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V. Barbarino

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Hahaha, some might disagree but I say "good riddance."

It definetly sucks that people will lose jobs or suffer hardships in other ways but I personally never felt any vibe there. There were moments but they were just that, moments.

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Umm verification? You've been pretty reliable in the past, but this is fairly big...

As for no vibe, I'd imagine Juxt is one of those "opium den" fans.

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As for no vibe, I'd imagine Juxt is one of those "opium den" fans.

If you mean Opium Garden, I've never been there. I haven't heard a single good thing about Opium. All I hear is "it's fucking hot and everyone is sweaty." My first visit to Opium was going to be for AVB but now since it's moved to Level...

Shadow Lounge and Mercury Lounge had the vibe. Spin came close a couple of times. Space has as much vibe as chewed bubble gum.

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Shadow Lounge and Mercury Lounge had the vibe. Spin came close a couple of times. Space has as much vibe as chewed bubble gum.

I meant opium den in the sense that you want one of these dark sweatboxes with all these shady types scurrying about...the vibe of the club is what you make of it, and if you couldn't make a good thing out of a club like Space 34, I feel bad for you.

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I meant opium den in the sense that you want one of these dark sweatboxes with all these shady types scurrying about...the vibe of the club is what you make of it, and if you couldn't make a good thing out of a club like Space 34, I feel bad for you.

Ok I know whatcha saying. I do admit I like those tiny places but I also had a lot of fun at the old Space. I spent my New Year there and it was a total kickass. The new Space was an upgrade that was not quite as good as the old model -- too fancy, too many lights (my eyes! my eyes!) and major ass attitudes.

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Well, if in fact it does close, it's not really going to be a good thing for the Downtown area.

The City initially set up the "24 hour" area to stimulate the growth of the impoverished area, hoping to create an entertainment distict. LP and co. bit, and set up one of the most successful clubs in the country's history...

For awhile, it seemed Space and then Space 34 were immune from the right-wing neo-conservative bent that is currently sweeping the nation, thanks in part to our friends Dubya, and Ashcroft, all in the name of national security, no less...I'll admit to thinking, "nah, it couldn't happen here...the City set this whole concept up, after all!"

But, every politician needs a target to incense the rank and file citizenry. What good is being in office if you can't receive bribes and kickbacks to incite Joe (well, José here) Sixpack against some imagined threat to "the youth of America"? Nevermind the fact that most clubgoers in the city are adults anyhow. But it makes for good grandstanding, and we all know how the politicians love to grandstand. So of course, eventually the club was raided, in a little joint operation between the locals and the modern-day SS over at the DEA...suddenly, Miami was like "every other city" in America, and the threat against the scene was made real to all.

Some may think that this would be a boon to the club two doors down, and the yet-to-open Nocturnal. They think that the managment of the two venues are dancing in the streets right now...if they're smart, they're not...they're worried sick...i.e., if a top-flight venue like Space 34 can be threatened with, and perhaps closed (we'll see tomorrow...), it can easily happen to a club that struggles to get 300 people in the door on a Friday or Saturday night, and a club whose opening date is still 4 months away. Plus, people don't go to Downtown Miami, they would go to Space 34. Downtown has yet to establish an atmosphere (outside of looking like the set for Sanford and Son 2003) like the Beach, or say the Riverwalk area of Fort Lauderdale, both of which are models for a revitalized Downtown area. The neighbor club NV and the yet-to-open Nocturnal probably banked on getting some traffic from people going to Space 34...whether it works, I don't really know...I don't go to NV, not my style, but I had a conversation with someone involved with Nocturnal, and they expressed the very same sentiment to me, that Space 34 getting shut would be detrimential overall to the development of Downtown Miami.

Unfortunately, the city government may be shooting itself in the foot with their actions towards Space 34. The club may be closing on it's own, LP may be shutting down to save it, let things cool off for a bit, but still, the actions of the local and federal government played no small part in the decision. For good or for ill, the club was a successful business in the Downtown area, and had encouraged some development...grant it, most have shut down and gone elsewhere, but the encouragment was there...plans were in the works for restaurants, bowling alleys, shops, and more...the original concept called for a strip of sorts from the old arena to the new one, consisting of nicely paved roads and walkways, the whole bit...even a Jumbotron strapped somewhere, probably on the section of the Metrorail where it makes a brief westbound turn after Arena Station...think a Times Square for Miami. Space was the forerunner of that...get people down there, and then others would set up shop, and come on out. However, in four short years, the political climate changed noticeably in the city, and this country in general. In 1999 when the plans for the district were announced, the climate was one of optimism and hope, the 21st Century was upon us, and a tolerant, enlightened populace was ready for it. Then the chaotic change of government in 2000, which brought back old-style cronyism, corruption and more on a local and national level. The old white-boy fraternity is back in effect, the whole tweed-jacket Harvard grad thing, the whole Colonel Sanders sitting in his Savannah mansion wondering when the poor folk got so uppity...and it suddenly trickled down here...like I said before, every politician needs a target, and the ones on both sides of the causeway found it in nightlife...they seek to turn Miami into this typical white-bread resort community, this carnival of the mundane. Step right up, sit at your cubicles in your suit and tie, and prepare to be amazed...oooh isn't staring at a spreadsheet all day fun?

