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I've always been straight but there have certainly been times when I've entertained the thought. My boyfriend is still dying for me to do it but after much thinking and feed back from this board I decided it wasn't a good idea. I think it would bother him no matter what he says now.

Anyway, I forgot about it but everytime someone brings it up here I start thinking about it again!!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Hey backtobasics and JohnB...

I just had to say...the "tall thin pretty boys who can dance who people may question" etc type...is the type of guy that always gets my attention.. smile.gif

I'll protect ya! ;-)



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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Johnb, I always have thought that when gay people tell you that you look "gay", what they really are saying is that they like how you look and are hoping that you are gay. I have a similar build to what you describe and when I dance for several hours and get sweaty it seems like all I ever attract is guys. I think gay guys are more apt to chase what they want, as opposed to women who would prefer that it come to them. I know there are exceptions where women like to approach men. I'm just saying it happens less frequently. Also, if you do dance hard and get sweaty a lot of women are grossed out by that I think. When I was single I was always torn between 1) chill out and stay looking nice in the hopes of meeting the love of my life 2) saying screw it and getting lost in the music, clean sweatless appearance be damned... Inevitably, #2 always would win out. But its a relief to go all out from the beginning now, since my girlfriend doesn't mind sweat as long as its mine lol.

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Johnb, I always have thought that when gay people tell you that you look "gay", what they really are saying is that they like how you look and are hoping that you are gay. I have a similar build to what you describe and when I dance for several hours and get sweaty it seems like all I ever attract is guys. I think gay guys are more apt to chase what they want, as opposed to women who would prefer that it come to them. I know there are exceptions where women like to approach men. I'm just saying it happens less frequently. Also, if you do dance hard and get sweaty a lot of women are grossed out by that I think. When I was single I was always torn between 1) chill out and stay looking nice in the hopes of meeting the love of my life 2) saying screw it and getting lost in the music, clean sweatless appearance be damned... Inevitably, #2 always would win out. But its a relief to go all out from the beginning now, since my girlfriend doesn't mind sweat as long as its mine lol.

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Johnb, I always have thought that when gay people tell you that you look "gay", what they really are saying is that they like how you look and are hoping that you are gay. I have a similar build to what you describe and when I dance for several hours and get sweaty it seems like all I ever attract is guys. I think gay guys are more apt to chase what they want, as opposed to women who would prefer that it come to them. I know there are exceptions where women like to approach men. I'm just saying it happens less frequently. Also, if you do dance hard and get sweaty a lot of women are grossed out by that I think. When I was single I was always torn between 1) chill out and stay looking nice in the hopes of meeting the love of my life 2) saying screw it and getting lost in the music, clean sweatless appearance be damned... Inevitably, #2 always would win out. But its a relief to go all out from the beginning now, since my girlfriend doesn't mind sweat as long as its mine lol.

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Yeah exactly the same prob as you guys.. I have been kissed, groped and chatted up so many times (by guys)... I don't mind it at all but, having to explain you are straight all the time gets tedious.

I do go to quiet a few gay nights though, they are always the best.

Blue thanks for the compliment (i think!)

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I found it interesting what you wrote, I had a big blowout with the ex yesterday and if I could have just copy and pasted what you wrote!

I also was shocked that I haven't met a single female that felt that way, I started to think it was "guy thing" and that it was wrong.

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I found it interesting what you wrote, I had a big blowout with the ex yesterday and if I could have just copy and pasted what you wrote!

I also was shocked that I haven't met a single female that felt that way, I started to think it was "guy thing" and that it was wrong.

Sharing is the best thing.

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A lil twizt...

As a butch gay boi, I get girls bein like, NO WAY , NO WAY.... OR Yeah, but you haven't done me, BLAH BLAH :-)

I guess it all works both ways.....



Great thread kitty...

[This message has been edited by jd2be2001 (edited 08-11-2000).]

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A lil twizt...

As a butch gay boi, I get girls bein like, NO WAY , NO WAY.... OR Yeah, but you haven't done me, BLAH BLAH :-)

I guess it all works both ways.....



