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you have used this post before....way to give it another shot and try and get some responses

wow, scraping the barrel... i just copied and pasted instead of putting in the link so it wouldnt deviate from the original thread... but good try. next.

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At first I thought, if I were Superman, a perfect secret identity would be Clark Kent, Dentist, because you could save money on tooth X-rays. But then I thought, if a patient said, "How's my back tooth?" and you just looked at it with your X-ray vision and said, "Oh it's okay," then the patient would probably say, "Aren't you going to take an X-ray, stupid?" and you'd say, "Aw fuck you, get outta here," and then he probably wouldn't even pay his bill.

:laugh::laugh2: :laugh3:

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sorry if this is long, but hopefully useful.

theres to many levels that would need to be addressed in eradicating poverty, at least in this country and it's pretty much an impossibility:

1. to many people only care about their own well being, which is not a crime. honestly, i only care about the well being of my wife, and my family. i can't help but feel this is the most important thing in my life. i'm gonna give a dollar to one of my kids for doing a great job in school before i give it to a beggar on the street. but is this wrong?

2. kids in high school should be taught every year how to manage their money, and understand the struggles they may face financially once they graduate. so many articles these days about college graduates owing tens of thousands of $s once they graduate. college is important, but not if it places you into unmanagable debt.

3. credit cards have destroyed so many lives, families, etc. true, most people place themselves into a hole, but there has to be a checks and balances system in place to help monitor the spending habits of americans. does the average person really need more than 5 credit cards? and spending limits need to be decreased. once a person or family has shown to the credit card companies that they can afford a credit limit increase based on their budget, then it should be approved. credit card companies need to feel more responsible for the service they provide, in a way, be a babysitter. they have to be able to say, look we feel we need to freeze your account for a month or two until you work off some of this balance.

4. people are lazy, and to concerned about their own self image to want to better themselves. people would rather do nothing all day, and receive a check from the government than go out and work an honest days work. once people are out of work long enough, and collect, it becomes a satisfactory practice to them, why work when you have a free check coming in? the welfare system is a friggin free ride, and it's gonna ruin this country.

5. there is a very large portion of this country that does not pay taxes, or makes no effort to report their earnings. im sure billions of tax dollars are being lost as a result. there is no solution for this, people change their names and disappear to often to keep track of them.

6. we are a society that has this desire to have nothing but the best. i have seen families below the poverty line with huge flat screen tv's while they can't afford to put decent clothes on their kids backs. i will never understand how someone would purchase a $40,000+ car, and then make payments of over $500 a month, with little income coming in just so they have a nice car to drive around the neighborhood in and improve their image. advertising and the images we see on tv are a big blame, but they are only taking advantage of a society that has no sense whatsoever.

7. there are people out their that have no conception of what it costs to have kids. i think it is a damn shame to see a mother or a couple with 4 kids, on welfare, who have no idea that with each new child, comes new financial burdens to add to the ones they already have. some people have no sense.

when society creates a system, no matter what levels they go to, to protect themselves, there will always be someone that learns a way to exploit the system.

poverty cannot be eradicated, but we need to start educating our children. sure it is important to know who abraham lincoln was, but lets start teaching our children things that are critical to their financial survival once they become adults on their own.

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sorry if this is long, but hopefully useful.

theres to many levels that would need to be addressed in eradicating poverty, at least in this country and it's pretty much an impossibility:

1. to many people only care about their own well being, which is not a crime. honestly, i only care about the well being of my wife, and my family. i can't help but feel this is the most important thing in my life. i'm gonna give a dollar to one of my kids for doing a great job in school before i give it to a beggar on the street. but is this wrong?

2. kids in high school should be taught every year how to manage their money, and understand the struggles they may face financially once they graduate. so many articles these days about college graduates owing tens of thousands of $s once they graduate. college is important, but not if it places you into unmanagable debt.

3. credit cards have destroyed so many lives, families, etc. true, most people place themselves into a hole, but there has to be a checks and balances system in place to help monitor the spending habits of americans. does the average person really need more than 5 credit cards? and spending limits need to be decreased. once a person or family has shown to the credit card companies that they can afford a credit limit increase based on their budget, then it should be approved. credit card companies need to feel more responsible for the service they provide, in a way, be a babysitter. they have to be able to say, look we feel we need to freeze your account for a month or two until you work off some of this balance.

