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Reasons We Don't Like monbth

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you're only judging by who's vocal about it.

i don't "hate" anyone or anything, but i really dislike people who do, and you certainly seem to enjoy bringing bad vibes and drama to a community that tries its best to be positive and have fun most of the time. you don't contribute anything but negativity and you only start arguments; i've never seen you do anything else, so why are you here?

i'm simply suggesting that you post somewhere where you actually have something to talk about, instead of just insulting and baiting people for your own amusement.

Hey boss. A group of 14 people who sit around and hit F5 all day is hardly a "community". A group of 14 people who rip on any new member, flame, troll, spam, their threads, etc. is hardly the "masses".

Quite frankly, this all started when 9mile decided to get on my case for deleting his flames from the NY forum. You all decided to jump on the bandwagon and it all snowballed from there. It has become "cool" to hate on me, troll me, flame me, etc. Nothing more, and nothing less.

I have people, such as you, Garymatthews, the unknown DJ, lolahotass, onisakura, etc, who start in on me for the mere fact everyone else is starting in on me. I have no clue who you are, where you came from, or your beef with me. You are simply a part of the masses that decided to jump into the wagon and hate me for no reason.

I'm simply suggesting you realize this, then get off your high horse. You guys dish it out, but you can't take the heat.

Like I said before, I think I bother you guys alot more than you bother me.

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Hey boss. A group of 14 people who sit around and hit F5 all day is hardly a "community". A group of 14 people who rip on any new member, flame, troll, spam, their threads, etc. is hardly the "masses".

Quite frankly, this all started when 9mile decided to get on my case for deleting his flames from the NY forum. You all decided to jump on the bandwagon and it all snowballed from there. It has become "cool" to hate on me, troll me, flame me, etc. Nothing more, and nothing less.

I have people, such as you, Garymatthews, the unknown DJ, lolahotass, onisakura, etc, who start in on me for the mere fact everyone else is starting in on me. I have no clue who you are, where you came from, or your beef with me. You are simply a part of the masses that decided to jump into the wagon and hate me for no reason.

I'm simply suggesting you realize this, then get off your high horse. You guys dish it out, but you can't take the heat.

Like I said before, I think I bother you guys alot more than you bother me.

Nobody likes you. Period. You suck at life. Go away to where you will be more accepted.
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We hate you and you live off it. Otherwise you wouldn't come here. You have never contributed one good post on this board.

I'm gonna start deleting your shit like you do to everyone else.

And if you say bandwagon one more time...


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Drama? Look at this board. You guys LIVE for this shit. You guys LIVE for hitting F5, and replying.

Kinda like both times you guys said "No" to inviting me into the chats. :rofl:

It's all good fellas. We agree to disagree. Now hit F5 and troll this post 15x. Jealousy is a evil thing.

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ur really sore about the CP chats huh?? hahahahahaha what a fucking homo..he thinks we're really serious about the exclusivity of our fucking random chat ....ur a tool ...seriously though ...if u think grown ass ppl 23+yrs and older feel "COOL" by sitting in a chat room...

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Hey boss. A group of 14 people who sit around and hit F5 all day is hardly a "community". A group of 14 people who rip on any new member, flame, troll, spam, their threads, etc. is hardly the "masses".

Quite frankly, this all started when 9mile decided to get on my case for deleting his flames from the NY forum. You all decided to jump on the bandwagon and it all snowballed from there. It has become "cool" to hate on me, troll me, flame me, etc. Nothing more, and nothing less.

I have people, such as you, Garymatthews, the unknown DJ, lolahotass, onisakura, etc, who start in on me for the mere fact everyone else is starting in on me. I have no clue who you are, where you came from, or your beef with me. You are simply a part of the masses that decided to jump into the wagon and hate me for no reason.

I'm simply suggesting you realize this, then get off your high horse. You guys dish it out, but you can't take the heat.

Like I said before, I think I bother you guys alot more than you bother me.

I think weyes said what she said very tactfully. There was no need to get all pissy about it.

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Great comeback ante. :rofl:

Like I said, You have no leg(s) to stand on. You hate me because NMN and 9Mile started to hate me.

You're a sheep.

If 9mile and gotmilk h8 each other than why would gotmilk h8 you because 9mile does? Your trollinism logic is way off *son. If anything gotmilk would join e-forces with you against 9mile because he hates you. Just face it, u r teh suq.

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I think weyes said what she said very tactfully. There was no need to get all pissy about it.
thanks, jim schoen.gif . bickering and insulting aren't my deal.

truly, montbh, i'm not here to start trouble. i am posing a question, though: since all i've seen you do is start drama and make it worse, do you have another purpose here? if so, please explain in detail what it is.

there is no sarcasm in what i'm saying. i am entirely sincere, so i would appreciate a sincere answer.



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