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Hard Rock Memorial Weekend


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Coming to the Hard Rock on memorial weekend, plan on doing alot of clubing but am going to have a group of 8. I was wondering if anyone here could tell me if the clubs charge a premium for that weekend like New Years Eve and is it like totally slammed everwhere and hard to get in. Thanks.

P.S Only planned event know is Rehab Sunday. Any suggestions for fri, sat, and mon for that weekend?

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Okay listen....

Just so I can clear things up for all host and for all clients. THERE IS NO RAPING GOING ON!!

I am a client turned host. And I truly think I have the grasp on what it really means in terms of nightclubbing.

What most people don't understand is that nightclubbing is all about the glitz, the glam, the popularity, the feel good feeling of being treated with superior service. Now any day of the week in Las Vegas this is happening. I have always had a motto "Vegas GO BIG!" I mean if you come to Vegas you have to understand this is not LA, this is not NY, and most certainly not Bay Area California, small town Texas...or any other city. This is Las Vegas....Damn I feel straight out of the re-rub of Sander Kleinenberg. Hahaha

Any how...you have to understand there are a million of other people that want to take your spot. When I call a club...Most of my hosts that I work with are friends of mine...And some still to this very day get awkward when talking to me about pricing...Because I am a friend and they want to take care of me...but I always tell them before the tell me..."What do you need?!?!" Understanding that is the key...Big weekends in Vegas are the weekends these host live for....

Just like if you work for a car dealership...Memorial day is huge...if you work for a stock brokerage and you have clients that all have stock in apple and you hear the iphone is being released...that is the day you live for...That is the day you gross and you make money.

When it comes to host...No host wants to tell a client a ridiculous number that they feel is going to insult them but...chances are that number really isn't ridiculous to someone else...

FYI...Jet New Year's Day...was a Monday!! Everyone knows JET Mondays!! Insane!! They had 152 Table Reservations and 54 Tables?? What does that mean...Highest bidder...Even with a hook up...they still have to make there money!! And what most people don't understand is that the club puts such high requirements that it forces the hosts hand to the fire.

So my advice is if you really want to have a good time...Make sure you come prepared get yourself set up with a good host...And bring the funds!! And just have a good time...


Its the most popular tourist destination in the country!!

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Incredible post E... spot-on, honest and informative.

People need to realize that Vegas is only going to keep growing as a top nightlife destination... and that's going to mean more and more and more demand for the top spots on big weekends.

Sure there will be more and more places opening up... but there will always be one spot that's always considered the absolute best for any given day/night... and for the foreseeable future, when you're talking about a pool party you're talking about Rehab.

Not just the top pool party in Vegas, arguably it's the top pool party in the country and easily one of the tops in the world.

Be ready to pay if you want to play on Memorial Day. That's what I say.

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