4. people are lazy, and to concerned about their own self image to want to better themselves. people would rather do nothing all day, and receive a check from the government than go out and work an honest days work. once people are out of work long enough, and collect, it becomes a satisfactory practice to them, why work when you have a free check coming in? the welfare system is a friggin free ride, and it's gonna ruin this country.

5. there is a very large portion of this country that does not pay taxes, or makes no effort to report their earnings. im sure billions of tax dollars are being lost as a result. there is no solution for this, people change their names and disappear to often to keep track of them.

6. we are a society that has this desire to have nothing but the best. i have seen families below the poverty line with huge flat screen tv's while they can't afford to put decent clothes on their kids backs. i will never understand how someone would purchase a $40,000+ car, and then make payments of over $500 a month, with little income coming in just so they have a nice car to drive around the neighborhood in and improve their image. advertising and the images we see on tv are a big blame, but they are only taking advantage of a society that has no sense whatsoever.

7. there are people out their that have no conception of what it costs to have kids. i think it is a damn shame to see a mother or a couple with 4 kids, on welfare, who have no idea that with each new child, comes new financial burdens to add to the ones they already have. some people have no sense.

when society creates a system, no matter what levels they go to, to protect themselves, there will always be someone that learns a way to exploit the system.

poverty cannot be eradicated, but we need to start educating our children. sure it is important to know who abraham lincoln was, but lets start teaching our children things that are critical to their financial survival once they become adults on their own.

if you watch the documentary i mentioned you would realize that it all comes to down to the individual... they give this bum 100,000k... you would think most people would be able to turn their life around with 100g's but this guys just couldnt do it.. he couldnt function normally in society.. what does he do with the cash??? he buys 3 cars.. 2 for othr people... he starts tipping everybody like 35 bucks.. just gives money away... when he sees his family for the first time in years they tell hi to put his money away and save it and he doesnt wanna do that... he thinks they're after his money and he just wants to spend it and have fun... i guess this ties in to your idea of teaching money management in high school... this guys had no idea... after 6 months he was down to 6 grand...

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wow! thanx!

sorry if this is long, but hopefully useful.

theres to many levels that would need to be addressed in eradicating poverty, at least in this country and it's pretty much an impossibility:

1. to many people only care about their own well being, which is not a crime. honestly, i only care about the well being of my wife, and my family. i can't help but feel this is the most important thing in my life. i'm gonna give a dollar to one of my kids for doing a great job in school before i give it to a beggar on the street. but is this wrong?

2. kids in high school should be taught every year how to manage their money, and understand the struggles they may face financially once they graduate. so many articles these days about college graduates owing tens of thousands of $s once they graduate. college is important, but not if it places you into unmanagable debt.

3. credit cards have destroyed so many lives, families, etc. true, most people place themselves into a hole, but there has to be a checks and balances system in place to help monitor the spending habits of americans. does the average person really need more than 5 credit cards? and spending limits need to be decreased. once a person or family has shown to the credit card companies that they can afford a credit limit increase based on their budget, then it should be approved. credit card companies need to feel more responsible for the service they provide, in a way, be a babysitter. they have to be able to say, look we feel we need to freeze your account for a month or two until you work off some of this balance.

4. people are lazy, and to concerned about their own self image to want to better themselves. people would rather do nothing all day, and receive a check from the government than go out and work an honest days work. once people are out of work long enough, and collect, it becomes a satisfactory practice to them, why work when you have a free check coming in? the welfare system is a friggin free ride, and it's gonna ruin this country.

5. there is a very large portion of this country that does not pay taxes, or makes no effort to report their earnings. im sure billions of tax dollars are being lost as a result. there is no solution for this, people change their names and disappear to often to keep track of them.

6. we are a society that has this desire to have nothing but the best. i have seen families below the poverty line with huge flat screen tv's while they can't afford to put decent clothes on their kids backs. i will never understand how someone would purchase a $40,000+ car, and then make payments of over $500 a month, with little income coming in just so they have a nice car to drive around the neighborhood in and improve their image. advertising and the images we see on tv are a big blame, but they are only taking advantage of a society that has no sense whatsoever.