I love my country, don't get me wrong, I'm just quite put out with the people in charge right now. Going out at night and enjoying myself is one of the few times I've felt that maybe this place still has some freedoms left, one of the few times you see people actually enjoying themselves, but now even that is under attack. If this constant slippery-slope erosion of our freedoms keeps up, I may actually do the unthinkable and check in to some other country. Sure, Europe may be a socialist's wet-dream, but at the least I'll be able to bitch about it without fear of retribution. Either that or it'll be high time for the Second American Revolution.

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Guest nickjunkie

I had a quick conversation with Louis and it seems that this is true, and is due to the ridiculous pressure that the govt. is putting in clubs.

If that's true then the last night should be more than a party - it should be a demonstration of how we feel about what is happening to nightlife in general...

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you know, .... shooooooooooooooooooooot

so this is basically the result of that raid they did a couple of weeks ago ? was that the first step towards "the end" ??

:( sounded bad there ....

im just speechless right now ... i could've never thought something like this will affect me so much

EDIT: btw, will there be an "official" announcement ? or like a closing party ??? something ????????????????

EDIT: Something just popped up in my head ...

what about Ivano Bellini leaving Space ? maybe he could've known something and that's why he left ? or is just because Louis got pissed because he played afterhours at NV (i was there) July4th ??????

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Guest skorpiogenik

dude, wtf? space was the only glimmer of hope for downtown miami, it's because of space that anything even resembling a party happens in donwtown...so it's the end of afterhours as we know it...i wonder if nv will survive at least till wmc....what's gonna happen during wmc with miami beach becoming less and less tolerant of nightclubs and such a blow to downtown? or is space going to remain closed until then and do a reopening in march? governments do such stupid things where they end up hurting themselves and everyone else. the partying that happens at space is self contained it doesnt affect other people outside the club. you can't stop people from having fun and listening to music they love. people will still party. with or without such ridiculous neo-conservatism....

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with or without such ridiculous neo-conservatism....

btw...a DEMOCRAT (Joe Biden-Delaware) came up with the Rave law...the real problem lies in us...the people that go to Space...no one stands up to the government...no one petitions our senators or congressmen/congresswomen to stand up agaisnt the Rave law...we just bitch and moan and let things be...but its easier to sit back and bitch and moan, than it is to ACTUALLY do something about it...

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i don't believe it. club space (although not my favorite club) is one of the biggest pulls for miami nightlife!

just talked to austin (leeds) and he said it's a little hard to believe, especially since season is about to start...i think he's right.

nick, are you sure about this? maybe this is a publicity stunt--they close for a while, everyone gets upset and then they open back up. ??

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I've been getting hints that it may actually just be a "cool-down" period because of the gov't pressure. Not to sound like Saleen, but my source is pretty infallible, but I'll wait to hear something concrete.

As far as alternatives, don't forget Nocturnal opens soon...

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Guest nickjunkie

Well it may reopen, but even so to close a club like Space for several months is huge. However I talked to Louis briefly last night and he says he's tired of the pressure and bad press and wants out.

Wait and see I guess...

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Guest laliux

Even if it's just a publicity stunt , will they keep everybody on the payroll for as long as they are closed?...if they do, it's a very expensive publicity stunt lemme tell ya. :o

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It's not really one political party's fault, Matas...of course in my mind the democrats and republicans can go take a hike, but still...:)

Love the place or hate the place, Space 34 was the only draw to downtown, like I said before...this is a totally negative thing to happen...even if they do re-open under a new name or whatever in a few months...

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It's not really one political party's fault, Matas...of course in my mind the democrats and republicans can go take a hike

ur right...but when person blames it on the "right" when it was the "left" or vice versa...btw its neither party's fault, i totally agree...ITS OUR FAULT...that we didnt write letters or lobby our Sen. and/or Congress people...there are alot of "young" voters...u know why they dont pay attention to us? cuz we are lazy and have no voice...maybe if someone in the dance community beside the club owners would have said something, they would have listened a little bit better...

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