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The Pre-Twilo Jitters - Who else gets them?

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Some of us have already established that there aren't many other events quite as exhilarating as closing out a good night at Twilo. Am I the only person who gets so jittery before going to Twilo that I can barely get any work done that day? Or think of anything but going? Or talk to anyone(who's not going that night)? I should get some responses calling me a cracked-out heathen. Those responses are accurate. See ya at S&D. PEACE!

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I hear that. I don't think I get as bad as you but I deffinitely get pre S&D jitters. I always tell myself that I am going to sleep when I get home from work, so I am rested. But, when it comes down to it there is no way I can fall asleep. Nothing gets me going like a night at S&D. I missed last month, so I am already getting pretty psyched for next week!!

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before any night of clubbing, there is ALWAYS drama with me. ALWAYS.

i end up always getting into some STUPID arguement with my man. there is mad drama meeting up with everyone. there is mad drama getting goods prior to going out. there is always someone in need of a ride but can't fit in my car. all this BS.

then once i get to the club, the first thing i have to do is take a piss b/c i am so antsy. some guy i know likes to crap as soon as he gets to a club. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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I get really paranoid that my Twilo night will be ruined by some unforeseen catastrophe (S and D don't show, Guiliani sends in his hit squad and busts the night up, etc) I have such a good time, I just get nervous I'll miss it and have to wait another month...

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brandie! I'm with you on that one!! I always get the pre-twilo jitters while I'm walking toward twilo on a PVD night and I'm two blocks away. BOOM!! It hits me right then . . . the whole butterflies in my stomach thing. I don't know why, but it happens all the time.




"Rehab is for quitters!"

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

Argument, goods, shits. Will we remember all this in 50 years?

I hope I remember the club days in 50 years. I'm hoping to have some cool grandkids who will take me out when I'm 75.

Guess its not too likely though since I don't recall seeing anyone who looks over 50 when I'm out (except Junior himself)

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I always get the jitters pre S&D and PVD. I like Vinyl, CPI, and other nites at Twilo but they don't seem to have the same effect beforehand.

The whole day or two beforehand I get super excited and have problems sleeping. I cant stand waiting on line also and Im not really much of a smoker but I start chain smoking,

Cant wait till the next PVD and S&D.


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LOVE those pre-twilo jitters! I don't usually do drugs but I so get high on that whole pre-club thing. That day at work, and getting ready that night, and waiting to get in ... BBBBUUUUUZZZZZZZZ!

PVD or S&D at Twilo.... Ahhhhhhh... I will NEVER leave before closing, no way! Remember the S&D anniversary, where they came out and danced with us at noon? Goddam, I'm getting all misty!

Can't wait til next time!



blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.


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The second I find out when the next PVD party is, I'm thinkin' bout it from that moment until the moment I step foot in Twilo that night. I can't stop talking about it in anticipation, either. Sometimes I think I'm obsessed...and then I realize THAT I AM. PVD 4 ever. I'll see everybody on the 8th!!!

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