east team to keep the sox from improving the bullpen. but remember this, the red sox organization almost doubled the price of tickets next year, justifying it by promising to build a championship caliber team. they couldnt prove the seriousness of such intentions any better than shelling out the big $$$ to get ramirez.


i love music!

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I can't wait to see the Sox this season!! They will be truly a team to reckon with. I can just see the Boston Globe headlines now:

BOSOX Strikes Again!!

May 22, 2001

The Boston Red Sox have done it again! This time another member of the team built to win it all, contributed. After the early season declaration by Pedro Martinez "I no pitch unless me big brother given job. Ramon better than anyone but me." lead to the recent sigining of Ramon after Pedro only pitched 4 innings in each of his first 5 starts, the newest Red Sock, Manny Ramirez seems to be fitting right in. After last nights loss to the Yankees, Manny headed down to Washington Heights to meet some old friends. Joined by 3 time suspended teammate Carl Everett, Ramirez and Everett and at least 3 other unidentified males ranging in age from 26-32, were involved in a brawl with a 34 year old man while is wife and 2 kids looked on. Everett, not playing due to his third suspension brought on by a physical attack on manager Dan Duquette who took over for the fired Jimy Williams was happy to be back 'mixing it up' with his new teammate. It is believed that teammate Brian Daubach also participayed in the incident and may have even instigated it. Duquette, fresh off of his statements rgarding his altercation with Everett, "I guess I have to suspend him. I understand his frustration. After all, I was standing near his helmet in the dugout and he was up in like 6 or 7 batters. I think the anger management counseling that he's enrolled in has really helped. I know he hasn't gone to any sessions but the power of suggestion is very powerful." had this to say about last night's event: "Manny must have been happy to see his old friends. He seems to be fitting in with his new teammates and it shows a lot of ability to bring those two worlds together. The guy they attacked seemed to be ok. That's good because I know Carl can hit hard. He's really very quick fisted." Meanwhile, Nomar Garciaparra has sold all Red Sox paraphanalia that he owns, keeping only one home and one road uniform. He has petitoned the league to allow him to wear street clothes while minding shortstop at Fenway. He could not be reached for comment.

Should be a great year!!!

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Originally posted by wizard:

i'll take the shy quiet underated Andy P, who by the way, has like 2 less wins than Pedro in the last 6 years, any day.

yeah, and the sox were only 2 1/2 games out of 1st in sept. but, as you yanks fans love to point out, 2nd best is not important. i, too, like petitte and enjoy watching him pitch, but he is simply not as good as martinez. even with pedro missing games for a ridiculous suspension and without enough backup to keep him fresh, he got more wins.

hmmm... now that you mention it, andy *would* look better in red, white, and blue than he does in those silly grey pinstripes.


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come on already. the only thing manny does is add more false hope for red sox fans. face it, The Curse will never be lifted. you have 3 good offensive players and 1 good pitcher. you're gonna need ALOT more than that to even have us consider you a threat. sorry man, but i tell it like it is.


do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free

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come on already. the only thing manny does is add more false hope for red sox fans. face it, The Curse will never be lifted. you have 3 good offensive players and 1 good pitcher. you're gonna need ALOT more than that to even have us consider you a threat. sorry man, but i tell it like it is.


do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free

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Hitting doesnt win championships. Pitching does.

Lets digress the last 8 billion yrs.

Oh wait, I dont have to go far. 80's Yankees had hitting bulging from the seam, no pitching = nothing.

You would think the Sox would learn something form their rivals. The playoffs this year, the Yankees offense was anemic, yet they won. Why? Pitching.

Pitching, pitching, pitching.

When , oh, when will your Red Sox learn. Oh, I do have some advice to Boston. Sign Babe Ruth he pitches AND hits.....

**cackles madly**




[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 12-13-2000).]

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Wow...Boston fans are so ignorant...this is why I hate the offseason...all the bitch ass Sox fans all come out of the woodwork and start talking shit about next year this, and next year that...what a bunch of crap!!!!!

Why can't you wait till you actually win something before you start talking...my roommate is a Sox fan and he even says that they need a lot more than Manny...you have some great players, but they don't make a great team...you need a lot more to win it all...just like the YANKS!

One last thing...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918!!!!!!!!!!!!

Suck on that for a while you bitch ass Sox fans!!! cwm2.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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No chance for the Sox. It's tough that Manny is gonna have to finish his career a loser..


However I do show some respect to few

This ecstacy has got me standin next to you

Gettin sentimental as fuck, spillin guts to you

We just met, but I think I'm in love with you..... Eminem

AIM: slimchezdy


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Originally posted by precator:

GOD I HATE RED SOX FANS!! Until you think of a way to pitch PEDRO in every game of the series you will never beat the yanks!

Face it!

I should remind you that the Red Sox had the best ERA in the American League last year.


Getting an all-star bat in the line-up is exactly what the Red Sox need to win games. Don't count out the Sox until it's all over. Although they haven't won the World Series since 1918, they have consistently been in the race.



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Originally posted by soulshaker:

you're gonna need ALOT more than that to even have us consider you a threat.

fine. hopefully the yanks losing the pennant will b more than enuf.

at least this year, the pinstripes will need to actually put up a good effort *all season*. unless the sox are plagued by injuries again, the yanks in 2001 can not opt to rest up for the playoffs by slacking off like they did last year.


i love music!

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Originally posted by nyc420:

Why can't you wait till you actually win something before you start talking...

One last thing...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918...Bill Buckner...1918!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol. cute.

therein lies the diff between yanks fans and sox fans. u guys dwell on curses, errors and the glories of seasons past, while we like to talk about *baseball*.


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-13-2000).]

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hey who gives a fuck, the bottom line is the redsox cant beat the yankees and the yankess are wait what was that.....3 time world series champs. thats what happens to the losing teams they go back to one game,

REDSOX FAN: hey man we beat you guys once this year so ha.



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by sirdante:

lol. cute.

therein lies the diff between yanks fans and sox fans. u guys dwell on curses and errors, while we like to talk about *baseball*.

actually, we like to talk about baseball too...but we talk shit because we can. comes with the luxury of winning


do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free

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Originally posted by msoprano13:



man! i didnt realize i was posting to some bar in the bronx. are we already drunk, hurling obscenities and insulting our rivals? if you NYCers are not actually as civilized as us B-town folks, at least make an attempt to conduct urselvz in a more gentlemanly manner.


cmon fellas, easy now. your hostility is obviously a manifestation of your *fear*. its baseball, remember? if el duck goes down with injuries what do you suddenly have? not much. whose gonna step up? roger the sputtering rocket?

the trouble with having one or two pitchers better than the sox is that you have *only* one or two pitchers better than the sox.

one injuy and suddenly its looking ahead at the other guys, not behind. dont say "never."



i love music!

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Manny Rameriz's is being payed one of the most rediculous salaries in professional sports. Its insane to think that he is worth that amount of money considering he CANT PLAY DEFENSE!!!!!!!!! To spend so much money on a DH is mind melting. They Redsox have gone crazy from years of playing whipping boy for New York sports teams and did all they could to try and improve themselves at apparently ANY cost. The fact remains that good pitching always beats out good hitting. Look at the facts, someone who gets a hit 1 out of 3 times in their career is AMAZING. The scale def tips to the side to the pitching. You can tout Pedro all winter long, but remember come April, hes only gonna be there every 5 days, and unless Manny has an untapped well of pitching talent, the BoSox can go with their overpaid DH, get on line in the Bronx and get World Series Tickets next fall.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

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