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You know what's funny about acid?

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I've often thought about this.

K just kills you brain for a few hours, seems like the exact opposite effect of acid.

E puts your mood up.

Acid pushes your mood in pretty much every direction at the same time....

It's has a much higher possibility of 'going wrong' than E, but deserves much more respect, and it can actually take effort....

Worst case scenario is 12 hours of hell, which many people can't cope with,..


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Ive done acid over 200 times when i was in high school and a few times after but i dont think it would be a good drug to do at a club it wouldnt make u as friendly and open to people i actually like to do acid with a few close friends and take long walks through fire island.. by lighthouses.. stuff like that acid is more exploratory i dont see how it would give you the same felling as x and i dont see taking it at a club but ill probably have to try it out one night as it is much cheaper.. hmm gotta think about it..

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Haven't done it since college but KNOW for certain that it's not something I would want to do in a club. I also find it hard to believe that people are doing that and E at the same time - that's just crazy. As Planket said, it sends you in a zillion directions at the same time and if you have a 'bad' trip, you'll never touch it again. Don't get me wrong, it was lots of fun at the time but I would never touch that stuff again... smile.gif

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interesting enough, back in the late 70s-early 80s when the era of "underground dance parties" began, the choice of drug was LSD.

and for all those homophobic people out there, you should be thanking the gay community b/c they were the first to connect E/K with the club scene. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Everybody that I know who candy flip just absolutely love it!! Makes me wanna try it too, but I'll take my time and think about it more.

Is it true that when you're taken 7 hits of acid that you're considered legally insane? silly.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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For those of you that think the candyflip is insane..well you are right. However, for those of you that knock it,,well you dont know what you been missing. Did it once at a Phish show actually and it honestly sets you levels above just a regular night doing E. It sets you on a journey. Not only lets you feel the music and dance endlessly with the help of E, but it lets you see the music. It makes your night at the club/concert so much more amazing and surpisingly you remember much more and are able to grasp the night even better. I have only done it once, and will probably never do it again. I still feel that there is a big taboo with acid and am scared of it. But for all those people out there that are really all about the music - and bringing it to another level, well, try it..I promise you wont be disapointed.



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dude....candy flipping is amazing!!!!!!!!! It's wierd, it's an acid trip, without the paranoia...what so ever!!!! And it's like rolling, except all your sensations are 10x over. It's very nice. I haven't done that in a really, really, long time. Just reminiscing smile.gif

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Originally posted by Pershoot:

yea i forgot.....it make you see the music!!!!!!!! it's crazy..shrooms and e did that too, but not as long as acid and e....it's like your literally interacting with the music....whew

I agree. Back in the day we called shrooms and E "MX missels" - I know, pretty obvious. Anyway, I think that's a much better combination because they both last about the same length of time and shrooms give you a more 'earthy' trip than acid. I highly recommend it - being able to mildly trip while on E is the best!!


When it won't help to slow down...PoUr iT oN!!

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i've candy fliped before, and it was definitely one of my best trips ever. i've had both visual and tactial hallucinations (i.e. i would tough something and my hand would go through it, my legs would go through the floor etc.) it was a definitely a neat expereince.


i heard about the 7 hits legally insane thing, but i'm not sure if that is true.


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Is it true that when you're taken 7 hits of acid that you're considered legally insane? silly.gif


nah it has too be more than that

I did not see the shawdow people, till I was toward the end of my acid career. Acid had to of been the crasiest drug i ever abused. Every trip was an adventure,

you would have no friggen clue what's going to turn up on it and every trip became a diffrent experiance.

-- then when I mixed acid with xtc that's when the shit hit the fan...

-to abuse acid you gotta love the paranoia, and not give a fuk about anything on every trip-

my signiture explains ALL


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

[This message has been edited by gonzojournilist (edited 08-03-2000).]

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Sorry just wanted to add that mescaline is nearly exactly the same as LSD. It can be obtained very cheaply from legaly obtained Cacti. It's legal to own in any form although it's better not to have the liquid in the house.

The visuals are as good and the only side effect is slight nousia an hour after taking it (which most people experiance with LSD anyway). The trip lasts as long as LSD, and the legal cactus you can buy are as strong as peyote (which is illegal).

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I heard the 7 hits rumor too. It's unclear. You can take 3 hits of potent geltabs, and after what you've seen, never be the same person. Or you can take a sheet of papper acid and be able to drive home that night. There's alot more to it then simply taking 7 hits.

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The thing about 7 hits and legally insane is not true. Just another damn myth being perpetuated by the criminal "War on Drugs." Half the shit people "know" about acid is false. Stays in your spinal cord? false. Causes holes in your brain? false. I've only taken one gel-tab, which didn't work at all. I've been dying to try acid but can't find any connections. When people sell in clubs, are they every selling acid?

Oh, and I would imagine an MX-Missile to be a gift from god. Mushrooms are my favorite drug, more mind-expanding and life altering than e. I would imagine that if I combined'em I would turn into a great big pile of love goo, wanting to hug everyone and anything near me.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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Blueangel, I wouldn't recommend it at all..

It's bloody disorientating for a long time.

I had to take a friend (big guy) to the toilet every time he wanted to go because he couldn't remember where it was!! On 1 pill and 1 tab.

Be around people you know first, so you don't flip out

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