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i missed the beginning of the show - about the first 20 mins - what else did she say?

hmmm if they are close to land they need to get the F out of there, lol.

what was up with juliette's "i hate u" to ben??? and sawyer kidnapping ben next week cuz locke can't do it?

purgatory is a good theory too

first off, they are NOT in purgatory. It is just the Others/Dharm manipulating the media.

Juliette hates Ben cause obviously he is making her infilitrate the pregnant women of the island against her wishes (he probably made another deal or manipulated her somehow).

and they arent kidnapping Ben, but kidnapping "the man from tennesee" who conned Locke into believing it was his real dad while at the same time he IS Sawyer's biological dad.

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"the man from tennesee" who conned Locke into believing it was his real dad
I am fairly certain TMFT is Locke's bio father. Makes more sense with regards to organ donation, and it was Locke who hired a PI to find out about him.
while at the same time he IS Sawyer's biological dad.
I'm going with TMFT is the original Sawyer. Why do you think he's Sawyer's (James Ford) dad?
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  • 2 weeks later...

The show has been getting pretty damned good lately.

Here are some spoilers for the season finale. Should be interesting.

* We do not get a lot more information this season about Richard Alpert and the island’s other natives.

* We do not get a lot more information this season on the Dharma Initiative or the Hanso Foundation.

* We do not learn a lot more this season about Jacob.

* We don’t learn more about the four-toed statue.

* Christian Shepherd is not discovered alive.

* Libby does not appear.

* We will learn something huge about Kate.

* We get a major clue related to the “other†Oceanic 815 that boasted no survivors.

* We’ll be meeting new characters, but not in flashbacks.

* Rousseau’s original Frenchy broadcast from the pilot plays a role this week.

* There is much death in the finale.

* Yet another original cast member goes the way of Boone and Shannon.

* But, get this, another of the original regulars returns. And that regular is not listed among ABC’s cast list.

* We will see Terry O’Quinn at least one more time before the season ends.

* We see a new side of Hurley.

* Desmond does not sacrifice himself to save Charlie.

* There’s a big surprise involving Naomi and Penelope.

* The huge huge huge HUGE season-ending reveal resides in Jack’s very dark flashbacks, so watch them very carefully.

* Between now and 2008, fans may scratch holes in their heads wondering how this show is going to continue next season.

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nope! u still have to wait for me to come home , eat, shower and get settled first

Well you should be ready by then. Jeez.

havent watched prime time tv in years (maybe a spot of simpsons here and there)

its just drivel for the masses


I agree to an extent. LOST however, is a great show and I recommend picking it up on DVD.

how about video games? do you play video games ever?

at least they improve your hand-eye coordination! :half:

:werd: Should be finishing off Resistance tonight then I'm gonna start FEAR on my PS3.

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Is Walt coming back? I wonder if they'll use the same actor and have to essplain how he grew a foot and dropped his voice in a couple of weeks.

You hit the nail right on the head.

MFer looked like he was 21. That was retarded.

But man, I gotta watch it again. Crazy stuff.

Anyone know who the girl in the accident was with Jack?

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You hit the nail right on the head.
I am soooo schmart!
MFer looked like he was 21. That was retarded.
Most people believe the island is or is in some sort of space-time hectickness that effects people differently, hence Richard (Nestor Carbonell(?)) not aging since the 60s and possibly Walt aging 3 years in a few weeks.
Anyone know who the girl in the accident was with Jack?
I don't think we're supposed to know just yet, but I'm sure it will turn out to be freee-KAY!

What I want to know is, if the bearded Jack scenes are a flash forward, why does ask the black chief of surgery guy to go bring his father to see who's drunker?

Also who is the dead guy that Jack is distraught over? I doubt it's Sawyer. My guess is Ben.

Why does Locke have no trouble killing Naomi to protect the island but can't bring himself to shoot Jack? Or kill the man who stole his kidney and paralyzed him.

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man last nite was freaky.

jack is getting really weird. he is my fav character too! :(

that flash forward was really scary i thought....

who the hell is in the coffin? is he seeing juliette? i dont know, i just think its weird....

friend or family? neither......could b ben....

charlie is retarded btw. he had more than enough time to slam that door closed and jump out so he was on the other side with desmond. watch it again and see.

i thought kate looked really different in the future too.....hmmmm.

i just hope jack doesnt lose it next year :(

anyways good show!

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Charlie may have been able to save himself, but I believe he willingly chose death under the impression that it was necessary for Clairaaron to be rescued. He asks Desmond if he's had any more flashes and he hasn't which means the "picture in the box" has not changed.

The writers have spent like 6 episodes preparing everyone for this,so it should come as no surprise.

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