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Apotheosis, Info since you didn't bother...

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Thanks for getting back to me Mike (my son)...I just want to let you know that my friend called Karl and Silvio who do work at Denon and Pioneer...and one stated that he may have met you at the atlantic city dj convention and that you may have called him but you in no way of any sort "worked" with them on anything...the other stated that he never heard of you...so basically your FULL OF SHIT...which i pointed out from the begining, but you needed to try and talk nonsense to me (see conversation below where i own you multiple times). Anyway Mike thanks for the laugh it was definitely amusing, by the way my ownership contract on you is for life now. DFA, STFU, IOY you musically inept replacement jukebox...

I just want to re-iterate the BOTTOM LINE HERE...AND THAT IS THAT I IOY i.e I OWN YOU

thanks for playing...


Your Owner/Master/Creator/God/Father/Idol etc.

DjMikeDR: why do attack me personally?

DjMikeDR: *you

Feel These Beats: beucase your post was idiotic

Feel These Beats: "Let me explain, I have been working closely

with the head techs at Denon and Pioneer for about 6 years now"

Feel These Beats: do realise how stupid that sounds...do you

actually believe that i believe that or anyone else?

DjMikeDR: that is correct. you dont know who I am.

Would you like there names?

Feel These Beats: i dont know who you are i could care less, you

are some shameless DJ who looks for every possible opportunity to post plugs

about himself on the board...

DjMikeDR: regarless of your opinion on that matter, I still know

what I'm talking about when it comes to CD's.

Feel These Beats: im glad you do, i can see that, because

apparently every time you talk about djing its only with the use of cd decks

Feel These Beats: a true dj knows the medium between the two

Feel These Beats: i dont think youve found that medium yet

DjMikeDR: I've been DJ'ing 14 years my freind

the first 8 ONLY on vinyl, when I started creating and renmixing my own

stuff, I needed to be able to play it live

Feel These Beats: dont get in my face because i will own you in a

split second

Feel These Beats: youve been DJing for 14 years, too bad you dont

have anything to show for it

Feel These Beats: im not trying to be an asshole but you are

bringing this upon yourself with your countless idiotic posts

Feel These Beats: you piss so many people off on the board you

wouldn't even know

Feel These Beats: i dont even bother to read the bother anymore,

in fear that every post may contain a shameless plug by you

DjMikeDR: really? maybe not NY, I worked national radio and tv.

I've mastered for a major label, and spun in 6 countries. You still put me

down without knowing who I am.

Feel These Beats: now relax yourself and step back before i hurt

your feelings some more "head techs at pioneer and denon" you may want to

refresh that statement since i dont think 2 major competitors would work so

closely with the same person...

Feel These Beats: ive been djing in this scene for 10 years, ive

never heard your name until 6 months ago when you started your shameless


DjMikeDR: you dont undersatnd about the CD thing...

and thats is absolutlye correct, I've never been "IN" the NY scen until a few

months ago, Its the hardest in the world!

Feel These Beats: bro why don't you defend a point i just clearly

made...i don't understand about the cd thing is not an answer to how i just

made you look like a liar

Feel These Beats: yes the new york scene is unlike any other

Feel These Beats: whats your point

Feel These Beats: it means you need to do as much shameless

plugging as possible?

DjMikeDR: I can prove everything I said. in multiple ways.

you keep bringing up the fact that I pugged on a NY club scene messge board.

I saw it as a way to promote myself yes. None of this has any berring on the

fact your attacking me personnaly based on how you feel about that vs my

knowledge on a particular subject.

DjMikeDR: Okay, I see where you're coming from. We don't agree,

no biggie

Feel These Beats: i felt the need to let you know how i and other

people feel, if you notice you are the only DJ making retarded posts on the

board...it is why the board is so UN fun to read...go ahead and prove to me

why 2 major competitors would work so closely with someone on a product which

competes in the same market with the same person...

Feel These Beats: we dont agree?? no biggie? you have not refuted

one of my statements, you just beat around the bush...listen bro, i dont know

you so you may be a nice guy in person, but your posts are annoying, and

making FACTLESS posts like that are annoying also...it seems from this

conversation and your posts in general that you talk a lot and don't back it

up with facts...ive already asked you 4 times to back up the fact that you

work so "closely with their head tech's at denon and pioneer"

DjMikeDR: I never said I worked for the respective companies.

