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Twilo vs Exit?

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Oh shit... another one of these...

Can u spell drama?!

Number one thing to consider is: To each his own, and respect that overall...

The facts are:

- Twilo: Best Sound System in NYC, Best World Known DJ's, therefore best music/talent around, and Tons of real wondeful people.

- Exit: Huge venue, and hmmmm.... shit, that's it!

Cant think of any other asset that would make me prefer Exit Over Twilo. But as I said, to each his own... If everyone loved Twilo as much as I do, there would be no room for anyone to even get in, so please, keep goin to Exit!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Its un fucking beliveble how much LOVE

we all have 2 TWILO. i read all of what u peeps r saying about that place & i agry

with every thing that u say. Theres nothing

like TWILO.catch u with my whistler on fri.

peace. cwm12.gif


when u dream ther r no rules,peeps can fly,anything can hapend.

sometimes theres a momment as u awaking & u becoming aware of the real world around u, but u still dreaming.

u may think u can fly,but u better not try

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

IMO, you're either musically uneducated or very narrow in your choice of music

thats a really stupid comment to make, i mean not everyone has to like twilo or twilo's music, just like u. I am not uneducated in music okay, i just have my favorite kind of music to hear in a club, and some to hear at home. and i am not narrow minded in my music, i like all types of music, but i dont like s&d, timo mass, pvd.


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

Originally posted by raver_mania:

IMO, you're either musically uneducated or very narrow in your choice of music

thats a really stupid comment to make, i mean not everyone has to like twilo or twilo's music, just like u. I am not uneducated in music okay, i just have my favorite kind of music to hear in a club, and some to hear at home. and i am not narrow minded in my music, i like all types of music, but i dont like s&d, timo mass, pvd.

agree.........how can you say that Exit's and other clubs musik is not really/shitty musik but what they play at Twilo is great.....???



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

Originally posted by raver_mania:

IMO, you're either musically uneducated or very narrow in your choice of music

thats a really stupid comment to make, i mean not everyone has to like twilo or twilo's music, just like u. I am not uneducated in music okay, i just have my favorite kind of music to hear in a club, and some to hear at home. and i am not narrow minded in my music, i like all types of music, but i dont like s&d, timo mass, pvd.

My thoughts exactly.


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Originally posted by perfecto25:


Twilo has style and soul, Exit has guidos who over roll

yeah i rather go to exit with the guidos who over roll, then go to twilo which has no style at all

p.s. theres drugs in everyclub, dont forget , even ur precious twilo


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by risa06:

agree.........how can you say that Exit's and other clubs musik is not really/shitty musik but what they play at Twilo is great.....???


Again you people don't understand do you??? I can say Exit's music is shitty/not shitty, because you HAVE THE SAME DJs EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!

Tell me - when you talk about "Twilo's" music, are you talking about S&D, or is it PvD? Or is it Deep Dish? Or Junior? Or Carl Cox? Or Richie Hawtin? Or Dave Seaman? Or Danny Howells? Or Sven Vath? Should I go on??

Thats why I say people who say "Twilo's music" sucks or is good are musically uneducated. Because, if you can't tell the difference in musical genres of these different Djs then you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Can you PLEASE really read what I'm trying to say!!

You can call Twilo shitty but you can't call the music of Twilo shitty - unless you dislike electronic music in general.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Well Twilo is bumping at all times, the system is amazing. Exit bumps too but not in the same way. I guess because it's a bigger venue it takes more to pump it. The crowd at Exit sucks. The majority of the people there don't go for the music, They probably don't even know who's spinning. They are there just to have a place to trip their balls off or hook up and slut around. Twilo is a good time, but it depends on who's spinning. S&D attract a crazy fired up crowd but not as friendly. Carl Cox followers are just awesome. It varies. SO it really depends on what you are into.

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Again you people don't understand do you??? I can say Exit's music is shitty/not shitty, because you HAVE THE SAME DJs EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!

Tell me - when you talk about "Twilo's" music, are you talking about S&D, or is it PvD? Or is it Deep Dish? Or Junior? Or Carl Cox? Or Richie Hawtin? Or Dave Seaman? Or Danny Howells? Or Sven Vath? Should I go on??

