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attn: montbh

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can you please explain why I would get this warning when starscream clearly went out of his way to cause problems? is it something that you give out directly at your own discretion or does it automatically get sent out if someone complains?

this is a serious question so hopefully you being the moderator can act somewhat subjectively here and talk like a normal person rather then just moving this to drama.

Private Message: You have received a warning at Clubplanet Nightlife Community

10-24-06, 07:38 PM



Join Date: Dec 2005

Location: New Yawk

Posts: 1,527 You have received a warning at Clubplanet Nightlife Community


Dear nomembername,

You have received a warning at Clubplanet Nightlife Community.




Insulted Other Member(s)


Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,

Clubplanet Nightlife Community

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no moron you started the post u caused the drama u know those people dont like you,you just wanted to get a rise outta them.2nd brainiac what you posted had nothing to do with the NYC forum it is exactly where it belongs.next time i see any anti gay remarks or remarks concerning my health i wont be soo nice to just send it to monbth for a warning.ill go directly to Dave and i know if he hears about this bullshit again from you ,you will be gone for good.end of story.i suggest u stfu about me being gay and my health issues if you wanna remain here.

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you're a fucking idiot you know that and you should mind your own business...i have hung out with all of those guys before and they have no problems with me. They don't take what I say so seriously like you. I have chilled with drewminati on more than one occassion (happy hours, after hours and he even showed up to the pig roast we had at my father's bar). It was a joke and they would have known it was a joke if you didn't decide to "butt" in. You should really learn how to shut the fuck up and do us all a favor and just kill yourself. Thank god you will never be able to reproduce. God you are so fucking dumb it pisses me off

again :blah: look whos talking that has to have 2 nicknames on here like some multi personality person talking about Nomembername like its not you.How old are you Michael? 12? 15 max?

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Starscream, why don't you drop the screen name, drop the attitude, and re-register and come back as somebody else without all your baggage of hatred weighing you down? Start over with a clean slate and try to get along with people here without all the resentment that drags you and everyone else down into a pit of negativity? Just sayin', ya know?

I'm a peaceful guy who avoids dishing out cyber drama on this board, trying to be as nuetral as I possibly can to avoid all this grief, and I see you, always assuming people are out to get you, and reacting in such a defensive attitute that your defense of your percieved attacks wind up being offensive in nature and only serve to piss other posters off even more.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that was a long winded run-on sentence but oh well. You're in a vicious circle of resentment and hatred that only feeds in on itself and increases the hostility around you, and within yourself, even more. The only way to slow down the increasing resentment is to diminish it within yourself. Be at peace and offer peace, and peace will eventually follow.

I know NMN for the last 2 years that I've been a member here, and I know he says things to be funny that are sometimes taken the wrong way, but deep down he is not the attacker that you percieve him to be. He's actually a pretty decent guy with a tendency to make jokes for the purpose of humor rather than maliciousness. Just letting you know that, from the usually neutral position that I take on this board.

And remember, when all else fails, it's just a message board. :aright:

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Starscream, why don't you drop the screen name, drop the attitude, and re-register and come back as somebody else without all your baggage of hatred weighing you down? Start over with a clean slate and try to get along with people here without all the resentment that drags you and everyone else down into a pit of negativity? Just sayin', ya know?

I'm a peaceful guy who avoids dishing out cyber drama on this board, trying to be as nuetral as I possibly can to avoid all this grief, and I see you, always assuming people are out to get you, and reacting in such a defensive attitute that your defense of your percieved attacks wind up being offensive in nature and only serve to piss other posters off even more.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that was a long winded run-on sentence but oh well. You're in a vicious circle of resentment and hatred that only feeds in on itself and increases the hostility around you, and within yourself, even more. The only way to slow down the increasing resentment is to diminish it within yourself. Be at peace and offer peace, and peace will eventually follow.

