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Angelina adopting AGAIN???

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Are you serious? Re-read what you just wrote...you make NO SENSE and sound like a spoiled little brat.

eww what an inaccurate comment. and take reading comp 101 it makes perfect sense.

just becuz i dont agree that a filthy rich woman should be parading around adopting children from all over the planet just to fulfill her own desire doesnt mean im wrong. its my OPINION. there are plenty of people dying to adopt children and she can just waltz in and have her "pick" of children from wherever she wishes. it's not fair.....

if you read what i said earlier, i commend adoption and think its a great idea for some people and the fact that she wants to help out. However, I actually feel bad for the children that they are in the news all the time....but honestly how can she give her full attention to all of her children equally and just BE A MOM when she is just out there collecting MORE children?

hahahah omg, a spoiled brat, what a fucking joke. are you serious? U obviuosly dont know me becuz i am broke as shit, i was never spoiled in my entire life. talk about juding someone.....

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That's your line, remember? :idea:

If you had a kid that you couldn't care for that Angelina wanted to adopt, then your concerns would be valid. However, since that's not the case, who are you to judge? Obviously these kids are better off with her as opposed to where they were before. You also have no idea about her day to day life, so how do you know about how much times she spends with these kids or how much attention she gives them? These are kids that no one else wants anything to do with, so unless something comes out where there is some type of abuse or neglect, she should be commended.

PS: If you walked up to her and said "it is just like you have to make your own personal statement about raising a family from all over the world, and i find that to be selfish." she would probably smack you...

what's my line? i dont follow....

When she had Maddox and then Zahra, ok, why couldn't she stop there? no, she has to prove to everyone that is like mother teresa or something. I don't see her as a saint....

w/e she can smack me all she wants, im entitled to my opinion, just like u are.

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i can't believe you people actually know the names of her kids.

I'm also gonna have to side on bella on this one. It's awesome that AJ wants to adopt kids that are not privileged or w/e but this shit is just not normal.

You can help out kids without adopting them you know. Send them a few hundred bucks a month or whatever. Something is a little out of whack here. I think she's trying to build an army of Africants for something. I don't know what but I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

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eww what an inaccurate comment. and take reading comp 101 it makes perfect sense.

just becuz i dont agree that a filthy rich woman should be parading around adopting children from all over the planet just to fulfill her own desire doesnt mean im wrong. its my OPINION. there are plenty of people dying to adopt children and she can just waltz in and have her "pick" of children from wherever she wishes. it's not fair.....

if you read what i said earlier, i commend adoption and think its a great idea for some people and the fact that she wants to help out. However, I actually feel bad for the children that they are in the news all the time....but honestly how can she give her full attention to all of her children equally and just BE A MOM when she is just out there collecting MORE children?

hahahah omg, a spoiled brat, what a fucking joke. are you serious? U obviuosly dont know me becuz i am broke as shit, i was never spoiled in my entire life. talk about juding someone.....

I wasn't talking about your english einstein.

Let me ask you this-if a Joe Schmo from your neighborhood was adopting HUNGRY UNPRIVILEGED children from around the world and giving them a better life, would you still be talking shit? Do you think Angelina really wants the paparazi freakazoids being up their ass 24/7 counting how many times they shit in a day?

I'm not judging you...you dont have to be rich to be spoiled...being spoiled goes waaaay further than materialistic things.

And you most def are entitled to your opinion-I could care less what you think to be honest. I just like to hear you go off on your little tangents. 7.gif

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..you COULDN'T care less lol......everyone always says could care less...but if u could care less that means you care ......haha ...i dunno why that bothers me...


I really dont care though...I just wanted to see her get all bent

I care about what you say :)

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I wasn't talking about your english einstein.

Let me ask you this-if a Joe Schmo from your neighborhood was adopting HUNGRY UNPRIVILEGED children from around the world and giving them a better life, would you still be talking shit? Do you think Angelina really wants the paparazi freakazoids being up their ass 24/7 counting how many times they shit in a day?

I'm not judging you...you dont have to be rich to be spoiled...being spoiled goes waaaay further than materialistic things.

And you most def are entitled to your opinion-I could care less what you think to be honest. I just like to hear you go off on your little tangents. 7.gif


Also, since when is having 3 kids too many to care for and give attention to? A kid I went to school with was the youngest of 9 and they all turned out fine. As you could imagine they had far less resources to work with than Angelina does...

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I wasn't talking about your english einstein.

Let me ask you this-if a Joe Schmo from your neighborhood was adopting HUNGRY UNPRIVILEGED children from around the world and giving them a better life, would you still be talking shit? Do you think Angelina really wants the paparazi freakazoids being up their ass 24/7 counting how many times they shit in a day?

I'm not judging you...you dont have to be rich to be spoiled...being spoiled goes waaaay further than materialistic things.

And you most def are entitled to your opinion-I could care less what you think to be honest. I just like to hear you go off on your little tangents. 7.gif

angelina is NOT normal. end of story. not aruging anymore about how i have to be politically correct and follow the stupid crap the media gives us.

btw i have never been spoiled. i am the oldest of 4 children for whoever said that comment.

and obviously you do care enough to respond to what i said, so dont even front.

tangents? read 1/2 of your posts on here, i believe they qualify.

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and obviously you do care enough to respond to what i said, so dont even front.

tangents? read 1/2 of your posts on here, i believe they qualify.

lmao yeah Bella I really care what your thoughts are on a movie stars life!

I just wanted to rip on you a little because I see how you fly off the freakin handle every other day and wigg out on people. I felt left out 5.gif

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it's not about teams...i just feel that Bella is getting the short end of the stick and you are trying to bully her around...i've met Bella and she is a sweet girl, just a little misunderstood sometimes. i dont understand what you are trying to get out of making her look bad and getting her all excited. but carry on. do you ma :aright:

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If angelina can afford to give time to her kids, regardless how many, then i think its a wonderful thing. She providing a home, clothing and food - and of course a top notch education i'm sure. Good for her!

But she's NOT normal!!! End of story!!! :funny:

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But she's NOT normal!!! End of story!!! :funny:

...do u think everyone who gives birth and has the right to raise children is normal?.....who's to say whats normal.......i don't see her doing anything that jeopardizes the children therefore there is no issue...

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