Thats why I say people who say "Twilo's music" sucks or is good are musically uneducated. Because, if you can't tell the difference in musical genres of these different Djs then you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Can you PLEASE really read what I'm trying to say!!

You can call Twilo shitty but you can't call the music of Twilo shitty - unless you dislike electronic music in general.

did it ever cross your mind that some people might not like all these Djs that you just listed????? just a question............


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by k_car:

let's try to be fair here. this post was not meant to cause drama, just some advice for a relative novice to twilo and exit. everyone has different tastes and there are good points to BOTH exit and twilo. once again it is personal preference or what mood one is in.

my question for you is this: i've been to twilo countless times and i admit that i haven't heard all of the dj's raver mania mentioned. have you? prolly not, so how can you even make the comments that you make??? i just don't understand it... do you even know what genre of electronic music these people play?

i may be mistaken of your knowledge on this and if i am wrong, i apologize in advance.

one thing i will say about twilo and the music is that my first 3-4 times (yes, that many), i really couldn't appreciate the music that much b/c when i first went there, i really went there just as many people go clubbing for... i didn't know how to differentiate between good djs and mixing of good tunes. every time i go know, i learn more and more and appreciate it more and more. the same goes for any one of the aforementioned cds. first time you listen to it, it's ok... then the more you listen to it, it's like - WOW!!! this is f*cking off the hook! i can't say the same for exit's music though... very poor mixing.

don't get me wrong, i like exit as well... for it's own virtues, but for pure music and vibe, twilo is king!

just my $0.02.


- couldn't have said it better myself


there's no time like the present to start procrastinating!

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Originally posted by risa06:

did it ever cross your mind that some people might not like all these Djs that you just listed????? just a question............

they are all different styles, you can't compare what you hear one week with another at twilo, it varies. exit is same shit every week.

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Originally posted by k_car:

let's try to be fair here. this post was not meant to cause drama, just some advice for a relative novice to twilo and exit. everyone has different tastes and there are good points to BOTH exit and twilo. once again it is personal preference or what mood one is in.

my question for you is this: i've been to twilo countless times and i admit that i haven't heard all of the dj's raver mania mentioned. have you? prolly not, so how can you even make the comments that you make??? i just don't understand it... do you even know what genre of electronic music these people play?

i may be mistaken of your knowledge on this and if i am wrong, i apologize in advance.

one thing i will say about twilo and the music is that my first 3-4 times (yes, that many), i really couldn't appreciate the music that much b/c when i first went there, i really went there just as many people go clubbing for... i didn't know how to differentiate between good djs and mixing of good tunes. every time i go know, i learn more and more and appreciate it more and more. the same goes for any one of the aforementioned cds. first time you listen to it, it's ok... then the more you listen to it, it's like - WOW!!! this is f*cking off the hook! i can't say the same for exit's music though... very poor mixing.

don't get me wrong, i like exit as well... for it's own virtues, but for pure music and vibe, twilo is king!

just my $0.02.


actually, ravermania knows a lot about techno. check out where he's from and how often he trucks to NYC for twilo's parties. that's dedication to great music.

the only reason nyc is on the map globally for this music genre is because of twilo, oh and danny tenaglia. we may be opionnated about twilo, but is the world wrong as well?? 'nuff said.

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I use to make fun of Exit because of my first two horrible experiences there with music and crowd when it first opened. However, recently, I ventured into Exit again and here are the differences.

Exit has a much better venue. That’s a FACT that no Twilo heads can argue against. Exit is just a much prettier clubs. Exit also has better staff. Their bouncers actually ask you if you’re okay, do you need water, and not yell or push you around like the Twilo brutes. I just recently found out that Exit also has a much MUCH better light system. Their light shows kick ass!!! And their exhibition is also much more interesting. They have body-painting, circus people on wires, and a psychedelic show with this guy that changes shapes. All Twilo has are these not so pretty girls in cheap outfits “TRYING” to dance.