I know NMN for the last 2 years that I've been a member here, and I know he says things to be funny that are sometimes taken the wrong way, but deep down he is not the attacker that you percieve him to be. He's actually a pretty decent guy with a tendency to make jokes for the purpose of humor rather than maliciousness. Just letting you know that, from the usually neutral position that I take on this board.

And remember, when all else fails, it's just a message board. :aright:

:clap2: :clap2:

Just so you know slick, i tried to stay neutral and give advice to starscream but he told me to go eat shit :laugh:.. so whatever.....

You'll probably get a more positive reaction if you talked to your wall.... :laugh:

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:clap2: :clap2:

Just so you know slick, i tried to stay neutral and give advice to starscream but he told me to go eat shit :laugh:.. so whatever.....

You'll probably get a more positive reaction if you talked to your wall.... :laugh:

I tried, but my wall is giving me the silent treatment. I guess it's holding a grudge too. :P

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its been posted on here a billion times... thats why there's no more ytmd or whatever on this site....

no clue what that is......not like i ever read this board really its been done for years. its good to swing by for laughs though, esp when i get a pm of a warning. ill prob get one too for calling him a clown

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Starscream, why don't you drop the screen name, drop the attitude, and re-register and come back as somebody else without all your baggage of hatred weighing you down? Start over with a clean slate and try to get along with people here without all the resentment that drags you and everyone else down into a pit of negativity? Just sayin', ya know?

I'm a peaceful guy who avoids dishing out cyber drama on this board, trying to be as nuetral as I possibly can to avoid all this grief, and I see you, always assuming people are out to get you, and reacting in such a defensive attitute that your defense of your percieved attacks wind up being offensive in nature and only serve to piss other posters off even more.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that was a long winded run-on sentence but oh well. You're in a vicious circle of resentment and hatred that only feeds in on itself and increases the hostility around you, and within yourself, even more. The only way to slow down the increasing resentment is to diminish it within yourself. Be at peace and offer peace, and peace will eventually follow.

I know NMN for the last 2 years that I've been a member here, and I know he says things to be funny that are sometimes taken the wrong way, but deep down he is not the attacker that you percieve him to be. He's actually a pretty decent guy with a tendency to make jokes for the purpose of humor rather than maliciousness. Just letting you know that, from the usually neutral position that I take on this board.

And remember, when all else fails, it's just a message board. :aright:

wow great read thanx dr phil.

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Starscream, why don't you drop the screen name, drop the attitude, and re-register and come back as somebody else without all your baggage of hatred weighing you down? Start over with a clean slate and try to get along with people here without all the resentment that drags you and everyone else down into a pit of negativity? Just sayin', ya know?

I'm a peaceful guy who avoids dishing out cyber drama on this board, trying to be as nuetral as I possibly can to avoid all this grief, and I see you, always assuming people are out to get you, and reacting in such a defensive attitute that your defense of your percieved attacks wind up being offensive in nature and only serve to piss other posters off even more.

Yeah, yeah, I know, that was a long winded run-on sentence but oh well. You're in a vicious circle of resentment and hatred that only feeds in on itself and increases the hostility around you, and within yourself, even more. The only way to slow down the increasing resentment is to diminish it within yourself. Be at peace and offer peace, and peace will eventually follow.

I know NMN for the last 2 years that I've been a member here, and I know he says things to be funny that are sometimes taken the wrong way, but deep down he is not the attacker that you percieve him to be. He's actually a pretty decent guy with a tendency to make jokes for the purpose of humor rather than maliciousness. Just letting you know that, from the usually neutral position that I take on this board.

And remember, when all else fails, it's just a message board. :aright:

:lol3: So all these secret love pms that NMN has been receivng for the past two years came from you? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You're riding his dick like New York CP'ers ride montbh (being the forum bicycle that he is). :D

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where the hell's the original thread? I took the time to speak to monthb personally about this last night and it's not even here! The people it was originally meant for never even got to read it before it got jacked.

yea what did he say. Did you ask bout the favortism

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