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Erick Morillo back for a return engagement


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I can't get you a table, but there is a guy on here named vegasrey whom I believe works at Empire Ballroom. He would be the man to talk to. Perhaps I could suggest sending him a PM. Erick's gig at Empire last month was a blast, and this one should be no different.

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I can't get you a table, but there is a guy on here named vegasrey whom I believe works at Empire Ballroom. He would be the man to talk to. Perhaps I could suggest sending him a PM. Erick's gig at Empire last month was a blast, and this one should be no different.

I'm sure it will be. I have Pacha right next to me and I will see him at WMC, but I want to have at least one night in vegas with some kick ass house.

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Will be my 1st time @ the empire ballroom or should I say Late Night Empire .. What are the hours? Is there a gueslist? What's the cover? Thanks a bunch!

The hours are around 3am until the party is done. Erick has a gig at his club, Pacha NYC, the night before his gig here, so how late he goes will depend on how tired he is/isn't. Tickets are available on wantickets.com for $30; not sure about the status of a guestlist for this night since it is a special event.

When Erick was here back in February, he took the decks a little after 4am, and played until around 9. He had to leave to catch a plane back to NYC for his gig that night at Pacha. Since this time around he is playing on Saturday, and doesn't have a gig to leave for on Sunday, who knows how late he will go. That is also up to the crowd. The crowd started to thin out pretty early last time, which to be be honest was disappointing. Erick plays 12 hour gigs at Pacha NYC, and there is a crowd there the whole time. I'm not saying everyone should stay 12 hours, but let's show Erick that there is a sizable contingent of fans in Las Vegas who appreciate house music at its finest. Yeah, he's getting paid a lot of money to play here, but he didn't have to take this gig because he could get a similar booking fee to play elsewhere. He loves Vegas, now let's show Erick that Vegas loves him.

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I heard that Empire doesn't show love to the local ladies. Two industry ladies that I'm friends with had local id and business cards. They had to pay $30 each to get in last Saturday, even after pleading their case, and then were asked to pay another $50 to get into the hip-hop room. Is this standard treatment?

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I heard that Empire doesn't show love to the local ladies. Two industry ladies that I'm friends with had local id and business cards. They had to pay $30 each to get in last Saturday, even after pleading their case, and then were asked to pay another $50 to get into the hip-hop room. Is this standard treatment?

Well, there is one doorman out there who likes to hustle people for tips. For example, my roommate works for Spundae, and upon telling this doorman that, he acted like he was doing us a favor by letting us in. I mean come on now..lol. Thankfully, we were able to get that squared away, but that left a bad taste in our mouths. As far as your friends go, that treatment they received is unfortunate. After showing business cards, they should have been granted admittance gratis. Well, let me rephrase that. They didn't have to be comped, but that would've been the right thing to do. As far as the women's lounge goes, that is for "invited" ladies. As far as an explanation of that, I cannot provide one because I continue to be as baffled as the rest of you as to that policy. Charging an additional $50 on top of the cover charge in order to gain admittance to that lounge is gouging IMO. I hope your friends didn't pay it, and I hope that on subsequent visits to Empire Ballroom, they receive better treatment.

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Will be my 1st time @ the empire ballroom or should I say Late Night Empire .. What are the hours? Is there a gueslist? What's the cover? Thanks a bunch!

Hey psycho....if your hot we need to hang because its my first time also!! LOL well I had to try!

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I heard that Empire doesn't show love to the local ladies.

Honest question here for the locals and/or those in the industry.

Why is it such a big deal that a popular club, on a very busy night, won't hook up the local women?

I'm just curious as I come from a background in the Boston/Denver nightlife industry, where the "local" concept doesn't really apply, but the idea of "regular clubbers" does. When clubs do show the love, they do it for both men and women alike -- so long as the crowd inside isn't already heavily male.

In Vegas though it doesn't seem like the clubs have the same difficulty as other cities do when it comes to attracting beautiful women -- not to mention, it sure seems that women working in the industry in Vegas make a hell of a lot more money than the gals working in other cities. Are local women really so fickle that they'll pass on going to a hot club simply because they don't get comped entry?

Since I'm not a local (yet, ha ha) it may very well be that my perception is entirely off... thus my curiosity...

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I don't think they should've been let in simply because they are female and live here. However, if they worked for another club in town, I think that as a professional courtesy, they should be comped admission, or at the very least discounted to like $10 or something. It's not like two cover charges is going to be the make or break revenue stream for Empire Ballroom.

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I heard that Empire doesn't show love to the local ladies. Two industry ladies that I'm friends with had local id and business cards. They had to pay $30 each to get in last Saturday, even after pleading their case, and then were asked to pay another $50 to get into the hip-hop room. Is this standard treatment?

Were they on a guestlist?

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I heard that Empire doesn't show love to the local ladies. Two industry ladies that I'm friends with had local id and business cards. They had to pay $30 each to get in last Saturday, even after pleading their case, and then were asked to pay another $50 to get into the hip-hop room. Is this standard treatment?

would love to find out more details about this situation. this is completely opposite of our policy. ladies,local or not drink free sponsored liquor in the gallery aka the hip hop room.

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