HOWEVER, Twilo has a much better sound system. Hands down! Exit’s sound system needs some serious tweaking. They bass gets all cluttered and at some point it does hurt your ears. Also the sound systems in the smaller rooms are worse then the main room. Another thing that Twilo has over Exit is the underground music. Twilo brings in all the big name DJs so the music there is naturally going to be more fresh then Exit. Fresh new sounds come with big name DJs cause they have the advantage that a common local DJs don’t when it comes to having private rights to certain tracks. That’s why they make the big bucks. But don’t get me wrong, Exit may play a lot of commercial music but when I was there this past Saturday, I heard a lot of tech-house music not the New York cheese that I heard before. It wasn’t too bad at all.

So if you’re into underground music, dressing comfortably and hearing new stuff then go to Twilo. But be warned the rude bouncers and the not so great crowd that occupy there on the big nights will test your patience. But if you’re into dressing up, pretty clubs and seeing eye-popping light shows then go to Exit. They music might be a bit commercial but the light show will definitely blow you away!

Just my $0.02.



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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Originally posted by nycedee:

the only reason nyc is on the map globally for this music genre is because of twilo, oh and danny tenaglia. we may be opionnated about twilo, but is the world wrong as well?? 'nuff said.

u know what if twilo is so GREAT then there wouldn't be other clubs and everyone would be going to twilo, but as everyone can see, NOT everyone goes to TWILO. if it was so great as u say, then twilo would be bigger than its actually now, casue they would get lots of more ppl in there, but as u can see its a small ass club casue NOT everyone likes it.


aim: amafrk1


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On my second post I gotta say:

Why bash any of the two clubs, and why bash our own local dj's? Personally I think that Boris is one of the better nyc house dj right now, he keeps the crowd pumped and dancing all night.

The energy level in Exit is high, and the vibe in Twilo is superb. Go to both clubs on different nights and find out what you like for yourself.


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Originally posted by nycedee:

actually, ravermania knows a lot about techno. check out where he's from and how often he trucks to NYC for twilo's parties. that's dedication to great music.

the only reason nyc is on the map globally for this music genre is because of twilo, oh and danny tenaglia. we may be opionnated about twilo, but is the world wrong as well?? 'nuff said.

dude, i was talking about risa6's knowledge of electronic music, not raver mania's. i already got the impression a while back, that he know's his shit.

btw - i'll take twilo any day over exit, but i wanted to be fair...





I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

if it was so great as u say, then twilo would be bigger than its actually now, casue they would get lots of more ppl in there, but as u can see its a small ass club casue NOT everyone likes it.

Hmmmmm . . .I dunno know about that. A size of the venue has nothing to do with what the club is worth. Just because it's a smaller club doesn't mean ANYTHING except that it's a smaller club.

However, nycedee, I think you're wrong for saying that also. NYC was always on the map even before twilo. NYC is known for their clubs PERIOD. Twilo only recently became the "Super Club" status.



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

u know what if twilo is so GREAT then there wouldn't be other clubs and everyone would be going to twilo, but as everyone can see, NOT everyone goes to TWILO. if it was so great as u say, then twilo would be bigger than its actually now, casue they would get lots of more ppl in there, but as u can see its a small ass club casue NOT everyone likes it.

not true at all, size doesn't always matter. vinyl is small, who's there resident again??

2000 peeps in a club is small? How many mega-sized clubs are there in this country that would fit that many? many are in nyc alone.

exit has quantity, far from quality.

Another question for ya...why do all the big-time international dj's spin twilo and not exit? why isn't sasha or pvd knocking down the door exit begging them to play for a larger crowd? do you think the owners of exit would say no to these guys? 'nuff said again.

get the music to exit, then you'll see it become the international stud twilo is.

it's all about the music, you should try twilo again

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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

u know what if twilo is so GREAT then there wouldn't be other clubs and everyone would be going to twilo, but as everyone can see, NOT everyone goes to TWILO. if it was so great as u say, then twilo would be bigger than its actually now, casue they would get lots of more ppl in there, but as u can see its a small ass club casue NOT everyone likes it.

i'm getting the impression now that you are just arguing for arguments sake... you haven't made any valid or fair reasons for the posts that you made, just that "you don't like it."

btw - twilo IS the best club in the US. Period! For the MANY reasons many of us stated. a lot of people go to exit because it IS a nice place, with pumpin' music (not very well mixed though) and in all honestt, can be fun as hell, especially if your looking to hook up. Not all, but many people who go there just go there for the latter reason and don't know the difference between a good dj and good mixing. they are entitled to what music they like... it's their preference.




