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Bona sera, bona sera. Where have we gone wrong? What happened to the love? Sure, a lot of it is still around- but why does our nature always lead us to conflict with each other in some way? It's CHRISTMAS TIME!! This should be one of the happiest times of the year for all of us! But alas, some of us need to vent our frustrations in hurtful, annoying and/or condescending ways. The imposters annoy the crap out of a lot of us- this guy is mad at this guy- someone else is coming after some other guy - greek guy dislikes homosexual guidos. What's up? I visit this board to meet new people, chill in the clubs and possibly entertain someone with my posts. Some of my posts may not HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH CLUBS BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK? Not me.....Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just be cool with one another? Is that really asking a lot? Is life THAT much more exciting by adding drama to it? Annoying people? Hurting people? People who eat, breathe, sleep, love, cry, have mothers/fathers/families WHATEVER just like the rest of us. I don't really know anymore..............


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka


AIM: crackorn71

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I totally agree, but what could you do?! not much. As for losers like greek boy, who gives a flying fuck.

As for everything else, everyone just needs to party, have a good time, and get waisted! Best thing to do!!




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Originally posted by mr.sick:

At first I thought u meant preach on crack the drug. LOL.

ha ha, that's funny! But I'm in agreement. As long as there's love on this board b/c there ain't no love b/t me and my neighbor. He told me to stop vacuuming b/c he has kids!!! That makes sense. Sorry, off topic but it made me think of people who are assholes.......


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!


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Originally posted by mr.sick:

At first I thought u meant preach on crack the drug. LOL.

I think I'll try that next! Maybe it will work.......


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka


AIM: crackorn71

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Crack -- our posterboy for brotherly love via the CNYC board... I'm honored to be a part of your congregation... cwm30.gif

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Originally posted by xxlea:


AMEN! MY BROTHER!! tongue.gif

P.L.U.R. everybody! Happy Holiday!! cwm38.gif



“The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.” - Brendon Behan angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

AMEN! MY BROTHER!! tongue.gif

P.L.U.R. everybody! Happy Holiday!! cwm38.gif


Top ten ways you know you're an old time raver...

1) You chuckle every time you hear someone say P.L.U.R smile.gif

I hear ya Casey smile.gif

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: Breffini Bar Sat Night...oops it got cancelled

My new web site...Version 1.02



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Awwww. Happy Holidays Crack & Co. I know I've only been a part of this board for about 3 weeks now but I'm so glad Sinem introduced me to it. I'm glad I got to meet some of you and look forward to meeting more of you. It seems that everyone I talk to has had a shitty 2000...I guess meeting you all and really going out and enjoying the last 3 weeks of this year have been a great end to this crappy year.

So without boring you all... Thank you for welcoming me and being cool. For those of you who feel you have to annoy, irritate, and hurt people to get attention, just try thinking out your next statement carefully before deciding you "need" to hurt someone...it's much more rewarding to say something nice instead.

So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Qwanza, and all that. May you all find your own happiness and peace and have a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new year </a> filled with much love, health, success and joy! (I'M SO FUCKING GAY AROUND THE HOLIDAYS!!! cwm8.gif )

P.S. Crack--cheer up, it's not that bad and don't worry, I've got a great big gift for ya! cwm20.gif


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


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absolutely wonderful. heres an idea,my little sister has to write an essay on how to make the world a better place-why dont you enter the contest? you might even win.i must say i am bemused by this whole debacle. why are you so angry toward the greek community? you are in fact greek,correct? greeks are proud of their heritage,yet you seem insistant upon berating and defaming our character. i think you are the most self conscious greek man i have ever come across. how could someone with any kind of brain think that anyone and everyone would some how magically agree on all point of views. this is both ignorant and ridiculous. im amused by the fact that you come here to make friends. finally,people visit this site to gather info and discuss nightlife topics, not to hear ones thoughts on their outlook on life. happy hollidays!

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You're mistaken Greekstud.

Not everyone comes here to discuss what is going on in the clubs.

In fact, The most common names I see posting (the users of the board) discuss much more than the clubs. It *is* the common denominator. It is the reason I've set aside evenings and nights to hang out with these wonderful strangers.

I didn't start posting to this board to meet people, but I've stayed because they're good people.

So, don't try to speak for anyone but yourself. I *do* come to this board to talk with people I have met, and that I know share my love of music and unity.

The info is there if you want it, but this is a bulletin board, not a FAQ.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 12-22-2000).]

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Originally posted by greekstud:

absolutely wonderful. heres an idea,my little sister has to write an essay on how to make the world a better place-why dont you enter the contest? you might even win.i must say i am bemused by this whole debacle. why are you so angry toward the greek community? you are in fact greek,correct? greeks are proud of their heritage,yet you seem insistant upon berating and defaming our character. i think you are the most self conscious greek man i have ever come across. how could someone with any kind of brain think that anyone and everyone would some how magically agree on all point of views. this is both ignorant and ridiculous. im amused by the fact that you come here to make friends. finally,people visit this site to gather info and discuss nightlife topics, not to hear ones thoughts on their outlook on life. happy hollidays!

This is why I don't get involved in any drama. Listen- when you post how the greeks are the smartest, richest and best looking people in the world, I'm only trying to bring you down to earth because you sound like an idiot. Is that what you want to hear? So, this is what you do- respond again to this post with whatever you have to say, but I won't be responding back. My opinions are my opinions and just because I may be a greek doesn't mean I have to go around saying how we're the best because then I would sound like a five year old, the way you do. So go back to Papagalo and remember what you were taught- only have greek friends because they are the smartest, richest and best looking people. That will hopefully keep you out of my clubs and my board. Yes, they are all mine. Your turn.....


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka


AIM: crackorn71

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Hey everyone smile.gif Just wanted to wish ya all a happy holiday season. I hope next year there will be much more peace and unity on this board rather than negativity and fighting. I know a lot of the drama revolved around me (not that I LIKE it that way!!!) but at least some ppl got a good laugh at my expense LOL.. See you all at the next meetup smile.gif *hugzzzz*

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Originally posted by petrol:

Not everyone comes here to discuss what is going on in the clubs.

In fact, The most common names I see posting (the users of the board) discuss much more than the clubs. It *is* the common denominator. It is the reason I've set aside evenings and nights to hang out with these wonderful strangers.

I didn't start posting to this board to meet people, but I've stayed because they're good people.

I *do* come to this board to talk with people I have met, and that I know share my love of music and unity.

The info is there if you want it, but this is a bulletin board, not a FAQ.

Hey petrol! I totally agree!! I seriously could not have said it better myself!!

Merry X-mas guys! and keep on postin!!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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