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"attention getter" getting attention

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Guest onisakura
sure i missed the NYC club culture in action since i lived in FL but you're clueless if you think i missed any part of the late 80's early 90's. i got into music @ 13, started clubbing when I was 14 ('85) to New Wave stuff (new order, depeche mode, etc) then there was a quiet period for about a year (around '90) and then when House hit FL around '91 i got to be a major part of a club which was the most popular club on the int'l dj circuit scene (i stopped going out when i moved to NY in '95). sorry if i'm misreading what you're saying but @ 1st i took it as saying i "missed that era". we used to laugh our asses off in FL because NY'ers thought "dressing up" is what made a scene "cool" while we were positive a scene that was all about the music is where it was at (and we were right). don't fault me for missing any NYC bullshite when what i had in FL was 10x's better.

Where'd you go in FL?

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Where'd you go in FL?

In the 80's I went to this place called Einstein-A-Go-Go - it was geared towards teens (ages started at 14 and ended at 18 (you were too old to go once you graduated highschool) - the cool thing about Stein's is I was into the music hardcore before I even knew about the concept of clubbing really. However it was Simon's in Gainesville, FL in the early 90's that was a HUGE factor in the int'l DJ scene. 54 out the top 100 int'l DJ's picked it as their favorite place to spin in '94 (this was from a poll from the #1 DJ mag at the time). Simon & I were best friends however my closest friend of the time was the resident headliner. When I mention that poll fact to people they don't seem to grasp what it means - I mean over 1/2 the DJ's in the world thought just one club was the place to be and luckily I got to be there. The coolest thing is I was a very hardcore part of Simon's. For example my fave set of all time was Paul van Dyk's 1st set in America (Simon's '93) - I became as good as friends as possible with Paul that night and the next time he came in town he gave me his watch. I have a God-given talent for schmoozing DJ's when I want only because our passion for music is usually on the same level and I love nothing more in a person then where their very essense is the music and usually they love that in return.

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dear computer jockey,

i dont care if your gay... i don't care where you stick your dick... i don't care that you wear make-up and you have a narsistic personality... i just hate the way you shoot you mouth off. if you go to bed at night thinking your cool, then god bless you... your opinion and your opinion about yourself is all that matters in this life... but for goodness sakes....


with love,


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no offense but you're a f*ckin stupid bitch - 1st you rag on me (and yes I did see who you are but i've learned not to directly insult people but you were totally asking for it when you were like "i've got plenty of ammunition" (that statement in itself gave me everything i needed if i wanted to bring you down)) and then you want me to say hello to one of my friends??? GET REAL!!!

and i don't know where you've been but i've going to "GA" for the past 24 hours (or better known as "HA" - if you don't get the reference to "AA" then i'm not explaining the joke) - but i'm seriously trying to curbtail the whole "i'm a homo" thing.

and you're a class act telling me where i can 'stick my dick'. cheesy bimbo's like you are exactly the reason why i refuse to revisit that stage in my life.

one last question comes to mind: if you don't like me then WTF are you doing checking out my club pics? now i know why they call it an oxy-moron (if that joke needs reference here you go: only a moron would do something like that). if you don't like me then stop trying to pry around in my personal life more than what you already do by reading my posts.

no one has even come close on this board to pissing me off but you, yourself, have achieved that goal. if you're going to try to be to put me down leave it at that. i have no qualms with people on this board, although usually with great failure, trying to tell me to 'piss off' but to sit there and try to be nice to me the next second - f*cking make up your mind.

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uh, because you have the links up and i want to see if your really the jerk you make out yourself to be, or if your just like a "gotmilk" guy.

one last question comes to mind: if you don't like me then WTF are you doing checking out my club pics?

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tell me more about him then, if he is your "friend" and only something we both know...

Why don't you, next time you talk to Ryan, ask him what's the name of the guy who just hooked him up on his new Saturday gig? And please - I've only been going out for 4 months, have met endless amounts of people, so I haven't quite had the time to start collecting personal data on everyone. However if you've been snooping around my picture pages at all you'll see a few pics of just me and Ryan together. Although I think Ryan is practically one of the nicest DJ's in town he is not someone I've been hanging out with every night - sometimes at Happy Valley he gets a bit stressed and it's best to leave him alone with his wiggin out about whatever.

