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Tables and Bottle Service


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What is the price for a table at the top clubs(Pure, Body English, Jet)? Can't I just call the club and have them reserve a table?

What does it cost, to the VIP host, to get a table in the Main room at Jet?

I want to do bottle service at clubs but paying $400+ to a host seems high. Am I missing something?

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Ummmm....Are you kidding me? You can call any club and set up a table reservation. However depending on what time you show up, your table maybe sold out from under you.

Pure, Body English, Jet they all over booked every Night.

In regards to the not wanting to pay 400+. You are missing everything. Depending on the size of your party your tip to your host should be at least 100 bux. Then a bottle of absolut will run you 275. At least. Then plus tax and tip to your waitress its looking closer to 400.

Now that is for only 1 bottle and to get a table at any of the top clubs your looking at a minimum 2 bottles on a off night. And most places are in the area of 4+.

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Dude epope, you walk into a club and throw 100, you will not even get seated at any clubs here but maybe tengerine, the beach, studio 54, rain and bikinis. The club host will give you the run around for hours till your finally frustrated that you finally leave.

Any of the top clubs, bottle prices start at 375 with 2 bottle minimum and bottle for every 3 guests and automatic 18% for cocktail.

Now for the calling the club. Your morre than welcome to, But with a group of guys, you WILL not be seated at any club even if you arrive before the club opens within an hour, promise you that.

I just had a 14 guys this last weekend for 4 nights who have visited vegas and done their own thing calling clubs. No club in town in the past would ever get them taken care of right. 4nights 8 clubs and never had an issue. Walked in in front of the maloofs at pure on fri, that was cool.

So, close it up quick. You can call the club and let them help you. Most clubs will tell you 3 bottle minimum when a host can get you two bottle minimum. The money you pay for host, is them taking care of the door guy who makes sure you get in in less than 10 minutes, which i guarente at the clubs i work with. We also take care of the host generously to assure we get the best table possible. Then the bouncer that takes care of your area to invite ladies to you if applicable.

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It sux. But i will post any and all prices at any time, and not leave you at the club going why is this on here or why is that. or have an angry host who yanks you out of your table cause you didnt tip. I take care of the host, security in your area to send women to your table or to keep an eye on ladies purses or whatever. You have to take care of the bottles and server which most clubs are automatically charging 18%. You WILL NEVER be charged for bs like other hosts will leave you hanging with

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Buddy I don't know what world you live in...Limodriver.

First off...I was merely stating that its at least 100 Bux. Which is a okay tip. 200 is a good reasonable tip. Trust me I have a table booked at all the hot places everynight of the week if I want. And I will tell you I can call any club in this city and get a table on any given night. Its all about who you know.

My only problem with you Limodriver is you are the biggest exaggerater on this damn site. You make it seem like its a Mission Impossible to get a table. Yes it can be tough but if you follow through with what the host says it is not that hard.

Yes if you think you are going to show up at Pure on a Sat. Night with any amount of guys and get right in with 100 bux hell no...But its not a hard issue. If you need contacts let me know...I will put you in touch with the right people and you take care of them they will take care of you...

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Some clubs charge for the table, some just charge for the bottles .i.e. Pure is a two bottle min but Rain charges for the table and then for the bottle

My question is that I never did bottle service at Body english. Do they charge table and bottle or just reserve table and pay for bottles, also what is min bottle for the table

Thanks in advance

P.S. is rain even popular anymore?

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Okay -

The table charge is your tip to the host. All clubs look to see if your going to come out and tip. If they see you are they will either cut back the table fee or they will drop it. Its a easier more tactful way of saying I need a tip. If you don't come right out dropping bills that's when they will politely say hey (depending on table location) there is a "x" dollar table fee.

It really just depends on your relationship with the host and how you guys work it out. All in all every club you go to will be expecting a tip. In some way shape or form....

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It's been two years since my last vegas trip and I'm comin back on sept 14th.

My question is that I am prob doing tryst on Thursday/Pure on Fri/Tao or Rain on SAT/ and Body English on Sunday. Prob going to do tables at pure or rain and def at body english.

I've got a few connections but do not know how their reputations are. One is vegastravis, blake at pure, tina at rain and nobody at tao or tryst.

What do you suggest? Go with them or others?

Which nights should I go with tables?

Man I remember when it was easy, just get passes for ra/baby's..etc and we were in

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No offense homey.....

But are you questioning E Pope?

My brother.....my Clubplanet brother......E Pope and his "entourage" pretty much run game in Vegas. And trust me, if he arrives at any club in Vegas with 20 guys---he usually doesn't have to make a phone call. But if he does, or somebody he's with does, "See you in the club".

I promise...nah...I guarantee you that.

How We Do!

Now about your promoting your services on this site. Have at it man.

But don't try to call out people especially when you are without any context to the frame of their logic.

Jay C

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Damn ukjay didnt i do some buz for you a few months back.

What i was stating is that you walk into pure on a sat night and drop a hsot 100 for a table, i promise you, before you order your bottles he sees a c note and thats it,, ooops..

