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The only reason that it is considered Drama, is people get so upset by what the "imposters" have to say.

No one wants to deal with the "imposters" because it shows the true ridiculousness of how seriously some people take themselves.

Now I am not saying no one's feeling are invalid, I know some people (I guess) got insulted. I would too if I felt I wasn't being respected. But can you really take someone seriously when they post as a member we know already? Or a guido?

I'm not judging for how you feel, but if you know that these people don't know you, how are you to get insulted?

They are only jokes. When did everyone lose their sense of humor?

I think separating the two is a horrible idea. We are not children that we have to be protected from words on a board.

Personally, I am more offended by people flirting and talking about their underwear (or lack therof) and sexual position preferences.

Isn't there a separate board for that, too?

Will I get upset and demand their IP and whine to DaVe about it?

No, I just choose not to read it.

Please do not think that I am taking a high and mighty stance. Very not the case.

But I see a bunch of people that are acting like hypocrites.

For everyone that talks about being "open-minded", that goes both ways. Not everything on this board has to do with clubbing.If you don;t wnat to read about it, don't, and don't reply. Go to another post and talk about PVD, JP or Sasha N' Digweed.

The "imposters" have not threatened anyone (maybe 'whacking', but who takes that seriously).

Just lighten up. This is a great forum, and it is such because we can all express ourselves freely (like I am doing now)

Will I get slack for this? Probably. But I won't take it to heart, and will respect and listen to every serious, intelligent opinion an either disregard or laugh at a hostile, stupid one.

Thanks for listening, I've rambled enough.




Din Da Da

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Cara, to me, it's not because I don't see the humor in it. When I was getting bashed by the_stupidest . . . . errrr . . . the-greatest I didn't feel insulted. I was quite amused. However, who ever it is that's posting as these many, many imposters . . . it's not effecting ONE person . . . it's effecting the WHOLE entire board. Have you seen what's been happenig this last few days? It's so chaotic. Drama is good once in a while but that was not even Drama . . . it was . . . a . . . a . . I dunno what.

Like you said, it's okay to make up a stupid name and play the part but to directly insult someone by calling her a whore, slut, pig . . . it's not what this board should be about. Freedom of speech doesn't have to include name calling. That's just my $0.02



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Cara, I think one reason that the boards got separated was cuz there was so much traffic that normal topics got overshadowed. There was nuthin but talk of drama, with retorts fired back and forth...and if you noticed very few regular cnyc ppl posted since Monday.

Its also funny how people who think themselves oh so open-minded are so engrossed in that, they don't even realize how close-minded they are. Open-minded is when you can understand EVERYONE's point of view.

My 2 cents...


Abstainer. A weak man who yields to the temptation of denying

himself a pleasure.

-- Ambrose Bierce "The Devil's Dictionary"

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Cara, to me, it's not because I don't see the humor in it. When I was getting bashed by the_stupidest . . . . errrr . . . the-greatest I didn't feel insulted. I was quite amused. However, who ever it is that's posting as these many, many imposters . . . it's not effecting ONE person . . . it's effecting the WHOLE entire board. Have you seen what's been happenig this last few days? It's so chaotic. Drama is good once in a while but that was not even Drama . . . it was . . . a . . . a . . I dunno what.

Like you said, it's okay to make up a stupid name and play the part but to directly insult someone by calling her a whore, slut, pig . . . it's not what this board should be about. Freedom of speech doesn't have to include name calling. That's just my $0.02


When did you become a CLUB GOD ?? congrats ! smile.gif

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Dont take it seriously! At least someone here gets it. Cara you RULE! I think I love you sweetie pants!

This board is nothing more than way for a "Clubplanet" to make money by generating a hefty amount of web traffic.

If you are really naive enough to think that this is all here to serve anyone other than the purpose of business, you are a bigger Jackass than us impostor guys.

I don't doubt that the guys like Parish and DaVe really care about the club scene, cause honestly I think they do and there hearts are in the right place.

But just the same as Twilo cares about the bottom line, Exit cares about the bottom line, and SF cares about the bottom line, so do the people that actually own ClubPlanet. This is a business folks. Do you have any idea how much web traffic this board attracts? Do you have any idea how much more traffic it attracts in the midst of the so called "drama". People actually come here form other boards (Deeper)!.The more traffic they get, the more money they make. Plain and simple.

Ban people from posting on the bard? You must be joking! Stop the Drama? Please! As long as people are visiting this site frequently, they could care less what you are saying or who you are posting as (impostors)or anything eles for that matter.

This board is open to anyone who will fill out a questionairre. There will always be drama, and I can assure you there will always be PLENTY of Jackasses to start it.

