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Bro...you act so fuckin hard behind a computer?? Why??? If I recollect correctly (and I could be mistaking u for someone else) VS called u out a couple of times & to no avail!!! If u can back your words...come say them to him personlly!!! U obviously know him or at least know of him...but yet u won't confront him!?!?!?! Why is this????

Now as I said...I could be mistaking u for someone else...but either way FUCK OFF!!!


Originally posted by yo mamma:

Figures. How did i know that that little tramp was with u? I saw that girl walking around. Next time tell her to spare us, and keep her clothes on. Believe me, i'm not opposed to nudity (there were a couple of chicks upstairs i wish were naked) but some like this chick took it too far.

If u guys were really her friends, u would have told her to keep her clothes on.

I love JP and SF, but sometimes that place is too much.

my 2 1/2 cents

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Smokee? (lol) U R funny. Slow your roll their toughguy. I was talking to the little spinner guy. Don't concern urself with matters that don't involve u. I said that as nicely as i could.

As for u vicious one, bro, it aint that hard to find me at factory. I'm upstairs usually half of the nite by the stairs in front of the bathrooms. Tall 6'2", about 225 lbs of steroid-infested muscle. Honestly, i can easily be found, so anytime u & ur glowstix want to meet up to discuss this matter futher, let me know.

And bring ur naked girl too.

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This Isnt Rachel1997 Posting, this is a friend of hers, I just dont feel like

wasting my time registering cause I'm never gonna post again. This isnt

neccesarily Rachel's opinion, but it is mine....

I highly suggest you watch your mouth. I dont post on this goddamn board, but

I find it neccessary to do so now, you are speaking in refrence to a friend

of mine, and If I EVER find out who you are I will personally rip your dick

off and shove it down your goddamn throat...

'Nuff Said


PS: I read this board often enough to notice all the SF & JP bashing etc.

Just wanna say one thing, and this comment should be respected: Not everybody

who goes to that club is a goddamn walking k-hole, i go every week and stay

until closing, I don't do any drugs, unless you wanna count redbull as a drug.

I go there for the music, and obviously SF isnt everyones cup of tea, but

thats every club. I could go on for hours about this but Im not going to, and

I'm not going to be replying to anyone else... so thats it

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Originally posted by rally2000:

hey CathyO - what country is this???

you ever heard of freedom of speech ... no?

anyone can post here if they chose to ... who are you to say they can't??????? lol


Maybe you need to go back and read my post. 2nd paragraph, "everyone is entitled to their own opinion". Runs right along the same lines as freedom of speech...no?

I never once said that certain people can't post here I simply stated my opinion that I think it is childish and silly for people who don't normally post here to come over for one post.

I wouldn't run to another board if I found out someone said something I didn't agree with on it. But then again I respect the fact that people are entitled to have different opinions.

Why is everyone so concerned with what other people think?


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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I would just like to go on the record by stating I agree 100% with Rally2000. People either like the Factory or not. If you don't like it, stay out. Factiry is not for everyone. Especially on such a crazy night like the underware party. I brought a girl with me Saturday night that isn't really a hard core club girl to start with, and she didn't like it that much either. Too packed, hot, and crazy. And I agreed. Saturday night was a lot crazier then normal.

As for this naked girl b/s. WTF? I mean is that the first time you have ever seen a naked person in a club??? Anyone who knows S.F. knows that someone most likely will be naked at any given point in the night. Plus, this was the underware party... WTF did you expect? You won't hear me complain about a girl be naked around me.

Well, to finish this off, I love S.F. I have been clubbing there for a long time, and I really think most of the Factory bashers exaggerate about everyone being cracked out and shit. Thats bullshit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but don't go and then complain if you know it's not your type of club. Peace.


You know everything will flow...

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U should lear to keep ur fucking mouth shut b4 u get housed... who the fuck are u anyway? Apparently another Clubnyc retard...

As for YoMama... anything from now on will be said to my face... once I get back from Vegas we'll make it a point to meet, maybe the place where the Ice Cream cart used to be... u know where u claim it still is... stupid fuck...


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Hmmm....underwear party huh..damn I missed that!

As for the naked girl issue, I understand it is a freedom of expression thing, however, there are still limits. Otherwise, why couldn't one be naked in, say, a park? Why is that illegal? Cuz its public property. Now, its different with a club, since thats technically private property - thus if the club owners and bouncers didn't mind then I guess its OK. But there is also the VIBE to think about...overall how did that add to the vibe? If it contributed in a positive way, then cool, if not, then uncool.

