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they wouldn't let me into Pacha!!!


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I think the reason they gave you problem is you got to the club at 2am. Its reputation of jp crowd who shows up after 2am . They think everbody who shows up after 2am or afterhours on drugs going to cause problems. I see more asain on drugs and doing drugs in nightclubs at Pacha,Webster hall.old crobar,studio,and the old twilo and they let them in. Next time JP at Pacha bring the same id that you used this past sat and show up before 2am,.Some of the bouncer i see used to worked for clubdeep and crobar.

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Until Pacha gets some real competion the bouncer are going to act like asshole. I thought Mansion ny would bing some real competions its a joke. This Fri Kaskade performing and they only charging twenty dollars not like 60 dollars for bob sinclaire.Mansion opens AT 11PM closed before five. What a wasted space. This Sat erric moriilo and dirty south. Iam going will puffy show up like he did at cameo wmc2008.

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First, a few facts about me: I'm 24 years old. I have a vaild NY state ID with a picture that was taken in February. I've never been anything but polite and respectful to bouncers, door people, or anyone else working at a club. I've never shown up to a door on drugs, or with drugs on me.

Now for my sad story of being turned away from Pacha. I showed up around 2 last night, because my friend met up with a guy at Crobar that works with JP and he could get us comped. The guy talked to the bouncer, and him and all the other girls with him went in. I showed the bouncer my ID, and he asks if I have anything else, so I show him my credit card and bank card. Then he asks what year I graduated HS, and I tell him 2000, and he says, "Wrong, you're not coming in." I somehow avoided flipping out, at this retarded statement, but my friend was like, "how can you not let her in, she's 24!" Then he pulled her from the line too! I tried to explain to the other bouncers why this was ridiculous and to ask what I could do next time to prevent this, but all they would say was, "he has the final word, you're not coming in, go home."

I wish this were an isolated incident, but this comes close to happening every time I go to Crobar or Pacha, even though I go to one of them almost every weekend. What the hell am I supposed to do? This idiot bouncer suggested I get a new picture taken, but how is a picture taken now going to look any different than one taken in February, when nothing about me has changed. I'm trying to find my college ID so I will have a back-up picture ID, but this guy is so unreasonable that I don't know if that would even work.

This especially pisses me off b/c I see people out every weekend who I know for a fact are not 21. If anyone has any suggestions as to how to resolve this please let me know, otherwise I guess I'll be sitting home until I start looking old!

:boohoo: :boohoo: :boohoo:

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