Again, the more people who register, the more newsletters they send out, the more hits on their website/message board: all equal money in their pockets.

Some people need to get over themselves and/or get a life! Do you know how funny you look to us drama queen Jackases when you get all mad and flustered, especially when we really dont care either way about what you are gettin all riled up arguing with us about. But just as Cazz said, it wasnt drama until you played into our little game. It wasnt drama until you made it be.

If you think someone is posting just to get an argument, dont respond to it, cause i can assure you that you are never gonna win arguing with a Jackass on a message board who really jsut sees this as a way to entertain him/herself and really could care less about what you are so addamently arguing with them about. You are just wasting your time.


A Jackass Impostor guy.

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Originally posted by impostorjackass:

Dont take it seriously! At least someone here gets it. Cara you RULE! I think I love you sweetie pants!

This board is nothing more than way for a "Clubplanet" to make money by generating a hefty amount of web traffic.

If you are really naive enough to think that this is all here to serve anyone other than the purpose of business, you are a bigger Jackass than us impostor guys.

I don't doubt that the guys like Parish and DaVe really care about the club scene, cause honestly I think they do and there hearts are in the right place.

But just the same as Twilo cares about the bottom line, Exit cares about the bottom line, and SF cares about the bottom line, so do the people that actually own ClubPlanet. This is a business folks. Do you have any idea how much web traffic this board attracts? Do you have any idea how much more traffic it attracts in the midst of the so called "drama". People actually come here form other boards (Deeper)!.The more traffic they get, the more money they make. Plain and simple.

Ban people from posting on the bard? You must be joking! Stop the Drama? Please! As long as people are visiting this site frequently, they could care less what you are saying or who you are posting as (impostors)or anything eles for that matter.

This board is open to anyone who will fill out a questionairre. There will always be drama, and I can assure you there will always be PLENTY of Jackasses to start it.

Again, the more people who register, the more newsletters they send out, the more hits on their website/message board: all equal money in their pockets.

Some people need to get over themselves and/or get a life! Do you know how funny you look to us drama queen Jackases when you get all mad and flustered, especially when we really dont care either way about what you are gettin all riled up arguing with us about. But just as Cazz said, it wasnt drama until you played into our little game. It wasnt drama until you made it be.

If you think someone is posting just to get an argument, dont respond to it, cause i can assure you that you are never gonna win arguing with a Jackass on a message board who really jsut sees this as a way to entertain him/herself and really could care less about what you are so addamently arguing with them about. You are just wasting your time.


A Jackass Impostor guy.

u're absolutely right. matter of fact i just read an article of internet addiction, and basically it stated that a lot of people use chat rooms and boards to vent their frustration, get attention, and a lot of other things they cant do in real life. you have to take it all with a grain of salt. i cant believe people actually threaten each other over their favorite club being bashed by someone else and shit like that. its funny, but people need to realize that other people will try and get under your skin just for the fun of it, or to kill time at work or whatever, and yeah they prolly wouldnt talk that shit to your face if they ever met you, but thats just the point. this is the internet and we're all anonymous.


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

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Originally posted by impostorjackass:

Dont take it seriously! At least someone here gets it. Cara you RULE! I think I love you sweetie pants!

This board is nothing more than way for a "Clubplanet" to make money by generating a hefty amount of web traffic.

If you are really naive enough to think that this is all here to serve anyone other than the purpose of business, you are a bigger Jackass than us impostor guys.

I don't doubt that the guys like Parish and DaVe really care about the club scene, cause honestly I think they do and there hearts are in the right place.

But just the same as Twilo cares about the bottom line, Exit cares about the bottom line, and SF cares about the bottom line, so do the people that actually own ClubPlanet. This is a business folks. Do you have any idea how much web traffic this board attracts? Do you have any idea how much more traffic it attracts in the midst of the so called "drama". People actually come here form other boards (Deeper)!.The more traffic they get, the more money they make. Plain and simple.

Ban people from posting on the bard? You must be joking! Stop the Drama? Please! As long as people are visiting this site frequently, they could care less what you are saying or who you are posting as (impostors)or anything eles for that matter.

This board is open to anyone who will fill out a questionairre. There will always be drama, and I can assure you there will always be PLENTY of Jackasses to start it.

Again, the more people who register, the more newsletters they send out, the more hits on their website/message board: all equal money in their pockets.

Some people need to get over themselves and/or get a life! Do you know how funny you look to us drama queen Jackases when you get all mad and flustered, especially when we really dont care either way about what you are gettin all riled up arguing with us about. But just as Cazz said, it wasnt drama until you played into our little game. It wasnt drama until you made it be.

If you think someone is posting just to get an argument, dont respond to it, cause i can assure you that you are never gonna win arguing with a Jackass on a message board who really jsut sees this as a way to entertain him/herself and really could care less about what you are so addamently arguing with them about. You are just wasting your time.