I remember at Twilo (I think it was Carl Cox) a guy got completly naked and was running around near the DJ booth. That act on that night, with the sort of ppl there, just totally killed the vibe for a while (till the bouncers took him away). Uncool to say the least.

I've been to SOund Factory a coupla nights this summer (Sat) and I have to say its not one of my fav clubs. However, I also have to say that I'm a "twilo-head" and cannot find the same vibe anywhere that I find at Twilo. I've been to Limelight 4 times or so since March and, except for last Sat (which was amazing), I have to say I'm very unimpressed with the ppl there. Thats the only place where ppl have acted like assholes when you say "excuse me" to pass them!! What the f**k?? SOund Factory's better that way - at least the ppl are half-way friendly.

My $0.02, and if I seem to be rambling, excuse me, cuz I haven't slept in 21/2 days.


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CathyO - no, no, no ... i can read - believe me! Maybe you should re-read what you typed ...

yeah - you did add that part in at the end, but you also said in sum: if you don't post here normally then don't post now! lol

who are you???? GOD? hahaha - anyone can post here - look at all the asshole imposters that post here and can't even post under their real board name ...

second, who posted here who doesn't normally post here ... seriously who was it??? 1 person or were there more people?

i stick by what i said!

Drew - thanks bro ... it's so true - almost every night there i see someone naked - but now everyone is so shocked! hahaha

and all the negative comments here towards SF are exaggerated by people that feel a need to bash that place ... i dunno why!


Rally smile.gif

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For two years I've been reading this board and refrained from replying until I read this string. While I don't condone name calling, let's be honest here, a young woman walks around a club naked, she's going to be called a whore. There's a time and place for everything, and regardless of the theme of the party and of how many friends she had with her, she's just asking for trouble, more like begging for it.

As her so called friends, maybe you should have addressed her self-esteem issues. It's not normal behavior, it's a cry for attention. While it doesn't make her a whore, it probably made her feel like one the next day. I know that I have a beautiful body, but if I strutted around naked in front of people I knew at a club, I would feel like a worthless piece of shit the next day.

You guys are so proud to stand up for her on this board, why the hell didn't you tell her she might regret it later? You won't be there to stand up for her when everyone who saw her Saturday night sees her next weekend and refers to her as that crazy whore who got naked. Regardless of if they use the term "Whore," she will always be the girl who made a fool of herself, parading around the sound factory naked. I mean, really, who does that?

Before you shout at the other people on this board for calling it like they saw it, you should take a good, long look at yourself and your definition of friends. Because I know that no matter how free my friend feels on E, and how much she would want to get naked at the SF, I would never let her do it, because she would regret it without a doubt. Ask your friend how proud she is of herself now? I'm proud of you guys that you won't be embarressed to be seen with her next weekend when everyone points at her as that girl who was naked last week.

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Well unfortunately...you're just as nieve as some of the people on this board...u are making assumtions that are just not true!!

She has absolutely NO regrets!!! And I hope you weren't saying that she was on E & that's why she did it!!! She would do it sober & besides...I'm almost positive she didn't take any E on sat!!!

Just because u would feel that way doesn't mean everyone would!! U shoulda saved your first post for something a little more intelligent!!!


PS - Please explain to me the corrolation of being naked with feeling like a whore????? Call me stupid but that makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me!!!

PPS - I'll walk around with her next week without any concern of what others may say...that's the problem with some people...they care too much of what others think! U seem to be one of them! Correct??

Originally posted by nocturnalnyc:

For two years I've been reading this board and refrained from replying until I read this string. While I don't condone name calling, let's be honest here, a young woman walks around a club naked, she's going to be called a whore. There's a time and place for everything, and regardless of the theme of the party and of how many friends she had with her, she's just asking for trouble, more like begging for it.

As her so called friends, maybe you should have addressed her self-esteem issues. It's not normal behavior, it's a cry for attention. While it doesn't make her a whore, it probably made her feel like one the next day. I know that I have a beautiful body, but if I strutted around naked in front of people I knew at a club, I would feel like a worthless piece of shit the next day.

You guys are so proud to stand up for her on this board, why the hell didn't you tell her she might regret it later? You won't be there to stand up for her when everyone who saw her Saturday night sees her next weekend and refers to her as that crazy whore who got naked. Regardless of if they use the term "Whore," she will always be the girl who made a fool of herself, parading around the sound factory naked. I mean, really, who does that?

