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Anyone else have a cold....

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Sound like you might have a case of the e-cold. Just rest up for this week, take A LOT of Vitamin C (double dose for this week) and anti-oxidant. Try not to party until the weekend or this cold will NEVER leave you . . . I learned my lesson the hard way with my first e-cold. It stayed with me for two months and the cough stayed longer. sick.gif



"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

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Where is it coming from? This wacked weather or what????? I cant take this being congested crap...talking like a guy, constant sneezing and aches and pains.



~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Ive never ehard of an e-cold before but thanks for the advice Blueangel. I started notiing sick symptoms Monday and I feel crappy...yet Im at work. I have been dsing up on everything though. I cant take this especially at this time of year!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Kittie - try good cognac. I was feeling the same way two weeks ago. One shot and all the sneezing is gone, another one and no more headache. The only thing that worked for me.


May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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Usually you get a e-cold when you do a lot of partying in a short spand of time. Rolling causes your body's immune system to drop and therefore your body can't fight off your typical low-rate germs such as the cold. And from what I heard last two weeks . . . you've been doing some heavy partying, girl!! wink.gif

It's cool, just rest up and you'll get better. You just gotta build your immune system up again. And even if you hate it . . . EAT IT!!! Chicken soup is good for you!! tongue.gif



"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

- Burton Hills

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i've had a re-occuring cold allllll summer! prolly cause between working all day and partying all night there has been no down time.

Dzadza- my grandmother always used to make me drink cognac when i was sick. hated the stuff so i used to eat strawberries soaked in it... now im a big girl- take my shots straight.

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Thanks sweetie!! Ive been trying to calm down buit when you get freebies left and right...its SOOO HARD to say no!!!! Im weak, what can I tell you. Its my major flaw!

Ill take your advice. Im going home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping and Ill eat that yucky soup! :: tongue.gifatooey:::

Yea and Ive heard the same thing that rolling does make your immune system weak but, I really dont take that much. I only take half a pill (most of the time). I think all the other drugs mixed in seem to livin it up for me. But thanks again. Im sure Ill be fine. I better be for Saturday and Jeff Mills or Ill have a fit!!!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Feel better babe!!

Attached is a funny pic to cheer u up... smile.gif




That is soooo funny. My boss yelled at me for laughing so loud...hahaha

Thanks hon. Hopefully I will...and hopefully Ill see ya at SF for the undy party!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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No matter how tempting it is to go out, try to take it easy. I thought I had a simple cold 1 1/2 wks ago and kept working and everything as usual. Well, last Tues. I found out I have pneumonia!! I'm on antibiotics and feeling almost normal now but it really kicks the shit out of you. I was falling asleep at my desk!!

Take care!


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Oh it is TEMPTING. I give in easily...just say the magic words...RED DEVILS...and Im going.

I will stay in and lay low though. I think Im going out earliest Thursday night to Liquids Lounge in the E.Village. I was supposed to go last weekend and never made but Im expected to be there this one. Ill just sit on the comfy couch and drink water =)

Sounds good to me!!!

I promise to behave though. I dont want to infect others and make them feel like me. Thats not fair!!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Our director made flu shots available to everyone in the office before winter hit, as a result hardly anyone has had it, I'd recommend getting one!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Two weeks ago, my tonsils swoll up, had a fever, and was tired as shit. They tested me for mono, negative. Put me on anti-biotics, which killed the symptoms. Yesterday, the swelling came back 110%. Doctor said my throat was nearly closed. They're running another mono test, strep was negative. Doctor said it is probably tonsilitis. Should probably tell them I roll, but nah smile.gif


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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