I've been dealing with Karl and Silvio for almost 6 years now. it all started

back when the CDJ500's came out...

DjMikeDR: would you like to do a little test?

Feel These Beats: "Let me explain, I have been working closely

with the head techs at Denon and Pioneer for about 6 years now"


Feel These Beats: READ IT

DjMikeDR: that is correct

Feel These Beats: then READ THIS

DjMikeDR: working closely

Feel These Beats: DjMikeDR: I never said I worked for the

respective companies.

DjMikeDR: that is correct again

DjMikeDR: are we misreading the intention of these words perhaps?

Feel These Beats: IM sorry maybe you definition of WORKING WITH

and mine are different

DjMikeDR: wow. all this because of that little miscommunication.

Feel These Beats: because you made a couple phone calls over the

years to tell them about how great the features are on a cd player does not

constitute working closely with head techs

DjMikeDR: oh here we go again...

do you even know what a sector zero is?

Feel These Beats: sorry but i still think your posts are

rediculous, everything i said stands...its not like you engineered the the

things ..."there are so many things that go on with DJ CD players that it

boggles the mind" bro...anything you can do with a cd player other than

actually play the cd you can do with about 1000 other pieces of equipment...

Feel These Beats: knowing what sector zero is does not factor into

how i dj or play a godamn cd...and the fact that you bring that up is another

way for you to beat around the bush

DjMikeDR: you just simply do not understand.

the matematical permutations to just do the "brake effect" took 2 years to

develop. And I'm happy to say I helped with that. I'm not saying I designed

it, I'm not saying I perfected it, but when Silvio needed help, he called ME!

DjMikeDR: among other features that people take for granted

Feel These Beats: yawn...

Feel These Beats: no offense but that is one feature that is of no


Feel These Beats: on top of that

Feel These Beats: im sure he called 50 other people

Feel These Beats: and consulted people with real backgrounds in

the area regarding what he was doing

Feel These Beats: not some radio station dj

DjMikeDR: perhaps to you...

btw- what are YOUR credentials?

Feel These Beats: credentials for what...

DjMikeDR: WHO am I speaking with?

Feel These Beats: credentials for owning your ass in this


Feel These Beats: you are speaking with...your MASTER, now bow to


DjMikeDR: oh good bye smile.gif

Feel These Beats: you can't handle the sarcasm obviously

Feel These Beats: credentials for what? knowing the ins and outs

of a cd player?

DjMikeDR: thank you

that last statement was I needed to hear


Feel These Beats: i have an electrical engineering degree..hows

that for credentials...

DjMikeDR: I am away from my computer right now.

Feel These Beats: schmuck

Feel These Beats: electrical engineering, do not try to explain

mathematical permutations to me, i will fry you...you proved nothing to me

via this conversation, other than that you are now one of many people that I

OWN...and do us all a favor, stop the shameless plugs, some of us like to

read the board still


Gigs : Sound Factory, Saturday 11/25...12-4

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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I'm sorry to get into this, but if you have a fucking problem with someone over such a stupid issue, leave that shit for the phone!

You are making people look bad, yourself, and the guy that you are attacking!

Can you stop this shit???

I'm sorry to talk like that but that is not nice what you are doing!!!!!!!!!

And yes Mikey is my friend and I'll say whatever it is. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO IS RIGHT OR NOT!!! and it's not anyone elses bussiness especially the BOARD!!!


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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first off this board lives off drama, number one, number 2 he posts ridiculous garbage on the board, number 3 his posts are made up of falsified garbage, and he can't be a man and talk to me about it...im not a child, if you notice he came to me, and made himself look like an idiot in the process...i felt id be doing the board a major injustice if i didn't inform them of the current situation...

he'll probably try and have the post removed anyway...yawn...anyone else who wants to annoy me about my bashing of a shameless liar...bring it, im looking to own more people on this board other than dj mike dr...

come my children...


Gigs : Sound Factory, Saturday 11/25...12-4

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Goddam. I thought I was bad. You take the cake dude. That was fucking brutal. Apotheosis' gonna have a complex now, wonder if he's gonna go hides in a corner somwhere. Absolutely brutal.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Boring. Enough of this little he said, she said bull shit. I feel like I'm in 3rd grade again.

