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What was your worst drug experience?

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One of my worst drug experience has got to be one time my and a couple of my friends got mad coke. We were doing lines like the was no tomorrow. I ended up passing out then waking up in a puddle of blood. I think I've had worse experiences, but I just dont remember.


"Life is but a dream

within a dream"

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Guest clubkid77

Worst drug experience...

i would have to go with Running Out to early, or maybe the worst is just not having any at all.

Just kidding.

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this one time, my friend Flipper (he wasn't always called that) and i got some trees from a reliable source in wash. sq. park. it was trippy as hell and we found out it was because of the Raid they doctor schwag with. so Flipper said, "wtf we wasting our time with gardening stuff for?" so we got some Raid, industrial strength. while at the store, we also picked up some whippets (same aisle) and Robitussin DM (different aisle). Flipper explained, "dude, this cold medicine is what Tino puts in the rolls he sells." so back at Flipper's, while trying to figure out how to consume Raid with no trees, we downed the Robitussin and did an aerosol can. Flipper gets the best revelations after about a can; "we just smoke it, like we did before!" problem was, we smoked those trees in a blunt. but Flipper got his mom's crack pipe, so it was all good; we had a piece. Flipper took the first hit of the Raid. then he started vibrating like a dildo on turbo. then he went still and his eyes rolled around. then he tried to stand and was bumping into things. i tried to restrain him, because he looked like he was going to hurt himself. but he didn't know who i was and freaked out, and started trying to bite me. so of course, i let the damn bastard go, but then he started to bite himself. actually bit off his right thumb

next day, after he had that lil' wound sewed up, he remembered that he loaned his mom's pipe to our friend Lemming. Lemming's crazy. god knows what Lemming smoked out of that. well, i personally blame whatever the hell that residue of Lemming's was. in any case, that's how Flipper got his nickname. he was born with webbed fingers as a result of his mom's crack habit while he was in the womb. the right thumb was the only un-webbed digit

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deanna, are you really serious or did you make that up??

Anyway, my worst experience was when I tired shrooms for the first time. It made me really sick for about three hours. I couldn't stand it anymore so I went to the bathroom and made myself throw up. NEVER GONNA TRY THAT STUFF AGAIN!! as-green.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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My worst had to be when I took 2 of those bad clovers. I started early with my girlfriends and we dropped one and like an hour later I was like what's going on here, I wasn't feeling anything. Then before I knew it something hit me hard. My equilibirum was totally off, my face was paralized, I couldn't walk talk or see right. I thought I was gonna die. Everything looked stretched out and smaller and I couldn't lift my feet. My friends had to carry me out of the club. My girlfriends took the same thing but I guess because I had taken 2 I was a mess. My girlfriends only got sick to their stomach I got the worst of it. After I heard that there was DXM in the pills and they weren't even E. After that I stopped doing E. I've done it after that but that's only once in a blue moon - I just stick to my weed.


[This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 08-04-2000).]

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if you are taking the fabled cough medecine to help come down from a 103 fever flu, I do not recommend ingesting an entire bottle when you finally break 100 unless you like jumping back up to 103

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Last summer, i tried mushrooms for the first time and last, probably.

My friend gives me just a little bit, and i say to him he can't be serious, give me some more. I can handle it. Boy was i wrong.

Once the shrooms hit, i just remember feeling like i was in a funhouse or something. The pictures and paintings in our house were all making weird faces. The music sounded like i was in a large tube or cannister, just ringing.

I tried to lay down and go to sleep. I felt like i could not control my bladder. I kept thinking that i was going to urinate all over myself. Weirdest feeling.

Finally, i just couldn't take it anymore. I run out of the house, past everyone, ignoring everyone and anything. Ran to my car which was parked in the driveway. Get inside lock the door and just turn the music way up. I remember just sitting there, my head resting on the steering wheel, music blaring.

I was thinking everyone must be out on the porch laughing at me, but i couldn't leave the car. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted more than anything for it to end. After about 1 hour, things began to settle down.