I've got more girls on my tip than a human shish-ka-bob!


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Originally posted by risa06:

what I meant is...all these Djs might play the same type of musik (hard trance, house ....) but they all have different style...different skills...so may be those people who don't like the Djs that you listed like Djs/their style that play at Exit and Sf and all these other clubs that you might not like....whatever.....I'm just saying that I don't think its right for you to call some people "musically uneducated" cause I for example went to musik school for 7 years and play piano....so I don't think I'm in some way "musically uneducated"......just MO.......... smile.gif

have a great day



I agree calling people musically uneducated is not entirely PC, but that was the only way I could grab everyone's attention. You see I've tried explaining countless times before that Twilo has a rotating line-up of different DJs but no-one even saw that...they just kept on saying how "Twilo's music" sucked. So I had to write something to catch people's attention. I wasn't calling you uneducated smile.gif. SO, are you going to Twilo this friday??? lol j/k smile.gif


I think the post you made about Twilo's popularity( or lack of), is the silliest and funniest post I've read so far. Are you trying to tell me you didn't know that Twilo is one of the most famous clubs in the world???? Do you really think that, when in Europe, you tell someone you're from NYC, they're gonna say "Oh so have you been to club Exit?"?? I prefer Twilo to stay the way it is...cuz for me a smaller venue means a better vibe and a more intimate setting with the DJs. Even if Exit got Twilo system and Djs I would still prefer to go Twilo.

You see Twilo is for music and a great vibe - it is NOT for guidos & guidettes trying to hook up. Thats why you have the other clubs. Not trying to bash other clubs, but musically Twilo is the best in the city - thats a known fact. IMO.

NyceDee and K-car...hehehe...you guys give me too much credit - I know some about music, not all that much compared to some other people on here!

Thanks much though!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by k_car:

dude, i was talking about risa6's knowledge of electronic music, not raver mania's. i already got the impression a while back, that he know's his shit.

btw - i'll take twilo any day over exit, but i wanted to be fair...


no need to worry about my knowledge of electronic musik..I know what I have to know for now...and if I ever feel like learning something new...I will do so.....thank you smile.gif

again..that was just a QUESTION!!!.....but I hope you read my next post....

no I haven't heard all these Djs...and they are prolly great...I know one day I will check them out....but I know what I like right now.....and NOONE can say that the musik that I like is not really musik or it is musik but really shitty one just b/c they don't like it.......EVERYONE is different.......



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by k_car:

i'm getting the impression now that you are just arguing for arguments sake... you haven't made any valid or fair reasons for the posts that you made, just that "you don't like it."

btw - twilo IS the best club in the US. Period! For the MANY reasons many of us stated. a lot of people go to exit because it IS a nice place, with pumpin' music (not very well mixed though) and in all honestt, can be fun as hell, especially if your looking to hook up. Not all, but many people who go there just go there for the latter reason and don't know the difference between a good dj and good mixing. they are entitled to what music they like... it's their preference.

when you say "Twilo IS the best club in the US" please do NOT forget to add " in MO"......cause to me and some other people its not the best club in NYC (no bashing)...and some people in the US don't even know about Twilo.............just MO



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by blueangel:

All Twilo has are these not so pretty girls in cheap outfits “TRYING” to dance.

Hmmm.....I don't agree with that.......I've seen more girls at Twilo, many of them very pretty, dance "for real"......not that repetitive "moving in the same way because I think I'm the sexiest one the club tonight" bullshit.......I think many girls at Twilo can break it down......in opposition, I think, in general, that girls at places like Exit are so damn worried about what they look like and what guys are looking at them........that's been my experience thus far.......



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