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don't know why but no one can see this is the answer... seems so clear to me

the country would save so much money and cut our debt in half...

legalize all drugs like alchohol..

you have already eliminated 1/2 the crime in the country AND almost all the $$ waisted on keeping the drugies in jail...

next you regulate all the drugs like ciggs and liqour.. make sure they are safe and sell em everywhere

people are gonna do em anyway you try to stop them .. atleast now you know they are safe and you are making money off it

my .02 cents

seems so logical




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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yo - don't steal my platform! hahaha smile.gif

I've been saying this for years ... noone listens ... any the governement is too afraid to do that! It'll never happen, but they really should look into it.

Oh well ... the obvious thign to do is staring them in the face ... can anyone see the truth ... ??? smile.gif


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i think any candidate is cared to take that stand b/c he will be looked down on and recieve no votes...

he has mine..

not b/c i do drugs

when i am 80 year old grandfather i will feel the same way..

it is the answer




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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How the CIA and all the secret services would finance their dirty business if drugs were legal?

Mafia, banks, state make big money because the shits are mad expensive, the war on drug make the drugs expensive and a profitable business.

In Holland it's almost legal, only drug tourist and a small minority of the local people take drugs. There is almost no death by OD within the local population (but there are with the drug tourists.)

The war on drug is a bad joke.


Joël S.

[This message has been edited by JoelS (edited 08-03-2000).]

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I'm with you guys! It should be legal ... how can anyone tell you what you can and can't do with your body?

What you can put into your body is your business - as long as you don't endanger the lives of other indiviudals by driving or something like that! smile.gif

Especially natural grown drugs like weed ... it's from a plant ... how can that be illegal???? PLEASE tell me! Someone explain that to me!

A plant created by a higher being - (I believe in GOD) - has this effect! it's natural!

Rally smile.gif

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Good point Oasis, the Government is stupid for not legalizing drugs ... They could tax the shit out of Herb & E and people wouldn't have a dam thing to say about it ..look at cigarettes and alcohol ... their killing more people everyday then weed or x has ever done in all its existence ...

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The government will never legalize drugs so dont get your hopes up. They know how their drug campaign, also known as "the war on drugs", failed miserably.The only reason why the wont legalize is because the government doesnt like to admit theyre wrong.


"Life is but a dream

within a dream"

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The problem is that US government tries too hard to keep this "rigteous" image by suppressing all thing that they consider bad. And that's why this country has the highest rate of people that have died from drug over dose, rape, murder, serial killer, teenage pregnacy, and everything else that they have tried to stop.

In places like Amsterdam where prostitution is legal and drugs are as well, you don't have that problem. Instead, the government there monitors and makes sure that it's safely done.

If growing in the 21st Century means learning and re-learning then our government has a lot to re-learn.



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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i agree and i dont....

it seems so logical to legalize the shit.. then its safe, etc etc...

but in another sense, people shouldnt be shooting up herion and crystalmeth... people take advantage of this kind of stuff... how many babies would be born with cocaine addictions and herion issues... its a problem now with women that drink and smoke during pregnancies... it could potentialy get worse with other drugs being legalized. it's human nature to take things to the "max".. so if you legalize drugs, whats the next step?? people always want to go that next step... "over the limit"...

the gov will never legalize drugs... what good things do you ever hear about people doing drugs?? murder - robbery - death - OD - etccccccccccccc... there is really no "good reason" to do any drugs, except "becasue you want to"...

they make ur brain swiss cheese - dont really do anything good for you.

i think if the gov could do it over, cigs and alcohol wouldnt be legal either.

personally i dont give a crap who does what... its not my problem, just be safe!

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So you legalize drugs... now Medicare will have to go for people who choose to take drugs, so your going to have to get some good private insurance.

This make drugs only available to well off people, imagine the problems that will cause.

Then there the people who will get in to the addictive drugs, crime goes through the roof. But it's ok cause all the extra tax the government is getting will pay for extra police, oh yeah and were going to need lots more prisons to keep all these extra people in. But that's ok cause they can go into prison and get drugs so they will be happy.

Then all these college student hammering the drugs in college, even if a few mess there life's up it's still a waste.

God we are strong individuals, we can handle it but for every one person who post on this board there is probably several thousand that it's going to fuck up. The country is bad enough without more cracked up, heroin junkies. Imaging trying to get served in Wal-Mart if drugs were legal.

Legalize drug "it's our own bodies", because it's just that simple.

whats wrong with the current system, ok we have to pay through the nose, but thats a good thing. Ok we run the risk of going to prison, but if you are carefull you wont get cought.