Moral of the story is MODERATION (especially first-timers) and know exactly what ur taking and the effects before u take.


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dxm was my worst experience too. i dont know why people voluntarily ingest that shit. its the worst trip, give you the worst vibe, and you cant sweat, no balance, feel totally out of it. those fuckin clovers. payback was a bitch for the bitches who were sellin those that nite at the factory...

Originally posted by Rebecca07:

My worst had to be when I took 2 of those bad clovers. I started early with my girlfriends and we dropped one and like an hour later I was like what's going on here, I wasn't feeling anything. Then before I knew it something hit me hard. My equilibirum was totally off, my face was paralized, I couldn't walk talk or see right. I thought I was gonna die. Everything looked stretched out and smaller and I couldn't lift my feet. My friends had to carry me out of the club. My girlfriends took the same thing but I guess because I had taken 2 I was a mess. My girlfriends only got sick to their stomach I got the worst of it. After I heard that there was DXM in the pills and they weren't even E. After that I stopped doing E. I've done it after that but that's only once in a blue moon - I just stick to my weed.


[This message has been edited by Rebecca07 (edited 08-04-2000).]


deez nuts

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I had a bad acid trip once, i saw the sky open up and some kind of ships breaking through the clouds and i bugged out and thought all my friends were aliens and out to get me, no joke .There was a church across the street from my boys house and i eventaully calmed down after watching the entire church melt to the ground like a candle stick. That was the only (bad trip) bad drug experience i ever had ... Well i had some pretty sticky situations with coke when i was fucking with that shit but thats expected when your fucking around with the devil. Nothing goes up my nose anymore , thank you.

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Hands down, my worst non-alcohol-related drug experience was my first real trip on shrooms.

I ate probably 2 grams with like six guys from the hall above me who I didn't know too well. We ate'em one Saturday night and went out to The Hill (where all our fraternities are) looking for a good time. We stopped by a house or two and watched some Beirut. So far I hadn't been feeling anything but the pot we had smoked at the beginning. After leaving the second house, we walked to the forest at the very top of the Hill to smoke again. I swear that the place we smoked was straight out of the Blair Witch Project. I was scared shitless, and my mushrooms were starting to kick in.

Everyone around me looked sketchy as hell. One dude ran off into the woods and I swore he was gone for good. I felt all jumpy and made everyone leave this horrible choice for a smoking location. We then went down to a dance party, which are in fraternity basements with a few lights and KTU crap blasting. This one particular party had bubbles floating everywhere. My head was starting to hurt, and all the lights and bubbles were continuing to weird me out. I told one kid that I was gonna go home, and he was like, "whatever." (NEVER LET SOMEONE DO THIS ON THEIR FIRST TIME ON SHROOMS!!!)

I walked back down to my dorm, and put on The Fragile by NIN cause I had just DLed it that day. There I was, shrooming, alone, in a dark room, with depressing music playing. Soon, my head was really hurting and I was starting to become really really depressed. I shut off the music and figured if I went to sleep it would all go away. Hell no. My head hurt worse than ever and the voices were making me feel worse. I went out into the hallway, it being a Saturday night, the dorm was deserted. I was completely alone and the ends of the halls were stretching further and further away from me. I broke into a friends room, hopped on his bed, and stared at the TV for the next 3 hours, riding this horrible trip out.

Moral of the story: when doing drugs for the first time, do them with people who will actually care about you and what you do.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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Worste thing is when people sell something as something else, or cut stuff with nasty chemicals.... too common these days, which is sad....

godslze - totally with you on the other people looking sketchy bit - it's so nasty when that happens.....