Before you shout at the other people on this board for calling it like they saw it, you should take a good, long look at yourself and your definition of friends. Because I know that no matter how free my friend feels on E, and how much she would want to get naked at the SF, I would never let her do it, because she would regret it without a doubt. Ask your friend how proud she is of herself now? I'm proud of you guys that you won't be embarressed to be seen with her next weekend when everyone points at her as that girl who was naked last week.

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way to go Smokee ... he's right - your first post should have been for something else!

she's mad kewl and doesn't care what others think! She has no self esteem issues!

oh and who honestly does that at SF ... walking around naked!! lots of people over the years ... people get naked a lot ... it's fuckin good shit! hahaha

boy are you uptight ... oh - just my opinion!


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I know I already gave my 2 cents on this issue already, but I'm going to give 2 more...

I think that this is starting to get blown way out of proportion. Maybe it was a bad judgement call on the girls part. maybe she was crying out for attention. Maybe her friends should have said something. Maybe we should all stop judging people based on appearances. She got naked. Who cares. It might not be something that any of us would do, but I don't feel that it is a big deal. I think this is more of a caught up in the moment deal. Either way, it's none of our business and none of us should judge her.

NOCTURNALNYC - I think what you said really made no sense. How can you associate nakedness with being a whore??? And how stereotypical it is to call someone that without knowing them. As for you saying that friends should have said something... How do you know none of her friends didn't say anything??? And if they did, what makes you think she would just change her mind??? I don't think that was a CRY for attention, but it was certainly done for the attention. And obviously she got it... Some of it negative, some positive... Either way, here we are having a big discussion about her for the whole day so far. More power to her...


You know everything will flow...

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Originally posted by speshlj:

First, John, I think you hit the nail on the head.


How can you assume nudity for sexual disfunction. She was naked, not having sex with other people in public. Only an immature, insecure asshole would go so far as insult her like that. Oh, yes I do know her btw. And maybe i'm wrong about you too, but you shoud catch my drift.






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Noctural AkA Henry??? I know that response was not from U! FYI.. That Naked girl is one of MY closest friends and if she feels like walking around naked for an EVENT that SF puts on then so be it! I am totally upset with the response U gave.. SHE doesnt regret nor give 2 shits what people think.. She is her own person! Who the hell are any of U to judge her on the one thing she did??

People need to be open-minded before they snap judgement on someone they dont even know.

Personally I dont care what other people think of ME.. especially if they dont know ME!


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Originally posted by housin:

Originally posted by cathyo:

Thanks!! biggrin.gif

Granted it's only a public message forum but some of you people need to learn how to spell. Viscious spinner should be the first to enroll.


Did you mean to quote one of the other posts?


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by nocturnalnyc:

let's be honest here, a young woman walks around a club naked, she's going to be called a whore. There's a time and place for everything, and regardless of the theme of the party and of how many friends she had with her, she's just asking for trouble, more like begging for it.

Not necessarily. Any of you ever been to the Leopard Lounge (above Sin Sin)? It's a lesser-known small place in East Village, dead in the summer, but gets pretty swanky in the fall/winter. Go around 2 am and you'll see quite a party. I've seen: toes sucked by sex slaves, topless girls, male strippers, etc. But it was all fun, and everyone there at that time (after all the wimps have left) appreciated it.

And I'm not even a fan of East Village...

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Originally posted by rally2000:

CathyO - no, no, no ... i can read - believe me! Maybe you should re-read what you typed ...

yeah - you did add that part in at the end, but you also said in sum: if you don't post here normally then don't post now! lol

who are you???? GOD? hahaha - anyone can post here - look at all the asshole imposters that post here and can't even post under their real board name ...

second, who posted here who doesn't normally post here ... seriously who was it??? 1 person or were there more people?

i stick by what i said!

Drew - thanks bro ... it's so true - almost every night there i see someone naked - but now everyone is so shocked! hahaha

and all the negative comments here towards SF are exaggerated by people that feel a need to bash that place ... i dunno why!


Rally smile.gif

I'm not sure why I am even doing this because obviously you are not taking my point they way I intended. If you want to sit here and pick apart words that's fine. You got me on one, but, it wasn't a demand, it was more of a question. Maybe I should have said it this way: If you don't post here normally then WHY post here now?


As far as who posted here from another board, I don't know or care to know how may there were. It doesn't matter if it was 1 or 50 people. The observation is still the same.

You are getting way too upset about this.

Oh, and by the way I said absolutely nothing about SF (which by the way I do like) or the naked chick so why are you flipping when none of my comments were directed at you or what you're here to defend?


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 08-28-2000).]

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