7. there are people out their that have no conception of what it costs to have kids. i think it is a damn shame to see a mother or a couple with 4 kids, on welfare, who have no idea that with each new child, comes new financial burdens to add to the ones they already have. some people have no sense.

when society creates a system, no matter what levels they go to, to protect themselves, there will always be someone that learns a way to exploit the system.

poverty cannot be eradicated, but we need to start educating our children. sure it is important to know who abraham lincoln was, but lets start teaching our children things that are critical to their financial survival once they become adults on their own.

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i heard the saddest thing the other day. some tool was trying to convince me that there was no poverty in the US. he said no one went to bed hungry in this country. i felt bad for his stupid, a lot.

i wish we lived in a world where socialism could work. we have to find a cure for greed first, but it could happen. the pharmaceutical companies make so much bling they could afford to find a cure, but we all know that won't happen.

ideally, the rich are supposed to give back to the community thru philanthropy & the quality of life for the poor gets balanced out. but philanthropy is VOLUNTARY, which may be its biggest flaw cause of that greedy bastard thing i mentioned earlier.

so to the original question, if i could fix it what would i do? first off, set up publicly funded higher education and healthcare. right now if a minimum wage worker gets really sick, the med costs can ruin the rest of their life. they will be paying on that ambulance ride till their kids inherit the debt. which means there is no college fund for little billy, he will have to get a job before he finishes high school. there aren't any student loans available to working poor. no, if u get a job to feed yourself, the govt. doesn't think u deserve an education. only kids with parents who can afford to feed their college kids can get a loan. insane really.

so the system will help extremely poor ppl with medicaid and student loans. but the minute they start to come up & have the money to eat & buy a car, the rug is pulled out from beneath them & they are forced back to the free food pantry.

i know the argument that public healthcare will ruin the quality of american healthcare. i disagree. i think there can still be the OPTION of private healthcare for the wealthy & middleclass that can afford to choose. but to not give the poor any options to maintain their health is causing the s*****ty of their medical problems to go thru the roof when they finally break down & go for help.

really health & education are the only way to make the poor self reliant.

my 2c...

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which means there is no college fund for little billy, he will have to get a job before he finishes high school. there aren't any student loans available to working poor. no, if u get a job to feed yourself, the govt. doesn't think u deserve an education. only kids with parents who can afford to feed their college kids can get a loan. insane really.

how can people say no college fund for little billy these days?? yeah, little billy might not be able to get a loan for harvard medical school but if he's determined he'll have no problem finding a loan/government grant that will get him into a state school... when i was applying for college i guess my mother was struggling a bit and i wound up getting some grants from the gov't... i can only imagine what it would have been like if she wasnt working at all.. maybe i would have got a free ride... who knows... my point is... if you want a college education, it is there for the taking...

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how can people say no college fund for little billy these days?? yeah, little billy might not be able to get a loan for harvard medical school but if he's determined he'll have no problem finding a loan/government grant that will get him into a state school... when i was applying for college i guess my mother was struggling a bit and i wound up getting some grants from the gov't... i can only imagine what it would have been like if she wasnt working at all.. maybe i would have got a free ride... who knows... my point is... if you want a college education, it is there for the taking...

i disagree with your opinion on that one. i know SEVERAL people that can't find loans to go to state schools or even JR. colleges because they would have to quit their min. wage jobs to qualify.

i'm not saying the poor should have equal access to harvard. just like the poor wouldn't get equal access to private healthcare in my plan.

the fact that your mom is mentioned in your reply tells me that u probably didn't have to put yourself thru school like i did. i had to work 2 jobs while taking 16 hours. there was no mom to help with groceries or have do my laundry. i'm not saying your mom paid your tuition, but the point i was getting at is that some ppl are so poor they get zero help on survival things like food & stuff. those survival things should be considered in the grant lottery, but so many lower middle class ppl (wage slaves) fall thru the cracks.

federal loans ARE not available to anyone for the asking. most, but not all. & those kinda percentages are why the poor who make too much for welfare are blown off.