Im not sying you dont have your connects in vegas. I really dont care who you know or how you know them. I have been doing this for 12 years here in vegas and in january had a friend start doing this for me and its taken off alot more than i thought. i started doing hosting when vip WAS the only gig in town. I bartended at the beach and went to drink, and got people in in the part time. Took up limo driving and here i am. I have 7 hosts that work for me 4-7 nights a week and i get to spend time with my family, except on fri and sat.

hey jrelera vbmenu_register("postmenu_3032542", true); you are more than welcome to call any club you want and setup tables. In my personal opinion, it makes it easier when you use and outside host. We know what tables are good and bad and what clubs to not go to on certain nights. Every host in vegas have clubs they are connected with one way or another. Most clubs charge you as a caller a 3 bottle minimum where a host can get a 2 bottle minimum. Some places i can get buy 2 get third half price.

Regardless of the clubs you pick or which way you go, with a host or without vegas clubs are topnotch. one of my hosts moved from nyc and loves working here. We are working on a nightclub tour of a lounge and 2 nightclubs and hope to have it setup soon. i think it will totally change the clubs way of thinking of 40 people at a time.

And epope, next time you come out drop me a line, you might be someone i need to know.

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Not a problem Limodriver....

I am flying back in town on Thursday Night will be at Tao for Jimmy Greenup's Birthday party.

In regards to LimoDriver...I have no problem with Independent Host. As a matter of fact I am opening up a company real soon. The only thing that cracks me up is "fly by night host". The people that print a business card and call them self a host. I can see your a little more established with a website and so forth. I just don't like the way you come off as making it sound like the world is impossible to get things done with out a host. Just tell it like it is....

And you don't always have to have a story about how you did this or did that. If you have a superior product people will see that and you will establish a repeat and referral clientel base. Which it sounds like you have. Like I said I have no problem with you and the way you conduct business. If you have time maybe I will see you out on thursday.

Joel - Vegas Travis. Never heard of them. Blake is a great connect for Pure. But it does not matter who ever you contact there you have to get there early. Pure has something like 72 Tables and are double booked every night they are open.

With Rain not sure. I have not been there in years. I have a few contacts in the Nine Management Group that can certainly take care of you.

In regards to Tao - Contact Bob Shindelar Sr. Host, And Tryst Zack E.

If you want contact me through PM and I will give you there contact info.

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Yeah your right. However me myself I am not going to start giving out GM's names on Club Planet. I use those contacts for myself or for close personal friends of mine. I gave them the host to contact because as a patron that is who they are supposed to contact.

Yeah Vegas is quite the golfing city. Can pretty much wine & dine anyone on the Courses of Las Vegas.

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I knew it was only a matter of time before golf was brought up on this board. Hell, I'm not that much of a golfer (certainly not an addict) but over the last 18 months or so it's begun to cut into my clubbing availability. All of my Vegas clients now want to conduct business out on the course. Stepping up to the first tee at 8am is bad enough. Looking like you just rolled out of a club 3-4 hours early, that sucks. Not to mention it's killed my Rehab/Relax arrival time this year...

What makes me laugh (or is it cry?) the most is that these same clients have moved from being up all night gambling and clubbing with me to going to bed early so they can play golf. Wasn't too long ago these guys preferred to talk business with me over bottle service at Baby's!

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Back on topic now...

I think we can all agree on this: in the service industry, you get what you pay for, and that includes tips. We're talking about clubs, but if you boil it down it's no different anywhere else in Vegas, from restaurants to hotels to valet parking to tee times.

I've been clubbing in Vegas for over 10 years now, and although I've got a fair share of contacts about I still work with VIP services from time to time. Why? Because one call does it all. Whether I'm entertaining a group of 8-20 people or splurging on one special friend, there's nothing like knowing everything is taken care of.

There are two big advantages of reliable VIP services that have not yet been mentioned in this thread: they can make something happen at the last second and perhaps more importantly, they are effectively vouching for you.

That said, I completely agree with epope: anyone can make a table reservation at a club. The provision I will add is provided you're willing to commit to your plans in advance. The bigger the weekend and/or the bigger your party, the farther in advance you'll need to commit.

Assuming you don't already have a connection (that is, someone who trusts you by name), whether you go on your own or use a service, the question to ask yourself is simply "am I willing to deal with the legwork and potential complications?"

Now if you want to proceed with dealing with a club directly, you should read the following:


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There was another host here but he is gone pretty much i think. He was talking about how hard it was to get 8 people, 5 girls and 3 guys into pure on sat night at 11. My first question was do you know anyone there. Pure is one of the harder clubs right now. But not any harder last minute than tao, tryst, jet or body english. I will admit i have had troubles with clubs. Geez i stood at tryst for 45 minutes the other night while they shut line down. My groups of 14 guys was like what the "F" did we pay you for.

Every host likes a certain club. My other hosts have their favs. I have clubs i will not send anyone to.

Vegas is becoming so rediculous in the clubbing category as far as how insane the clubs are getting. The other fact is the doorguys and hosts are running things. The can charge whatever they want for fees and or tips. But week in and week out people come here to pay/play.

I love vegas and the nightclub scene. I have taking myself out of it and relying on limos more and let my hosts work. Im 32 now and started working in vegas nightclubs 2 weeks before my 21 birthday, yo uget burnt out on after a while.

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