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Guido trash: subhuman garbage or aliens?

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And a great deal of you should be ... it's the way that many American's raise their children. The other day I saw some highschool kids throwing rubbish at a homeless lady, I thought "how American". I mean who the fuck does that? The other night I got attacked by a group of 10-20 hispanic dudes on my way home from dinner for being a "white piece of shit". Who the fuck does that?

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And a great deal of you should be ... it's the way that many American's raise their children. The other day I saw some highschool kids throwing rubbish at a homeless lady, I thought "how American". I mean who the fuck does that? The other night I got attacked by a group of 10-20 hispanic dudes on my way home from dinner for being a "white piece of shit". Who the fuck does that?

I love my country, but feel I have nothing in common with about 90% of the people who currently live here. I blame media overexposure and MTV for the shabby state of most of the citizenry. No one has a work ethic anymore, they all want to skate by until someone hands them a check for millions of dollars. The American dream has been bastardized. Today it's be a lazy obese fuck who takes no pride in anything until you go on reality TV and get quasi famous

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I love my country, but feel I have nothing in common with about 90% of the people who currently live here. I blame media overexposure and MTV for the shabby state of most of the citizenry. No one has a work ethic anymore, they all want to skate by until someone hands them a check for millions of dollars. The American dream has been bastardized. Today it's be a lazy obese fuck who takes no pride in anything until you go on reality TV and get quasi famous

brooks I hate you but you are 100% right

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Either way, I am in favor of exterminating them wholesale, final solution style

hitler much?

listen italian - americans are very hard working people, have achieved great accomplishments in science, literature, politics, music, art, entertainment, the list goes on....

guidos are people who do not represent all italian-americans... LISTEN UP PEOPLE GUIDOS ARE NOT ALL ITALIAN AMERICANS....it gets me mad when people group all italian americans with guidos, saying they are trash. YEAH im italian, but that doesnt mean im a guidette or "bathe in marinara sauce" lol omg so dumb.

and ghost, people say words like muttzarella and manicott and stuff like that because that is the way its pronounced with an italian accent, mostly sicilian dialect....its been passed down through the years.....instead of prouncing an italian word with the inappropriate english accent. Like someone saying, can I have a "Croy-sant" for croissant , e.g. just so they can pronounce a foreign word with an english accent

but nothing worse than someone pronouncing italian cookies as a "Biss-cott-e" or a iced "Latti" .....

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and ghost, people say words like muttzarella and manicott and stuff like that because that is the way its pronounced with an italian accent, mostly sicilian dialect....its been passed down through the years.....instead of prouncing an italian word with the inappropriate english accent. Like someone saying, can I have a "Croy-sant" for croissant , e.g. just so they can pronounce a foreign word with an english accent

but nothing worse than someone pronouncing italian cookies as a "Biss-cott-e" or a iced "Latti" .....

ok no sunshine. i am from the adriatic coast...our accent on those particular words is exactly the same as the proper italian way. now before you say im talkin out of my ass..i was in NApoli/ Positano/Amalfi/Capri etc. this summer and i specifically paid attention to the accentuation..and i was right..its bastardization of the language.

On top of it..i was having a conversation with my italian co -worker...a real italian..from bologna..who is here on exchange...and he himself told me its some form of southern dialect..but nothing he's heard of and he concluded that it must be some form of american twisting of the words.

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ok no sunshine. i am from the adriatic coast...our accent on those particular words is exactly the same as the proper italian way. now before you say im talkin out of my ass..i was in NApoli/ Positano/Amalfi/Capri etc. this summer and i specifically paid attention to the accentuation..and i was right..its bastardization of the language.

On top of it..i was having a conversation with my italian co -worker...a real italian..from bologna..who is here on exchange...and he himself told me its some form of southern dialect..but nothing he's heard of and he concluded that it must be some form of american twisting of the words.

i dont think its americans twisting the words, its a shortcut of an italian/sicilian dialect pronunciation. I'm not sure i'd go so far to say a "bastardization"...

sounds like mottsarellah so people say mottsarel

ok, mutzarel is a broken dialect but its based on a italian (sicilian) pronunciation, not someone trying to be a wise ass

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ok well heres my point..if you dont speak the fuckin language..pronounce it the way a normal human being pronounces it..dont pretend you speak the language by twisting around words and adding shitty accents to them

shitty accents suck, yes, i agree.....

but pronouncing a foreign word with an english accent (e.g. MAHZZERELLA) because someone believes they dont have to pronounce it correctly "because this is AMERICA" and think english is the superior language and then totally butchering it is 100000x times worse


people come on.

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hey at least when they do that..theyre being truthful about their abilities...not tttttrying to be something theyre clearly not..


ugh fuckin die

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hey at least when they do that..theyre being truthful about their abilities...not tttttrying to be something theyre clearly not..


ugh fuckin die


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Bella, you just don't get it (not surprising since you are a subhuman guidette). When you say these things in a stupid non-sensical way you are NOT pronouncing them the correct way. Saying Croy-Sant is stupid, because it's the incorrect way to pronounce Croissant. What ghhhost is telling you is that the way we say mozzarella is the correct way to say it and the stupid wops like you who say it in your mangled way are saying it incorrectly by anyone's standards in attempts to "preserve your heritage" or some crap. Also nice job on catching the historical ref. on final solution, it's not like it was glaring or anything, no one needed it pointed out. I still can't decide if you are hopelessly naive or just brain damaged

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Bella, you just don't get it (not surprising since you are a subhuman guidette). When you say these things in a stupid non-sensical way you are NOT pronouncing them the correct way. Saying Croy-Sant is stupid, because it's the incorrect way to pronounce Croissant. What ghhhost is telling you is that the way we say mozzarella is the correct way to say it and the stupid wops like you who say it in your mangled way are saying it incorrectly by anyone's standards in attempts to "preserve your heritage" or some crap. Also nice job on catching the historical ref. on final solution, it's not like it was glaring or anything, no one needed it pointed out. I still can't decide if you are hopelessly naive or just brain damaged

honestly id love to smack you right across your face given the opportunity.

terrible argument btw. and you didn't understand what i was saying at all, which isn't surprising to me because you can't think outside of black and white and what other people tell you.

<3 the subhuman guidette

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its always italians that have never been to italy and never will but they say their grandfather is from there and thats how real italians say it lmao


eehhhh my grandfather IS from there, and wrote a book about his life there, which is now published, and you can find it on amazon. and i have never been there but i am planning to go there as well......

i learned italian from my grandfather and in college.....and you mistook what i was saying, completely, just like brooks and ghost.

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hey at least when they do that..theyre being truthful about their abilities...not tttttrying to be something theyre clearly not..


ugh fuckin die

i didn't say anything about how i thought people being something they're not is right.

im saying that people have heard the words passed down over years from their families, that is how it is pronounced.....

the word Mozzarella is NOT to be pronounced phonetically. Those who do that are butchering a beautiful word, People can go ahead and say it that way, but I think that is a bit arrogant to not even try to pronounce it correctly.....which is the full word mozzarella with an accent, it is also wrong to butcher the word by saying mutzarel (vs. mottsarella), that's not right either....but at LEAST it is a short cut of the actual proper way to pronounce it in italian and sounds a HELL of a lot more like the real word.

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