Great thread kitty...

[This message has been edited by jd2be2001 (edited 08-11-2000).]

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I had a guy gay say to me once after he tried and failed with the free coke trick which I so greedily accepted tongue.gif tell me that if I ever came out of the closet I would instantly lose my ability to attract gay men and strainght women would be all over me. I thought about how to do it, but it sounded too complicated and I'm not so bad off now anyway.

Jilly thanx for the kind words. A friend of mine told me once that you shouldn't worry about what you look like because even if you're fat with a deformed face, there is someone out there with a fetish for your type. biggrin.gif But seriously, if you ever see a 6'4" skinny white "prettyboy" in a tight black t-shirt in the middle of the dancefloor it might be me so come up and say hi. wink.gif


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Everyone of every gender who feels beautiful and sexy IS beautiful and sexy to me, but i'm as hetro as hetro can be.

You all make groovy eye candy, tho, you little sex-kittens, you! C u at S&M, I hope...



Peace be the journey

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I know Blue, everyone thinks so when they first meet me at a club. Something about sweaty all night dancing in a sleeveless shirt and being in really good shape but not a juicehead makes everyone think so. I'm used to it, although I wish I got half as much female attention in clubs as I do male attention. I'd have a record like Wilt Chamberlain. biggrin.gif Maybe women just don't think I'm interested because I look so happy dancing. cool.gif

B2B, you're right. If you're a guy who actually looks comfotable dancing intensively but not like a raver, people naturally assume you're gay.

Actually who introduced me to clubbing was a gay hairdresser I used to go to in college in Atlanta. So maybe starting off in gay clubs gave me a certain demeanor that I just can't shake. I've always prefered mixed clubs to straight clubs because the atmosphere is always better.


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Originally posted by misskittie:

I would have NO problem at all with him being with another man if I was present or not. I would have a problem though with him being with another girl if I wasnt there

Im always willing to share another woman with my man though so I see no reason for him wanting to have one without me there.

But noone ever agrees with my thinking so ....Oh well.

I am 'SO THERE' kit.

(opposite sex of course)

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My bf went through the same thing. People just naturly assumed that he was gay because of the way he danced. And probably because he's pretty. B2B, I think you look kinda pretty. That's always another reason why too, Johnb.

Male prettiness. Personally, I like em' kinda pretty. biggrin.gif



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Well LORD that question always gets me into trouble. I would have NO problem at all with him being with another man if I was present or not. I would have a problem though with him being with another girl if I wasnt there. A lot of people say that me seeing another woman is still cheating yet I dont feel that way. Im not seeing another man so I look at it differently. Im always willing to share another woman with my man though so I see no reason for him wanting to have one without me there. But noone ever agrees with my thinking so ....Oh well.

I believe that once you enter into a committed relationship . . . there should be a certain level of monogomy. If you're not willing to give at least THAT much into a relationship then you shouldn't enter into one. Just my $0.02.



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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I first started experimenting with the idea of being bi when I was in 8th grade with my best friend at that time. Unfortunately though, when the word got out, the guys got all horny and the girls ostracized us. Yet, after the girls stopped talking to us, I went to all of them and told them I was not sexually attracted to them at all....that seemed to piss them off and they all began talking to me again trying to make themselves attractive in my eyes. Pretty ironic huh?!

Now all of my friends know Im bi yet when I tried telling my family they wouldn't believe me. It wasnt because they are ignorant and fear the idea, but it is because I was always "boy crazy" as they seem to think. Oh well.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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It's funny you should say that because all the best pills I've ever taken, the ones that just totally warped me, were all given to me by gay people. I never thought of that before, but it's definitely true. Oh well, off to find a gay drug dealer. biggrin.gif


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MissKittie, If the reason that your with other girls is for the sex, why does it matter if it's with a guy or girl? You expect the man to be open-minded when it comes to your requirements, but when the man wants to have another woman for JUST SEX, it is wrong? I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, just curious....

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