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Ritchie Hawtin/Danny Tenaglia Ticket for Sale

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Hey guys...

So I bought this ticket online to see Danny Tenaglia/Ritchie Hawtin at Pacha on June 8th...but I really don't want to go anymore, as I'm not feeling the crowd I'm supposed to head there with, and I kind of don't want to anyways...I love the music, but I'm honestly getting too old for this shit in so many ways too...so if anyone wants to buy it, that'd be tite...I got it for $37.50 including taxes and fees and crap...

P.S. Oh crap...just looked at the ticket, my freaking name is printed on it! WTF!? :( Any ideas how I can get rid of this fucking ticket, anyone?!?!!? :cry: :cry:

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That shit seriously fucking hurt. I just went down to my Health club to take a Whirlpool cuz they got this massively powerfull 20 person tub that no one ever uses. These fucking jets are so powerfull that if you weren't carefull, you could rip a nipple off if you get too close. Anyway, I'm soakin away and I get this bright idea to shoot one of the jets up my asshole. I'm all bent over with my shorts down gettin a nice starfish hole massage and the fucking maintenence guy comes walking in the pool area. I freaked and accidentally got my bunghole to close to the jet. OM EFFIN G I got like 2-3 gallons of Chlorine water rammed up my dumper. I had to scurry to the showers with an assfull of liquid Hell. When I got in the shower all that stuff just came pouring out. It scared me pretty bad. I was draining out for at least 2 minutes. Now my whole lower half is burning, and it ain't with desire. Can that shit hurt your plumbing??

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That shit seriously fucking hurt. I just went down to my Health club to take a Whirlpool cuz they got this massively powerfull 20 person tub that no one ever uses. These fucking jets are so powerfull that if you weren't carefull, you could rip a nipple off if you get too close. Anyway, I'm soakin away and I get this bright idea to shoot one of the jets up my asshole. I'm all bent over with my shorts down gettin a nice starfish hole massage and the fucking maintenence guy comes walking in the pool area. I freaked and accidentally got my bunghole to close to the jet. OM EFFIN G I got like 2-3 gallons of Chlorine water rammed up my dumper. I had to scurry to the showers with an assfull of liquid Hell. When I got in the shower all that stuff just came pouring out. It scared me pretty bad. I was draining out for at least 2 minutes. Now my whole lower half is burning, and it ain't with desire. Can that shit hurt your plumbing??

that was truly entertaining... i was about to go downstairs to the halal cart and get a sandwich, now ....nasty dude.

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Brutaly Pwned My Dirtbag Co-worker!!!111!!!11

These unknown ass holes at work keep stealing everyones lunch from the fridge in the breakroom. i work at a rual factory where there is no where to eat close by and 60 people work there . i work with lots of mexicans and it's damn near imposibble to eat lunch there unless you keep it in the car. numerous memos have went out about not eating other peoples food and there is a big sign on the fridge "DO NOT EAT OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD!" IN RED. It does not work at all icon_cry2.gif . so i decided to get even, last night i made tuna fish sandwiches and jerked off in it 3 times, and stirred it in. everything i did next i did with tape over my fingers so i didnt leave any prints. i put it in a brown bag with some chips and wrote "please do not eat" on the bag and snuck it under my shirt into the break room first thing in the mourning ... it was gone by 10:00 am! YES! tomaro i am going to sneak in and hang a note just like this one on the fridge over the current memo. i feel like a million bucks today, like i just one the big game.

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are you a chick? if so what do you look like?

what does it matter? if you're not gonna answer my question, then don't fucking post! clubplanet hasn't foking changed! WTF! can i give this ticket to someone else or am i screwed?!?! that's all i want to know.

for fok's sake!

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Brutaly Pwned My Dirtbag Co-worker!!!111!!!11

These unknown ass holes at work keep stealing everyones lunch from the fridge in the breakroom. i work at a rual factory where there is no where to eat close by and 60 people work there . i work with lots of mexicans and it's damn near imposibble to eat lunch there unless you keep it in the car. numerous memos have went out about not eating other peoples food and there is a big sign on the fridge "DO NOT EAT OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD!" IN RED. It does not work at all icon_cry2.gif . so i decided to get even, last night i made tuna fish sandwiches and jerked off in it 3 times, and stirred it in. everything i did next i did with tape over my fingers so i didnt leave any prints. i put it in a brown bag with some chips and wrote "please do not eat" on the bag and snuck it under my shirt into the break room first thing in the mourning ... it was gone by 10:00 am! YES! tomaro i am going to sneak in and hang a note just like this one on the fridge over the current memo. i feel like a million bucks today, like i just one the big game.

dude, wtf is wrong with you.