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i'm with all of you who ate those bad clovers. . . . i was never so scared in my life - my ex and i each took one . . . we were getting ready to go to the tunnel, i think, and i was like hey, i need to sit down, and damn is it cold in here.

considering the guy and i used to roll exactly the same way (always felt the same, usually peaked at the same time) i found it unusual that he was pacing around anxiously, in a pair of shorts, standing in front of a huge fan while i was laying immobile on the couch, with every blanket in the house on top of me, shivering.

i was just praying that it would all end. i think i actually wished that my ex would get concerned and take me to the hospital, but i couldn't stand, or move any of my muscles . . .

ohhhh . . .

and there was this time my best friend and i ate shrooms - but they didn't hit us, and we were so angry . . . we started inventing this story about my cat having eaten shrooms, and riding on a sled, and my brother driving around trying to chase her . . . but anyways, i don't know WHEN we actually started tripping, cause it went on for forever.

we had eaten the shrooms at like 12 ... and were still tripping at 7:15 when her mother knocked on her door to wake us up for the family visit to church. By this point, the two of us were convinced we were going to die - and had started planning our funerals - i'm talking details . . . like what color would the flowers on top of our caskets be . . . would our parents bury us next to each other . . . which of our friends actually gave a shit and would show up at our funeral . . . and out of those people that showed up, would they actually be sad, or just pretend?

that little incident made us realize who some of our friends were . . . and surprised us b/c later on we talked about it (when we stopped tripping and had slept a lil) and it all made sense.

orrrr -

what about doing your first tiny bump of k while your bf is going at it pretty hard . . . and the next thing you know, there's you . . . there's your bf . .. there's the circle of fucked up kids . . . and there are the EMTs, strapping your bf to a backboard cause he's in a coma??? that'll make you never want to do k again.

hey - drugs are bad - and we all know it, so why do we still do them????




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


[This message has been edited by brandie (edited 08-04-2000).]

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April 9th, 2000 at Club Rubber...

My friend Alex and I haven't done Shrooms since the Spring of '98 -- we laid off the Acid in '97 and then the Shrooms as we had done enough of both to last a lifetime.

Anyway, ate too many and was convinced that this was the trip that put me over the edge -- the one that would never stop. My first bad trip EVER...I found Alex in the club and made him sit with me while I fought the battle in my head. It was like having 100 different levels in my brain and each one thinking different thoughts -- serious voices in my head. I just laid in Alex's lap for an hour and talked myself through the madness. Poor guy -- I think he was more terrified than I was b/c he has never seen me not handle my drugs.

When I came out of it I was like, DAMN -- I need to relax. So I sent Alex to find some E and we rolled away to La-La land...

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One of my worst drug experience has got to be one time my and a couple of my friends got mad coke. We were doing lines like the was no tomorrow. I ended up passing out then waking up in a puddle of blood. I think I've had worse experiences, but I just dont remember



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my worst was my second time on E...the first time i hadn't felt much of anything, so the second time was just amazing...and right at the peak i let someone feed me a second one...'bout an hour later i was throwing up, watching people turn into animals (usually leopards) or aging while i looked at them...didn't recognize my friends...and thought Tunnel was full of rats. Horrifying. Didn't stop me from doing it again though wink.gif

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One time, a looong time ago, July 10th 1989 to be exact, don't ask how I remember this dat, I joined a few of my hippy friends at a Greatful Dead concert. To make a long story somewhat short through out the day I dropped 7 hits of acid & ate a gram of shrooms, not to mention smoking tons of weed, I couldn't recognize my friends, every peable in the Giants Stadium parking lot turned into a swarming bug. Scary shit.

Another time, my friend & I got into a car accident while tripping on shrooms, & I slammed my head really hard & got a concussion (which at the time I had no idea) so you'd figure I'd go home right ? Wrong. I went over my friends house & continued partying, drinking, a few bumps of C, next thing I remember I'm laying on his floor & he's staring at me like I have 2 heads, I felt 100% sober, I was like "What are you staring at?" & my friend was like "Yo, I thought you died". I found out I passed out unconscious as I was standing & hit my already banged up head on his floor so hard that his Mom who lived downstairs from him asked if we dropped weights the night before. I was crazy kid back then. *Sigh*


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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