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my mom said "have fun at sashund dickweed"!!!

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I got one for you, my mom once said to me "so did you have a good time at the rave" I tell her that they are like concerts for DJ's I guess she bought it.


A bag of KB's, $60

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that's exactly what I tell my mom. dj concert. But, I don't play any of my cds for her to check out.

Once she heard that repititious shit, she'd know strong drugs and freaky people were involved. ;-)


Originally posted by exodust:

I got one for you, my mom once said to me "so did you have a good time at the rave" I tell her that they are like concerts for DJ's I guess she bought it.

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shit, i tell my mom i go to twilo and now she thinks im a big time druggie hahaha.....but she can't stop me from going cuz im now 19 and i do what i want, you know im at that point where im invincible heh heh...but she always makes sure i have a good time smile.gif my moms cool like that.


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Oh man.. Anyone got advice on how to make your parents avoid watching all these drug reports on the news? My mom gets all freaked out coz she knows that I go to clubs and she sees all that shit on TV..

So does my mom, but I think she just chooses to believe that I don't partake in it all. After this many years nothing bad has happend so I just think she trusts me by now!!


A bag of KB's, $60

A glass bowl, $85

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Originally posted by exodust:

So does my mom, but I think she just chooses to believe that I don't partake in it all. After this many years nothing bad has happend so I just think she trusts me by now!!

Never underestimate the power of denial smile.gif I can just see my Mom going "oh not my baby.. she'd never do that" LOL.. I hate to be a disappointment so I'd rather her not know!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Oh man.. Anyone got advice on how to make your parents avoid watching all these drug reports on the news? My mom gets all freaked out coz she knows that I go to clubs and she sees all that shit on TV..

UUGGHH I KNOW THE FEELING! Good thing I had my spring break stage B4 MTV broadcast it!!

Also, how can you explain to parents why clubs stay open 'til 12pm w/out raising any drug suspicions???!!!



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Oh man.. Anyone got advice on how to make your parents avoid watching all these drug reports on the news? My mom gets all freaked out coz she knows that I go to clubs and she sees all that shit on TV..

tell me about it...

my brother od'd a couple of years ago and went to rehab.. so while he was in rehab my parents had a course w/ the rehab people about what specific drugs do and how we act on them, parafanelia.... everything you ever need to know she KNOWS....so when a vics inhaler pops out of your purse when you're looking for lipstick or whatever... she's like oh! no! not you too! and starts going bonkers! then she sees those 20/20 specials and calls me in the middle of the night to make me watch it.. terrible...


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Originally posted by raverdoll:

tell me about it...

my brother od'd a couple of years ago and went to rehab.. so while he was in rehab my parents had a course w/ the rehab people about what specific drugs do and how we act on them, parafanelia.... everything you ever need to know she KNOWS....so when a vics inhaler pops out of your purse when you're looking for lipstick or whatever... she's like oh! no! not you too! and starts going bonkers! then she sees those 20/20 specials and calls me in the middle of the night to make me watch it.. terrible...


Damn, that's rough! I got it pretty shitty though too, my brother is a cop, soon to be NYPD too! I'm totally fucked, and I can't even explain what a straitedge he is. I love him with all my heart I really do but we are like night and day!


A bag of KB's, $60

A glass bowl, $85

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Haha.. I wrote this on the board already when it happened but I dunno if you guys read. My parents were home for Thanxgiving weekend (they live in DC), so I go to factory and come home on sun afternoon. Needless to say I'm a little fucked up so I just crash and sleep for like 7 hours. Finally my Mom wakes me up and tells me that we're gonna have dinner in 10 mins. So I sit there, pick at the food with my fork for the full hour coz I can NOT put a single bite in my mouth. My Mom KNOWS that I haven't had anything to eat all night and all day so try explaining to my parents why on earth you're not hungry after not eating for almost 24 hours? OH MAN that was tough.. I wish I had a dog so I could slip the food under the table LOL....

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Originally posted by exodust:

Damn, that's rough! I got it pretty shitty though too, my brother is a cop, soon to be NYPD too! I'm totally fucked, and I can't even explain what a straitedge he is. I love him with all my heart I really do but we are like night and day!

He's a cop? I almost have it as bad. My sis is a pharmacist. Knows ALL about drugs smile.gif Not first hand, she's a goodie-goodie but I cannot even tell her that I smoke weed.. And if I ever mention e or anything else she'd just kill me...

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Originally posted by fuzzywuzzy:

I only let my mommy out of her room 2 hours each week. 1 hour to shovel the snow, the other hour to pimp her body to make the $30 I need for S&D.

Your going to hell dude LOL! cwm7.gif


A bag of KB's, $60

A glass bowl, $85

A lighter, $ 1


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my dad is cute too....he says in his English accent "i hope you're not turning into one of those club wierdos with the pink hair and the pot...you should grow your hair long, no wonder you're not married"....it goes on and on, but the *pot*??? this is after the fact that my mom confides in me that she wants to smoke a joint and "get high just once in my life" so i tell her it'll prob. take a couple of times b/f she feels it (b/c that's what happened to me and a couple of other people i know) and she's like "oh, then i don't want to do it if i have to do it twice"....??????? they crack me up, but they really have no clue. they think i'll be getting home around 3:00am when really i'll be just heading out.....i'm gonna be beat tomorrow!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!


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back in april, my dad called me the week after the sasha and digs anniversary. "where did you say you went on friday?" "uh, i went to twilo, dad". "really, cause there's an article in the new york times about that night." so he proceeds to photocopy the article and send one copy to me, and put the other original up on the wall in his office.

he loves to call diggers "DICKWEED" just to bust my balls. cwm11.gif


free at last, free at last, thank god almighty i'm free at last!

[This message has been edited by mattyparsons (edited 12-22-2000).]

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

my dad is cute too....he says in his English accent "i hope you're not turning into one of those club wierdos with the pink hair and the pot...you should grow your hair long, no wonder you're not married"....it goes on and on, but the *pot*??? this is after the fact that my mom confides in me that she wants to smoke a joint and "get high just once in my life" so i tell her it'll prob. take a couple of times b/f she feels it (b/c that's what happened to me and a couple of other people i know) and she's like "oh, then i don't want to do it if i have to do it twice"....??????? they crack me up, but they really have no clue. they think i'll be getting home around 3:00am when really i'll be just heading out.....i'm gonna be beat tomorrow!

HeHeHeHe!!!! This sounds like our convo last nite!!! Parents are the funniest thing....but imagine....some of us will be parents too (not me...shiot NO)!!


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My parents are the coolest shit. My dad buys me liquor and when he has poker parties, I usually join him and his friends for a a drink and a Cuban cigar. My mom just assumes that all I do is drink and she's fine with that because "it's just drinking, it's not like she's using drugs." Hell i told them that I smoke up once in a while and take a hit of E when I go clubbing. I convinced them that it's nothing bad. My parents simply trust me WAY tooooo much. Oh well, good for me!



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