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twilo popularity

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i know that it is sad to see twilo go down the drain in many different aspects, the popularity of the club shifting into the mainstream upsets me as well. but i for the most part for years have been pushing trance and the sounds of twilo into the faces of non-believers...in order for them to understand the happiness and bliss that those sounds bring to me...and i believe that in a way the popularity of the scene is a positive thing...so lets not try and bash this new-found popularity but try to educate people and spread the love of a scene that i have been waiting for many years to truly find a home in NYC.

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How is it Twilo going mainstream?? If it's the music side of things, I'm going to have to disagree. This weekend Pappa, Seaman, Slacker, and Fortier played. The only one of those who can be considered 'mainstream' is Seaman and that's unlikely cuz 90% of NYers don't even know who he is let alone the rest of them. I think they're headed in the right direction bookig other talent besides Sasha, PvD, and Diggers.

HOME should open up in the fall which will help bring in other caliber djs to help educate the masses.

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I definitely have NO complaints about the talent they book at Twilo. The problem is the space itself. It is just too small, even the main dance floor isn't much of an open space. That, combined wiht all the advertising they do (I see their flyers posted on every other corner) brings in way, way too many people. I think Twilo should place a moratorium on street advertisements for like, two or three months, just to see if the crowds thin out and the demographic improves. Ooh, I'm such a snotty bitch... sorry!!!

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the music is definitely not mainstream, let me clarify,what i mean by mainstream is alot of the new formed crowd that ventures into twilo esp. for the big names like pvd and s+d, they are the mainstream. these people, even a year ago wouldn't even think about going to twilo...for many of these mainstream

club-goers(i will not even mention what clubs

they frequent) twilo wasn't a "cool" place..now it seems everyone and their mother

can't stay away from this jewel of a club

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the music is definitely not mainstream, let me clarify,what i mean by mainstream is alot of the new formed crowd that ventures into twilo esp. for the big names like pvd and s+d, they are the mainstream. these people, even a year ago wouldn't even think about going to twilo...for many of these mainstream

club-goers(i will not even mention what clubs

they frequent) twilo wasn't a "cool" place..now it seems everyone and their mother

can't stay away from this jewel of a club

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Personally, I just started going to Twilo since about January this year when I first heard PVD spin there. I was hooked instantly and have gone to each of his parties since (except this party that just passed, something i'm quite pissed about). Anyways, my point is that since that first time I experienced PVD I've noticed that it has gone a bit mainstream. BUT what do you expect when the guy is one of the greatest dj's in the world. The word is gonna spread and more and more people are gonna come. I also hate to see that underground, one of a kind Paul Van Dyk vibe go down the drain, but the man dishes out the sickest sounds I've ever heard, and people are gonna flock to hear it. I too hope that Twilo doesn't become another f*ckin' Exit or Factory, cuz mainstream places like that have carry no damn energy. Let's hope something gets done to solve this potential problem....

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twilo by now is mainstream, no matter what

people say and they do want the money.

you feel it is a big priority.

the quality

of the party is secondary. but they have to,

b/c thet want to belisted on the nasdag very

soon, with the help of the masses who will flock every week there. can't wait to see

the first IPO. well this is N.Y., its business, not charity.

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Music...vibes... that is all present. But in my opinion there are way too many people going to twilo for the drugz. I don't people people rollin, stoned, whatnot. But if you are going to sit in a corner all nite. Then please stay home!!!


-- DrgnFly --

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Twilo Fridays is definetly what you may call "mainstream" , at least the crowd. I feel the problem is that they should have at least a 21 and over policy. There are too many 18 year old peeps that are just there on a genital raid smile.gif Seriously....it's just too young.

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i got into the rave scene in the beginning of the year... all i went to were raves and my first experience at a club was at PVD's 1 year anniversary at Twilo. I went cuz my friends who are into techno/rave music were all clubbers and they heavily suggested that i do myself a favor and check out PVD. I LOVED the music! and no, i was completley sober that night cuz i had misplaced my pill earlier in the night haha... but the one thing i did hate, was the way so many people were just sitting on the ground and on the steps taking up valuble dancing space.. lately i've been to exit a couple of times since my friends were telling me how big the place was... and what i saw was that no matter whether ur at a club or a rave, theres always gonna be ppl there who paid $20-30 to go to a place to drop and do nothing but roll... i figure if thats ur main intention to go out, u might as well call a couple of ur friends, turn on a CD, and just chill out... that way i'll have more space to dance heheh ... btw, whats so bad about ravers and glowstix anyways? cant all u clubbers and ravers get along? =)

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twilo brings in musical talent that most nyers have never even heard of. that makes is quite the opposite of mainstream. the fact that a lot of people are sick of hearing zombie nation every nite and are comming to twilo to experience something new, and more importantly something a hundered times better than hearing 1hr mix of my love is your love is not the club's fault. of the mega clubs in nyc, twilo is head and shoulders more underground that all the rest. as far as the store upstairs and the magazine, those are steps that are diluting the club's underground image, but in the immortal words of the wu, "cash rules everything around me..."


deez nuts

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As far as selling items in a store goes when I was in Ibiza it seamed like every club there had it's own store with t-shirts and cd's. Space alone had two different areas in the club selling merchandise. I don't see anyone complaining about that club. If Twilo wants to sell its merchandise let them - it's not that big of a deal.

The rest of the complaints about Twilo are getting to me though. To some people nothing will ever be perfect. For instance, I've read some things like "security is mean" and "they were letting in all of these ravers." If you don't like it don't go in there - that's it. I think that if people are letting things like that ruin there good time they have problems. We are there for the music and the music alone. Just block out the other distractions and have fun. When I am at twilo I listen to amazing music, hang with my friends and dance. I don't sit there picking apart the crowd. Isn't the music what it's all about in the end?. And if you find yourself in a club standing around complaining about every little thing and not letting loose then you should be the one to leave. Maybe you're the one ruining the "vibe."

What's worse - a person who is not as underground as the rest, but dancing and having a great time OR an "Underground" clubber who is standing there complaining about how it used to be?

I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing to anyone, but the twilo bashing has been getting a little out of control. Can't we all just have fun???

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But seriously,

Who cares ... mainstream what stream... just go and enjoy and have fun...and just hope that they keep bringin new talent for us all.

I think that we are all little bit too spoiled with the fact that we get all this talent here in NYC on a weekly basis... just appreciate it.

Well i too bitch sometimes about twilo. But hey its just like the city we live in... a love/hate thang...


-- DrgnFly --

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Keebler, well said... It's all about the music...

Honestly, we take clubs like Vinyl and Twilo for granted. The rest of the other cities only wish they had something that comes close.

With the exception of our boys across the pond.

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create your own ecstacy.

i love the people, the smiling faces, the goofy dancing and i even love the long lines - more time to talk to all the crazy nutters.

what other US city can have S&D, Cox, PVD, Hawtin, Seaman, Lawler and Vath in one fellow swoop??

spread the vibe - it's too easy to bitch.

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I don't think the "mainstrean" tag is because of who they book. It's the type of crowd that they are drawing to Twilo Fridays now. The regulars are getting pissed that the Friday crowds are big roid-heads and their girls, who spend the morning shoving everybody away from them, and the young guys who are out on a pussy raid. The music is now second to the scene.

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