Jesus there are kids getting abused, crim, & poverty and all we can think of doing is legalize drugs.

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you totally missed the ship

ALL those problems occur already b/c of drugs

that is what i am saying.. there is crmie to get em, and of course college students are taking em...

i am not sayin make them legal like a pack of gum put some restrictions on em like alcohol..

BUT atleast everyone is safER and the country is bettER of




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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I dont really know if drugs should be legalized or not,there were some good points posted on both sides. But I do know one thing, ecstasy should not be considered a hard drug with stiff penalties. It should be in the same catagory as pot and the other "light" drugs. To think someone can be locked up for 20 years in prision for having 250 hits is not right.

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B2B, if the government could legalize certain drugs and regulate it, monitor it and tax it like hell like what they do with cigerettes and alcohol then think of how much more money they'll make to help toward things that worry you such as poverty, crime, and child abuse. SEE! Everybody's happy! wink.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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i see many good points on both sides...

i dunno, now i'm confused!!!! but it doesnt matter, nothing will ever change....

i think one problem is a generation gap between the people it affects and the people making the rules.... shit changes over time, and the gov isnt "with it" so much.... i know many older people do drugs, but i have a feeling that majority of drug users are farely young.. i could be wrong, but just my thought.

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i also thought of the "gen gap" as a factor

but it is not a good point @ all

i am sure all the kids in the 60's said the same thing

i think the point is that any heavy drug supporter most likely isn't i/t politics..

now maybe wit our generation that will change

.. i stated that wrong , some are i/t to politics but ARE not politicians

that is better




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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Why not just make one more drug legal like...ummmmm...let's see....maybe...E!!!! I honestly can't see any reason not too. Good taxing potential and I've yet to see violence on E. I can see why some drugs are illegal but E?? It's not even as bad as alcohol!!

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It's a very different kettle of fish to alcohol.

Drinking takes effort - if you drink too much, you're gonna bail out and go home early. It's difficult to over-use, except over long periods of time (ie years)

As for E - what does happen if some idiot kid decides to knock back 20 pills in one mouthful? (might be interesting to watch from a distance)

So in it's current strength that we (ahem) I mean people are used to, it would be hard to make legal - too much risk of serious abuse.

They would probably release something a fraction of the strenght, and mixed with other substances that cause nausia after taking a certain amount... It's a common thing to do to prevent over-use..

Still no reason to have big punishments for it - Is Jaywalking still illegal in this country? Put it in the same class as that offence and I'll be happy....

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Cannibis is definitely the first drug that should be made legal. It is the most useful plant on the planet, and if it were legalized, would help the environment and society. The government would be able to tax the hell out of it, since people will be willing to pay anything that is cheaper than street prices. Hopefully, more people would turn to it instead of alcohol, causing a drop in alcohol related crimes and violence.

I would like to see all "soft" drugs made legal, while keeping the "hard" ones like coke, heroin, and meth illegal. The way I distinguish between hard and soft is addictiveness. If it is PHYSICALLY addictive, then it is a hard drug. Addictive substances in the hands of capitalist companies is just a very bad idea.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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hey peeps! All good points on both sides ... B2B, Oasis, BlueAngel - i agree with a lot of what you say.

My point is simple - we have a tremendous crime rate - much of it due to narcotics and their associations. If certain drugs were legal then you would cut out numerous crimes.

E is not a violent drug - never has beedn and never will be ... it just doesn't have that effect on the system. It is classified as a Scehdule I controlled substance - More restricted than cocaine and heroin!!!!!!

Explain that to me! It can't be explained because there is no logical explanation other than a government that is panicking!

I don't want to bore you guys, but in NY the punishment for possessing or selling maihuana is basically nothing.

I'm not saying all drugs should be legal, but marihuana and E defly should be legal ... their illegal status is not rational or logical.

I could expalin it in more detail, but i think i've spoken to much already.

Peace peeps


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it's more controlled because it's 'easier'

heroin isn't your weekend club drug that everyone is going to take ....

coke isn't as instantly enjoyable as E.

Anyway, if it was made legal, it would become a commercial product, and I just can't see that happening.

Imagine - different companies would be producing different E, all saying that their E is better - there'd be billboards everywhere saying 'buy Virgin E - it's the bomb'.. And that damn pepsi advertisement that has einstein trying to choose between coke & pepsi - it would be that, but for two different E's that would basically be the same....

It would certianly make the pepsi challenge more interesting though..

Actually, it would fit well into the 'something for the weekend' section of virgin.com...

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