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what does it matter? if you're not gonna answer my question, then don't fucking post! clubplanet hasn't foking changed! WTF! can i give this ticket to someone else or am i screwed?!?! that's all i want to know.

for fok's sake!

you're right it doesn't matter...are you "foking" serious using that word over and over again? I wouldn't take that ticket from you if you paid me and promised to suck my cock while fingering my asshole

get the FOK out of here!!!

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OK, a few years ago I was with this wierd freaky chick that used to be nothing more then a phuck buddy of mine and she was slobbering on my sausage and out of nowhere she asks if she can put her phinger in my starfish. Now you have to know this chick was a superfreak. I put it in her arse the very first time I rammed her and she was constantly kak hungry.

In anycase I said "no" for obvious reasons. She told me that it would make it feel "waaaaaaay better". I'm thinking to myself, "I don't care if it feels like thousands of Jessica Biel arses rubbing all over my body, I'm not buying what you're selling." So I passed. I eventually ended it with that chick over another problem.

I don't know why it just came to mind, but who the phuck wants a finger up their rooter while getting brain. That would just ruin whatever good time I was having until that point. I mean having a rottie polish the chrome is such a good thing, why would you even try to improve on that? IMO Finger BJ = Worst idea ever. Does the OT agree???

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don't knock it till you try it...i was getting a massage with a happy ending one day and the cute little asian girl all of a sudden starting putting the tip of her finger in my asshole right before i was going to bust...OMG what an amazing feeling...i shot my load clear across the room a good 8 feet...we were both very impressed. now every time i go back i ask for the same chick and she knows exactly what i'm looking for...

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My old girlfriend from college used to fart when ever she felt like it. Even if we were in public, she'd just let one rip and not give a damn. She was kind of a tomboy, but only in her actions.

Anyway, this one time when we were having sex she farted so loud that she pooped on the bed sheets. She was so embarrassed and ending up crying... but the reason why she cried wasn't because she pooped on the sheets, it was because I couldn't stop laughing at her. In fact, I laughed to the point where I started to fart like a machine gun. I couldn't stop myself.

So, in the end, she broke up with me because she felt I wasn't "mature" enough to handle her "mature" farts.

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OK, a few years ago I was with this wierd freaky chick that used to be nothing more then a phuck buddy of mine and she was slobbering on my sausage and out of nowhere she asks if she can put her phinger in my starfish. Now you have to know this chick was a superfreak. I put it in her arse the very first time I rammed her and she was constantly kak hungry.

omfg :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I wonder who that was :laugh:

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That shit seriously fucking hurt. I just went down to my Health club to take a Whirlpool cuz they got this massively powerfull 20 person tub that no one ever uses. These fucking jets are so powerfull that if you weren't carefull, you could rip a nipple off if you get too close. Anyway, I'm soakin away and I get this bright idea to shoot one of the jets up my asshole. I'm all bent over with my shorts down gettin a nice starfish hole massage and the fucking maintenence guy comes walking in the pool area. I freaked and accidentally got my bunghole to close to the jet. OM EFFIN G I got like 2-3 gallons of Chlorine water rammed up my dumper. I had to scurry to the showers with an assfull of liquid Hell. When I got in the shower all that stuff just came pouring out. It scared me pretty bad. I was draining out for at least 2 minutes. Now my whole lower half is burning, and it ain't with desire. Can that shit hurt your plumbing??

:laugh: hahahaha, omg.

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don't knock it till you try it...i was getting a massage with a happy ending one day and the cute little asian girl all of a sudden starting putting the tip of her finger in my asshole right before i was going to bust...OMG what an amazing feeling...i shot my load clear across the room a good 8 feet...we were both very impressed. now every time i go back i ask for the same chick and she knows exactly what i'm looking for...

LMAO @ "we were both very impressed" :laugh:

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