The boy just lied to make himself look better. Who cares? Not worth all this trouble. Its only dj'ing, its not life and death.

There are bigger things in life to sweat over, this ain't one of them MAC. Just let this shit slide. With the time it took you to argue this, you could've made me a phat mixed cd.

I'm going back to sleep now.


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Man good thing this ain't prison...Mike would really be Mac's bitch now.




alamo, http://www.alamohq.com -

a non profit organization. saving your nightlife one night at a time!

"vinyl is the answer"

recieve reduced admin for cheetah thurdays, roxy friday, and exit saturdays by using dynamix guestlst.

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cwm24.gifcwm31.gifcwm24.gif Damn... the Oscar winnah goes to ILL HOUSE YOU. Electrical engineer? Bah, so what? I got a Finance degree I can wipe my ass with... what counts is... can you entertain me? That you did... now I can't fucking wait to hear you spin... mofo, you just peaked my curiosity... SF you spin at? Hmmm... maybe, just maybe... nah, fuck that, you can't be that good for me to step into that joint... or can you?

And Holy mother of Christ... this board just went up a notch...

ILL HOUSE YOU, I get bagged for stating an honest opinion around these here parts, expect no less...

I can see your pm box cluttered with useless shit... muahahahahaha...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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actually Cholo i kinda enjoyed in it, but yeah it was a waste of time, all 15 minutes...anyway...

Ezdreamer, the downstairs at SF is a good vibe, although im not there when i don't play...check out my site www.thekopproject.com for more info

iggster, the proof is in the phonecalls, obviously...anything else detective?


Gigs : Sound Factory, Saturday 11/25...12-4

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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on second thought, it isn't worth my time to get involved here.

words that fit this thread, courtesy of Limp Bizkit.

"It's all about the he said she said bullshit

I think you better quit lettin' shit slip

Or you'll be leavin with a fat lip

It's all about the he said she said bullshit

I think you better quit talkin' that shit"

Apply that how you will.

Merry Christmas.



What appears to be a sloppy or meaningless use of words may well be a completely correct use of words to express sloppy or meaningless ideas.

[This message has been edited by ichi_gami (edited 12-21-2000).]

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Originally posted by iggster:

wait a second here

wheres *your* proof?

Wait a second, ain't you the guy at Brefnis that opened for Mike? The one with more train wrecks than Amtrak over the past ten years?

Proof seems to be in the convo...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:


Ezdreamer, the downstairs at SF is a good vibe, although im not there when i don't play...check out my site <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.thekopproject.com" TARGET=_blank>www.thekopproject.com</A> for more info

Sweet, now I do have a reason to go to Sound Factory.



close the world...open the next...the door is in your mind...


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First off, anyone who knows me, knows im not arrogant, secondly i didn't refer to anyone else as being ignorant, i said if anyone else had a problem with what i said, which was EXPOSING A FRAUD they could step up...

Would you like to take a moment to clarify your statements now, because they don't have a "leg to stand on" Im not sure how my posts qualifies me as being bitter...

What makes me so godamn special you ask? I created you didn't I?

check yourself before you wreck yourself, clown...

Thanks for wasting my time ichi_ownedbymacnowalso_gami


Gigs : Sound Factory, Saturday 11/25...12-4

"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Wait a second, ain't you the guy at Brefnis that opened for Mike? The one with more train wrecks than Amtrak over the past ten years?

Proof seems to be in the convo...

No. Im not even a dj. wtf?

and all I'm saying is this guy says he got phone calls? lets see some proof that we can see for ourselves

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Originally posted by starbrite:

ill house you OWNS people???

ok this is where I get off!

If this was in court this case would be thrown out, and probably in favor of apotheosis.

Depends on the judge...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Sweet, now I do have a reason to go to Sound Factory.

You mean besides the fact that I will be there? cwm30.gif

After looking at that post I must say, someone is going to be walking around funny biggrin.gif

As for starbrite, yes Mac does own people...I'm one of his MANY bitches!!!

Pimps up Ho's down!!!

- Pete





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Seems too many people trying too hard to cause drama, lately. First Gravity, then this idiot over here. WTF? Don't try so hard, it'll come naturally, believe you me.

BTW where the fuck is Apotheosissy?... Losing respect for that 'dude'.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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