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What do you do when your boyfriend breaks up w/ you after 5 1/2 yrs????

Guest chinagirl

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Guest chinagirl

schwingep VINYL IS THE ANSWER i know i know but i don't know if i will make it down there i have to show support to two of my favorite dj's besides DT & JP. two of my friends are dj's and one dj's there every week, joy that is, and one opens for him once a month and it happens to be tomorrow. they will make me dance though so its ok

Thank you cazz926 great advice, i just hope my friends will put up with it for a while.


"shhh, close the door, don't let anybody else in its just us" - DT

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Guest chinagirl

i have to say my bf was a club member a while back, just as i was. but at any given point he could come back and then read this post. I would probably be in a lot of trouble. oh well!!

hunglikahorse what town in nassau are you from? bethpage?

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Well my relationship with my ex disolved after three years...its not something that ends over night like you part and thats it you will see each other, at least if things are normal...I continued to see her afterwards to talk etc and reconcile are differences...it's not easy and you don't get over someone not being in your life right away...just keep busy, don't get caught up with drugs or alcohol because of depression that is the worst...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Trust me, it can get a lot worse.....

Last year when my most significant gf ever dropped her bombshell it was on a Wednesday nite...MOnday I had found out I needed somewhere new to live...and on the Tuesday my sidekick @ work resigned......

it was a pretty ordinary week!

Go out and play, but probably 13 nites in a row (which is what I did then tongue.gif ) probable isn't a good thing wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by chinagirl:

jolie27 you are absolutly right, he was a big part of my life and the hardest part is getting used to being without him. i had to stop myself at 11 am this morning from calling him cause thats what i do every morning mon thru fri cause he has to go to work by 12. i know this sounds mean but i feel like i have to break a habit (like my smoking).

Princesspookie and nikilina i agree with you also, everything happens for a reason. I am not going to play head games, they are for children. We are both young (23) and we started dating young. Right now i say screw him, but i am sure this will only last 1 hour. HAHA

I totally understand where u are coming from..(been there) unfortunately nothing that anyone else says will make u feel better. i know the only thing that would make u feel better is being with him again,but since thats not the case u gotta just accept it, learn from it and move on..time heals everything, its just a matter of how long....which sux. frown.gifjust try and think of any reasons why u werent good together, or if he wasnt good to u in anyway think of it now..and the worse part of all is having to see him out at clubs knowing ur not together having that nervous feeling. maybe for a while until u feel stronger u should try and avoid the places that he goes to and go somewhere else...just my .02 cents

[This message has been edited by neptune (edited 08-17-2000).]

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you've gotten a lot of good advice from the board. I feel your pain girl, after 4 1/2 years my ex and i broke up in april.

what i do is, go out as much as possible, flirt shamelessly wink.gif surround myself with people who really care about me, and who won't walk out of my life because of "routine and complacency".

in time it won't hurt any longer. and i like to think that it was for the best. that i'll hook up with someone with whom i'll have a healthier and more satisfying relationship.

although the clous may seem large and dark, i'm sure there is a silver lining in it for you.



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5 1/2 yrs is a long time.. and its not something that will just go away.. frown.gif

its gonna take time and alot of pain crying.gif

i guess the best thing to do is try and enjoy the single life, go out and live it up, dont stay inside...Good Luck!


~Music Makes the People Come Together~

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that def sounds like a great idea,

chinagirl ya need help??

no but seriously i know you've must have heard this a thousand times but better now than after you marry someone right, plus there are so many fishies in the sea.. keep casting!!

Originally posted by tripinchick:

Go out, pick up a guy and fuck his brains out, then leave. Helped me..


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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Guest chinagirl

you guys are awesome!!!! thank you. Unfortunatly he just called. A mutual friend of ours father just passed away. so he wants to go to the wake, i guess i would have had to see him anyway to get my stuff. I also have to see him friday night at this club that we go to. Two of our friends dj there (joy on 28th and 8th if anyone would like to go) Now if i don't show up it looks bad, so i have to go, i go to everything that they do. What am i going to do, i guess try to act normal??? i hate this shit.

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Guest chinagirl

well here is the newest update. he wants to rethink his decision. we talked a little tonight and he needs to think. If we work it out then we will be ok. if not i will accept it and take everybody's advice. Thank you for the wonderful advice. if we do stay together i am promising myself that things are going to change big time. i luv him and i cant see throwing away 5 1/2 years. (halloween will be 6) He is a big part of my life and i don't want to lose that. i hope everybody had a good time at liquid.


"See you on the dance floor"

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Hopefully, he'll come to his senses and try to reconcile.

The hardest thing is going to be getting used to being without him. You get so used to having them there that it seems like you lose a part of yourself. It will make everything easier if you meet someone else, of course, but it's ok to still miss your man. I hope you remain friends. I'm friends with my exes.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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hey chinagirl...look its going to be ok!!What doesn't kill us will make us stronger!! I believe everything happens for a reason, maybe this is for the best!!! Like misskittie said...cry cry cry...let it all out...sit in a room play love songs...anything just let it go...except the truth that its over...and inevitably, try to move forward!!

Try like working out to releive stress and energy, if anything you will be in great shape and he will notice it and realize that he just let the best thing he will ever have go...its his idea...also its his mistake!! But most importantly hun...don't play mind games with him...you are better than that!! You are the most important thing right now!!! I know everything will work out for the best!!<333

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i'm riding on the same boat.... i was engaged to a guy, we broke up for 2 yrs, got back together, and now just recently broke up. "if its met to be, it will be"... thats what everyone told me, and really it didnt make me feel any better - but it's the truth. it hurts, and it proably will hurt for a while... but don't try to replace him. do some soul searching.. find out who you are alone, you'll be surprised at the things you begin to learn about yourself when you dont have a boyfriend/girlfriend to worry about. i kinda realized that i wasnt the person i thought i was... i was always so concerned about what was going on in my love life... kinda forgot about some of the things that once made me happy. go out with the girls.. meet new people.. have fun. there is plenty of time to "be involved"... 5 1/2 years if a long time... i'm sure that he will always be a very important part of your life.. same as he proably will be for you... just be glad that it wasnt 10 1/2 years. i'm pretty sure there is nothing anyone could possibly say that could make you feel better... just try not to dwell on it too much, and smile (that always made me feel better)


keep ur chin up!!


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No worries...it'll be alright. Fergetabout it. You'll be alright. His loss. Move on - you can't change the way other ppl feel about you. Go out and do ya thang. It's hard, but you don't want to be with some one doesn't WANT to be with you.

Good luck.


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