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...south dakota and its assbackwards abortion bill...


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Feb 24, 2006 — CHICAGO (Reuters) - The South Dakota Legislature on Friday approved a bill that would ban almost all abortions in a move that could set up a challenge to the national abortion standard set by the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade ruling.

The legislation, which calls for $5,000 fines and five-year prison sentences for doctors who carry out abortions, now goes to Republican Gov. Mike Rounds, who has said he is inclined to sign it.

Backers and opponents of the bill have said it is the most restrictive measure on abortion to pass a state legislature since the Supreme Court legalized abortion with the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973.

Supporters hope the conflict it sets up with Roe vs. Wade will provide a vehicle to bring the issue before the Supreme Court, whose newly appointed conservative members, they hope, will be more disposed dismantle the 1973 decision.

The proposed law concludes that life begins at conception based on medical advances in the past three decades. It would ban abortions in almost all cases, including pregnancies that endanger the mother or that resulted from incest or rape. It makes an exception in cases that involve saving the mother's life.

Both the state House and Senate previously passed the bill but it did not take final form until the House agreed to a minor language change.

Rounds indicated he would sign the measure if the fine print stood up to scrutiny, as the bill's sponsors have told him it would. He vetoed a similar measure two years ago not because of its intent but because of a technicality.

The South Dakota law is part of a grass-roots, state-by-state effort to challenge abortion. Legislatures in Georgia, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee and Indiana also have measures before them that would heavily restrict abortions.

It could take years for a challenge based on the South Dakota law or some other one to reach the high court.


...this country is unbelievable...

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i was thinking - wow, they didn't waste any time, sandra day o'connor is barely out. but, i expect very few people to protest vigorously against the move to partially ban abortion. most probably won't concern themselves with it until they need the right, and by then every woman who isn't wealthy enough to travel out of state, or country, for medical care will be s.o.l.

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Guest onisakura

I just dont understand WHY. Is this decision based on religious beliefs? If that is the case why force your belief on everyone else? This is a decision that should be a womans to make. How can the gov tell a person what is right with respect to their own body? Like iamme said, what do they think is going to happen with these kids? You will have more people on welfare, imagine all the girls out there that get pregnant who can't even afford to support themselves let alone a child.

This issue just makes me sooooo mad.

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