A Jackass Impostor guy.

You rock my cyberworld.

If you are not doing something in the creative field, I implore you to start.


Your honey pants and greatest fan



Din Da Da

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Cara, to me, it's not because I don't see the humor in it. When I was getting bashed by the_stupidest . . . . errrr . . . the-greatest I didn't feel insulted. I was quite amused. However, who ever it is that's posting as these many, many imposters . . . it's not effecting ONE person . . . it's effecting the WHOLE entire board. Have you seen what's been happenig this last few days? It's so chaotic. Drama is good once in a while but that was not even Drama . . . it was . . . a . . . a . . I dunno what.

Like you said, it's okay to make up a stupid name and play the part but to directly insult someone by calling her a whore, slut, pig . . . it's not what this board should be about. Freedom of speech doesn't have to include name calling. That's just my $0.02


First off, let me start by saying this isnt a personal attack on Casey, but applies to many of the people on this board...

Sorry to disagree her Casey, but freedom of speech does very much include name calling. If you are so able to decide what speech should and shouldnt be protected, why shouldn't the government?

Who are you do decide what this board should be about? Who I am to decide that for that matter, who is anyone except for the people that OWn it, which aint anyone who posts here.

It's easy for all of you "open minded" people to stand by freedom of speech until someone says something that you disagree with, then you get all up in arms. That is what defines "closed mindedness" and hypocracy. I dont mean this as an insult, it is just the truth.

I dont recall anyone gettin all offended when people were calling George W. Bush and Guilliani Nazi's a couple of weeks ago. Or does that NOT qualify as name calling, cause you personally dont like them. Do you think that was any more justified than calling some girl a "slut", cause there is NO difference whatsoever. Guilliani and Bush are REAL people just like Cuteness or whatever her name is, so why didnt you get up on your high horse then??

I dont mean this as an insult, I am actually trying to make a real point this time (for once!).

A Jackass Impostor Guy.

[This message has been edited by impostorjackass (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Listen jackass,

dont confuse this message board with the freedom of speech issue... what you do i very, very sad. If it's you doing the diva thing you just wind people up.

You do have a right to say what you want, nobody is going to stop you. But dont you think your wasting your life? What kind of fun do you get out of it?

You seem fairly intelegent, why not post constructivly?

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Listen jackass,

dont confuse this message board with the freedom of speach issue... what you do i very, very sad. If it's you doing the diva thing you just wind people up.

You do have a right to say what you want, nobody is going to stop you. But dont you think your wasting your life? What kind of fun do you get out of it?

You seem fairly intelegent, why not post constructivly?

uh, please Dave, i called someone out on a rediculous statement she made regarding the "freedom of speech" issue, and even made it a point to say it was not a personal attack on her, she cited the "freedom of speech" issue first, not me, I was just defending my views on it.

Now your making a personal attack on me and my life (which you know nothing about).

i didnt stoop to that so why did you. Who are you to say who is wasting their life or not. What makes your 1100 posts any more constructive or legitamate, or for that matter less of a waste of life than anyone eles'.

That is a matter of opinion.

You dont know what other names i post under, or dont post under so dont make assmptions or comments about whether or not I have posted constructively in the past or continue to do so now.

For a self professed "open minded person" you sure do make a lot of assumptions and accusations.

I dont mean any of this as an insult, but those are my views and I stand by them all firmly.

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You can't blame Dave for assuming ANYTHING. If you're going to write a post defending the impostor posters (can you say that 10X tongue.gif ) out there then you're also defending their acitions, reasonings, and style. So, I totally understand where Dave is coming from.

And that has nothing to do with being open-minded. Sorry.



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

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"dont confuse this message board with the freedom of speech issue... what you do i very, very sad. If it's you doing the diva thing you just wind people up.

You do have a right to say what you want, nobody is going to stop you. But dont you think your wasting your life? What kind of fun do you get out of it?"

Right I don't have anything to defend but...

Notice the use of the word If. And the ?'s Where was the assumption?

The only statement in the whole post, was that what you do is sad. I stand by it, no mater who you have been posting under.

I don't know anything about your life, and wouldn't, and haven't assumed anything.

There was no personal attack in what I wrote, apart from saying what you do is sad, not you are sad or you have a sad life. I even complimented you. But what you have dont is miss-understood what i wrote and used it as an argument in two long posts.

What you have just done is a personal attack on me. If you are going to comment on what I write then please do me the honor of reading it.

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-30-2000).]

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"Do you just make this stuff up as you go along, myandering your opinion on this matter to suit your needs at the particular moment?"