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I have the GI Bill, the Disabled Vet Grant, and a few others I could use. But I don't want to go back to school because even with the grants and the GI bill i'd still have to work. And when I get out of college, then what am I going to do. I certainly couldn't work the job I'm at now if I was smart enough not to work it. But it pays good money and I all I have to do is put up with a lot of bs.

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i disagree with your opinion on that one. i know SEVERAL people that can't find loans to go to state schools or even JR. colleges because they would have to quit their min. wage jobs to qualify.

i'm not saying the poor should have equal access to harvard. just like the poor wouldn't get equal access to private healthcare in my plan.

the fact that your mom is mentioned in your reply tells me that u probably didn't have to put yourself thru school like i did. i had to work 2 jobs while taking 16 hours. there was no mom to help with groceries or have do my laundry. i'm not saying your mom paid your tuition, but the point i was getting at is that some ppl are so poor they get zero help on survival things like food & stuff. those survival things should be considered in the grant lottery, but so many lower middle class ppl (wage slaves) fall thru the cracks.

federal loans ARE not available to anyone for the asking. most, but not all. & those kinda percentages are why the poor who make too much for welfare are blown off.

actually momma dukes didnt help with college at all.. after 3 years since graduation i still owe about 15k on student loans because i didnt get or ask for any help with rent and other shit... i think when i moved out to california and was struggling she made one payment on my loans but thats it.. during school i worked 25+ hours to support myself since loans only covered tuition and board.. i also opted to take a higher loan so i wouldnt have to work full time while in school...

at the school i went to they have this thign called the eop.. i think it's educational oppurtunity program.. basically it was for people who couldnt afford tuition and got grants from the government.. maybe ny is different from tx though... and im pretty sure most state and city schools had similar if not identical programs...

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actually momma dukes didnt help with college at all.. after 3 years since graduation i still owe about 15k on student loans .. during school i worked 25+ hours to support myself since loans only covered tuition and board..

forgive me for reading too much into what u said earlier. i shouldn't make assumptions.

but u do help me make my point again. loans only cover tuition & MAYBE books. u still owe 15K & with interest rates unless u start making serious bank u won't have a college fund for your little billy. & billy inherits your debt & will have to work 40 hours while he's supporting himself in school. isn't the cycle of poverty super-cool?

hope u have med ins. cause if little billy breaks his arm or worse develops degenerative bone disease, your little 15K might just go 6 figures; like the bizarro world price is right.

& just like therunner points out, its too hard for most ppl to study and keep a full time job. its a rare breed that doesn't burn out doing both.

i was really talking about federal loans not necessarily something state specific. my anti-poverty utopia has a few mildly communist elements i'll admit. but since this is all hypothetical, i'll finish my education in grantwriting & non-profit mgmt. i want to be robin hood when i grow up.

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forgive me for reading too much into what u said earlier. i shouldn't make assumptions.

but u do help me make my point again. loans only cover tuition & MAYBE books. u still owe 15K & with interest rates unless u start making serious bank u won't have a college fund for your little billy. & billy inherits your debt & will have to work 40 hours while he's supporting himself in school. isn't the cycle of poverty super-cool?

hope u have med ins. cause if little billy breaks his arm or worse develops degenerative bone disease, your little 15K might just go 6 figures; like the bizarro world price is right.

& just like therunner points out, its too hard for most ppl to study and keep a full time job. its a rare breed that doesn't burn out doing both.

i was really talking about federal loans not necessarily something state specific. my anti-poverty utopia has a few mildly communist elements i'll admit. but since this is all hypothetical, i'll finish my education in grantwriting & non-profit mgmt. i want to be robin hood when i grow up.

it's all good..

college loans are he cheapest loans i'll ever have.. financial planners say to stretch out your colllege loans as long as possible since they have the lowest apr's... if a college loan is 5% and credit card is 10% it makes more ense to pay off the credit card first.. since i've been paying off the loans i've only made the minimum payments every cycle.. i also deferred recently (interest free) so i was able to get on my feet out here.. im also looking into going back to school this semester to take a&p 2 and microbiology so i can apply for nursing school... but i'd rather pay out of pocket for 2 classes then set up loans.. then once i go back to nursing school get loans once again..

tell your friends to go to the financial aid office in any school... schools are like car dealerships... they'll find a way for you to finance so they can take your money...

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