And I must apologize to EVERYONE on the board for this thread. I'm NOT apologizing to those who think I post lame threads, I'm apologizing that this thread won't disappear!

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I don't know ghhhhhost. It seems to me that he's not a true fairy - the only reason why he is gay because it makes him "hip" and "different". He's nothing like Starscream - who is really gay because he enjoys the taste of dick, and doesn't mention it on every post.

You don't smoke pole to be hip. You smoke pole because your a fag.

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sorry if i'm misreading what you're saying but @ 1st i took it as saying i "missed that era". we used to laugh our asses off in FL because NY'ers thought "dressing up" is what made a scene "cool" while we were positive a scene that was all about the music is where it was at (and we were right). don't fault me for missing any NYC bullshite when what i had in FL was 10x's better.

but now u go out wearing face paint??????

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lol, absolutely... i dont think anyone woke up and said "wow, cock is so in right now... i want some cock..."

I disagree. Computerjockey wants to fit in. I'm sure he enjoys it now, as the taste accumulated on him.

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1st off the whole why the make-up. I'm basically revisiting what I did when I first went out clubbing at 14 - it was '85 and you dressed goth and new wave BIG time if you were into the music. by 16 i had 'conformed' to the dress codes of the bible belt. this isn't something new to me. i'm just taking it to a different level where in some interesting circles shite like that is celebrated.

2nd - my problem with saying i'm 'gay' all the time isn't nearly as bad as you guys talking crap about 'smoking pipes' and shite. you're gonna have to remember it's what's on that other end of the pipe that makes it worth lighting up. i just had the most single best experience with someone last saturday - filled every "type" i had (including straight (complete virgin) and if you think you're any straighter, you're kidding yourself - i know straight and this guy was the real thing). I'm not going into details but what this guy was able to give to me was something none of you could match in any category so give it up with this highschool bullshite about gay guys smoking 'pipes' or whatever - the gay guys I'm getting to know either have boyfriends that are way finer or just would simply not be interested. You might fuck any girl that comes around but it's a different game with gay guys - sure we get it whenever we want but there's a different game that's played when on some plastic layer you're trying to get a guy who's just as good looking as you are (and yes there's more to someone then looks and even on that level your personalities are something i wouldn't call top-notch if you're still speaking highschool babble of who wants to touch your dick).

besides straight guys area a waste of my time. you can't honestly give me what i want so i'm not even going to fool myself into thinking so. sure you might be able to give yourself physically but so what - that's no big deal - it's the emotional attachment that straight men can't give.

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1st off the whole why the make-up. I'm basically revisiting what I did when I first went out clubbing at 14 - it was '85 and you dressed goth and new wave BIG time if you were into the music. by 16 i had 'conformed' to the dress codes of the bible belt. this isn't something new to me. i'm just taking it to a different level where in some interesting circles shite like that is celebrated.

2nd - my problem with saying i'm 'gay' all the time isn't nearly as bad as you guys talking crap about 'smoking pipes' and shite. you're gonna have to remember it's what's on that other end of the pipe that makes it worth lighting up. i just had the most single best experience with someone last saturday - filled every "type" i had (including straight (complete virgin) and if you think you're any straighter, you're kidding yourself - i know straight and this guy was the real thing). I'm not going into details but what this guy was able to give to me was something none of you could match in any category so give it up with this highschool bullshite about gay guys smoking 'pipes' or whatever - the gay guys I'm getting to know either have boyfriends that are way finer or just would simply not be interested. You might fuck any girl that comes around but it's a different game with gay guys - sure we get it whenever we want but there's a different game that's played when on some plastic layer you're trying to get a guy who's just as good looking as you are (and yes there's more to someone then looks and even on that level your personalities are something i wouldn't call top-notch if you're still speaking highschool babble of who wants to touch your dick).

besides straight guys area a waste of my time. you can't honestly give me what i want so i'm not even going to fool myself into thinking so. sure you might be able to give yourself physically but so what - that's no big deal - it's the emotional attachment that straight men can't give.

We can give you what you want... we just prefer to give it to women.

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