If there's anything that I stand by during my whole posting life here on ClubNYC is that I don't point fingers at people without good base.

"Do you know how funny you look to us drama queen Jackases when you get all mad and flustered,especially when we really dont care either way about what you are gettin all riled up arguing with us about."

It is this exact statement that I personally find it sad. I'm sorry, to me, it's sad that you think it's funny to ridicule people, call them names, and make them upset. I think it's sad that you get enjoyment outta this. NOW you can call me all the names you want, but I'm not one of those sensitive people who'll LET you get enjoyment outta seeing me get upset. However, I still think it's SAD that you feel you have to do this in order to make your life a lil' more enjoyable.

THAT'S what I mean by this has nothing to do with being open-minded. Where is the open-minded part of your statement?



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Dave, dont take this the wrong way cause its just my opinion, but i think that use of the word 'if' thing is nothing but a cop-out. If you didnt mean it to be taken as an accusation, you shouldn't have said it at all.

Casey's post reflects that even she thought you were making assumptions, if you will read where she says "You can't blame Dave for assuming ANYTHING". I stand by what I said about Casey myandering, cause her defense of Daves remarks is in direct conflict with her whole stance on people making assumptions on the naked girl thing yesterday. But like I said, I don't mean it as a personal insult, but if you do feel the need to insult me (by calling my life sad =), go ahead.

And Casey, I am sorry you feel that what I do is sad, seeing as you don't really have any idea what I have posted in the past. I did say that I have angered people, but dont take that to me I am one of those guys that just hocks insults around freely.

I have recieved numerous compliments from other board members for my posts and replies including Dave (the Englisman, not the Adminisrator) on more than a few occasions.

Believe me, I am very good at what I do here and my posts usually have quite a bit of sophistication to them (not the regular STFU stuff that is so common place on this board).

And no, I dont just make up fake names everyday to use to insult people, and some (at least one for sure) of my names you guys think are "real" (i guess thats the opposite of impostors) board members are me.

Oh, well, you guys are great anyway, even though we are disagreeing about this thread. You are probably going throgh a different thread with me now on another topic and dont even know it, does that make me sad?

Whatever. At least I aint board (sic) at work.


A Horses Ass of an Impostor Low Life Scum

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You're right, I don't know what you have posted in your past because of the fact that you're hiding behind a fake name. So, if you're going to throw out a bunch of criticism to people about how he assume too much then stop sending out false impressions. If you're really proud of some of your posts then enlighten me. But don't say that I'm meandering when it comes to my replys when you're the one hiding behind fake names. I don't know who you are . . . nobody on this board REALLY know what your everyday screen name is. So, how would we know what posts you have posted in your past. I can only judge you on what you've stated here in this thread.

Feel free to shed any light.



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Also, about how you think the "if" thing is a cop-out well then so is "you don't know me" ordeal when you're the one hiding behind a fake name.

And I said that Freedom of speech "doesn't have to" include name calling . . . I didn't say it did not. It's merely a suggestion.



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

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How can me writing something be a cop out? It's simple I didn't know it was you so I used the word IF.

Look, the English language can only be interpreted in one way when read correctly, you have just misinterpreted-interpreted it incorrectly again..

"but if you do feel the need to insult me (by calling my life sad =), go ahead."

I even made the point twice...

"There was no personal attack in what I wrote, apart from saying what you do is sad,

not you are sad or you have a sad life. "

What you do, not your life.. I haven't said your life is sad once. Please, please read.

Listen anyway... and here IS an assumption,

You say you have had complaints from Dave, now there are two types of imposter posts, one the paulvandyke and the supergreg ones and then the malicious ones... Dave (I don't think) would complain about the fun ones.. I think everybody thought they were funny...

an looking at the way you write I think some of them are you, which is great. But you must have been making some of the insulting ones... that's my only gripe.

It seems that you have read some of what i write, have i ever assumed something? Have i ever judged somebody? I have judged there actions and i will be vocal about it.

You have made me out to be somebody I am not, I have not done that to you... do I get an apology?

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If you think about, we are all hiding behind fake names. My full name is not cazzoo 92635549505.

We are all, in essence, "hiding" behind the personality we put forth here on the board.

and thanks for the email, Blue

PLUR (is not dead)


Din Da Da

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Originally posted by p00h:

u're absolutely right. matter of fact i just read an article of internet addiction, and basically it stated that a lot of people use chat rooms and boards to vent their frustration, get attention, and a lot of other things they cant do in real life. you have to take it all with a grain of salt.


Internet Addiction ...

I read a while back in some mag that computers were the #1 cause of depression in the WORLD ... it's hard to believe but it makes sense ...


dancer-10.gif Put some pep in your step DANCER-11.GIF

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