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Angelina adopting AGAIN???

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I see nothing wrong with it. These kids will have great lives-espech compared to where they are coming from.

I wonder what flavor this one is going to be...

think it's going to be another african baby, b/c there was some article a little while ago about how zahara will feel left out...

of course it was on a celeb gossip site, so you can't really take it too seriously... but still

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yeah she wants a baby from CHAD, africa - a one year old girl - so that her daughter Zahara will have someone.

I just think its trivializing the lives of these children making these adoptions open to the public eye. I understand she has money and will make these children's lives much better than they would have been, is it fair to her first children, Maddox and Zahara, to continue to keep adopting soo many young children at the same time to show solidarity and mix and match races so the kids "have someone"? I mean these kids are helpless, they have no choice in the matter. it is just like she has to make her own personal statement about raising a family from all over the world, and i find that to be selfish.

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as long as she doesn't do some mommie dearest type shit... i think it's all good..
i think its great that angelina wants a lot of children. while she can naturally give birth, she's opting to help less fortunate children.

i am happy for angelina and her family...

Me too!! :)

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i think its great that angelina wants a lot of children. while she can naturally give birth, she's opting to help less fortunate children.

i am happy for angelina and her family...

yeah but she has to be fair to rest of the other kids. what kind of attention is she giving them? i understand helping the less fortunate children, and i commend that, but it justs seems like she is doing it to fulfill her wish to be some type of ambassador, just be the kid's mother and get them out of the news.

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yeah but she has to be fair to rest of the other kids. what kind of attention is she giving them? i understand helping the less fortunate children, and i commend that, but it justs seems like she is doing it to fulfill her wish to be some type of ambassador, just be the kid's mother and get them out of the news.

I'm sure those kids get plenty of attention...

she all ready is a goodwill ambassador... and its not her fault they are in the news about their adoptions... i'm sure then the adoption clinics get a request from Angelina Jolie, THEY call and alert the press..

i mean they live in new orleans now, not LA.. they are trying to stay out of the spotlight imo.

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I also commend Angelina and Brad for wanting to give less fortunate children better lives, but I dont get why they have to be from 3rd world countries..

There are plenty of American children all over the country living in shitty foster homes and orphanages..

Why doesnt she want one of them??

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I also comment Angelina and Brad for wanting to give less fortunate children better lives, but I dont get why they have to be from 3rd world countries..

There are plenty of American children all over the country living in shitty foster homes and orphanges..

Why doesnt she want one of them??

because they don't appreciate shit when they grow up.. why do you think oprah built a school in africa (of where ever it was) rather than chicago? kids in the US don't care about things like education...

at least thats my thinking.. lol

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then dont post here, jackass

That's your line, remember? :idea:

If you had a kid that you couldn't care for that Angelina wanted to adopt, then your concerns would be valid. However, since that's not the case, who are you to judge? Obviously these kids are better off with her as opposed to where they were before. You also have no idea about her day to day life, so how do you know about how much times she spends with these kids or how much attention she gives them? These are kids that no one else wants anything to do with, so unless something comes out where there is some type of abuse or neglect, she should be commended.

PS: If you walked up to her and said "it is just like you have to make your own personal statement about raising a family from all over the world, and i find that to be selfish." she would probably smack you...

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I disagree, these children are born innocent and put in fucked up foster homes. Raised in horrible conditions. They dont appreciate because they have nothing to appreciate. These children from other countries will be raised in the US anyway, so there's not much difference in my opinion.

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