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I have something to say about Okenfold..

V. Barbarino

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Guest LeVeL

You know what though....sometimes you just have to show love to someone regardless of what your main taste is.....I mean Frankie has spinning records and making them since the mid-seventies...even before there were classifications of EDM...and really the only thing there was...was Disco, Funk, Soul and (real) R&B. The man has lived through 4 generations of dance music evolution. When oakenfold was just a wee little brit Frankie was breaking boundaries in music that would lead the way for people like Paul....years later. With alomst 40 years of DJing experience I would think that Frankie is a MASTER of his trade. This party transcends musical tastes and opinions....this party is history....the history of the scene we love so much. To be honest....and really this not meant to hate on people, but its a little insulting that true lovers of our culture wouldn't show up for Frankie. Maybe its lack of education about our scene and its music in general and in now way is that an insult...there are many things I am still not educated on....however its doesn't make me stupid it just means I have not had the opportunity to learn or take advantage of such a chance....well for those that are really interested in finding out how this whole thing started Nerve would be a great place to be this Saturday.........nobody is saying that you have give up your main tastes in music and if you are into trance convert to house. This is so much more...whether you know it or not....house gave birth to trance and every other form of EDM out there. This an event where we can all come together in one place and pay homage to the creation of our scene...show respect for what we love so much. In order to know where we are going we have to know where we have been. I hope some of you can see my point that this really isn't about house vs. trance, but rather a chance to feel a vibe reminiscent down to the very roots of our dance music dialect.

You made a great point but no need for the history lesson....I have into electronica almost all my life now. I got vinyl from the early 80's, I for one know whats up with Frankie and I will never take nothing from the guy. There are just some people who rather see something else and to tell you the truth Oakenfold is not just a trance DJ he actually plays more house now. if you would of been a fan of him you would of known.

But everyone has their own taste, on saturday when you see Frankie will i will be looking out for a review of the night. If it would of been any other week I would of gone to see Frankie but Space took it to another level and booked 3 over the top quality acts and that for me is a better deal. I was actually looking forward to seeing Frankie but its a shame Space had to do this on the same day as Frankie is playing its a dam shame.

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Guest pod

Lots of DJs play tracks "no one else has", that is what makes them who they are. Oakie gets them due to his stature. As far as DJing skill, I consider him about average. Skill-wise, there's a bunch who outclass him....

Each time I see him in Miami he doesn't really do it for me...I'll be there for our local heroes around 3 8)

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Guest lyrik

No problem...history lesson wasn't directed at you specifically and definitely wasn't intended to offend. Of course I know Paul is spinning more house-like tunes lately and like I said I can remember when he was pushing a more acidy house sound back in the early 90's. Again..this not meant to offend anyone because it seems like nowadays people take things so to heart...but even the house Paul spins now isn't looked at as "house music" by people in the majority of underground circles. You will never hear the majority of house loving people in NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fran or almost any of the cities in the US use to the term house to describe Paul. At best progressive house and trance maybe and I guess thats just me being a purest of the genre because to this day people like Sander, Paul, Lawler ect will never be house in my eyes....its not a cut on them...I'm not saying they don't have ability at what they do...just for me I can't deem that house music. So I hold no ill will if you guys choose Oakenfold over Frankie...I have reserved myself to the fact that sometime things will be what they are going to be. I am sure you all will have just as much fun as I may have so with that...have a blast, at least we are all out there in some capacity showing love!

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Guest LeVeL

It seems every week someone else is trying to teach a lesson about something if its not Lyrik its BCN or Norah, ect the lesson keep on coming.

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Guest pod

Frankly I don't mind their posts, for the most part, posts like Lyrik's tend to be quite informative on the history of the house scene.

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Guest LeVeL

I think 75% of the people who posts in this site know their stuff but people tend to bypass that just to try to look more knowledgeable than the rest of the people who posts. But we're all supporting EDM the same way.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Oakie was done a long time ago..I'd say about 5 years now....When people started paying him 10-25 g's to pull the crossfader back and forth while he pretends to fly away while doing his short-short man dance routine while behind the decks....

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Guest vaughan

Lyrik... keep the edumacation coming... fuck 'em! That's the problem with these people... no one in particular... just in general. And Levelistic.. I'd love to catch a glimpse at your early 80's vinyl collection... Big vinyl junkie too! I just hope it wasn't a pop collection of Hall and Oates other shit like the J Giles band since it was either that or cassette... That won't count!

Let's see some history on Oakenfold and we'll call it even!

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Lyrik... keep the edumacation coming... fuck 'em! That's the problem with these people... no one in particular... just in general. And Levelistic.. I'd love to catch a glimpse at your early 80's vinyl collection... Big vinyl junkie too! I just hope it wasn't a pop collection of Hall and Oates other shit like the J Giles band since it was either that or cassette... That won't count!

Let's see some history on Oakenfold and we'll call it even!

dude, don't hate on Hall and Oates, those mofos sold some serious records.

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Guest LeVeL

Lyrik... keep the edumacation coming... fuck 'em! That's the problem with these people... no one in particular... just in general. And Levelistic.. I'd love to catch a glimpse at your early 80's vinyl collection... Big vinyl junkie too! I just hope it wasn't a pop collection of Hall and Oates other shit like the J Giles band since it was either that or cassette... That won't count!

Let's see some history on Oakenfold and we'll call it even!

Nice try with the Hall and Oates joke.....I actually have a lot of the jams from the early 80's I dont have no reason to bullshit you or anyone out there. I cherish some of those hits at one point in my life I wanted to Deejay and I wanted to re-do some those hits with my own individual bassline and riffs. Its funny how some of you Deejays think you know it all, when actually you dont. I am not going to kiss your ass because your some DJ, open your mind man there is so much more out there than house.

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Dont you guys have something better to do than house vs trance...Oakie vs Knuckles???

Trust me...life is short and all this BS wont mean anything in the end. Have fun, enjoy your life...go to whatever events you want to go to fuck what everyone else thinks. The hate on these boards is ridiculous and makes me just want to quit posting at all. I mean whats the point...if you try to state a constructive criticism or just an opinion that doesnt include hate, you get ripped on anyway. Ans then, if you try to have fun with someone and tease them someone else jumps on your ass...whatever...

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Guest web_norah

i nominate this the trance vs house rant

that shite got old ages ago.

i highly appreciate the Lyrik history references though

and by the way, i am *honored* to be called a teacher, maybe i should start weekly seminars.

bring on the trance history thread. enlighten me. hell i never claimed to know-it-all.

i dont think this a hate thing at all, if you take it as such...please

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Guest vaughan

Somebody def. woke up on the wrong side of the house, I mean bed... Put your glasses on Levelistic and please re-read my post... I am a TRUE collector of classic vinyl(hence me saying I'm a big vinyl junkie too in my prev. post) and was seriously interested in checking out your catalog... so brush off the chip! I have almost EVERY Hall & Oates vinyl except for a bunch of limited shit that was put out that's real hard to get a hold of! And I have an extensive catalog of classic rock AND early disco for that matter.... so I missed the kiss my ass part again, where the fuck did that come from???? ... and dj or not, I'm not one to start shit or even talk to another person like that (in a serious manner) so if you were offended by something I said... I apologise! But since we're all angry on this board... kiss my ass! ( I better make the disclaimer.. that was a joke!)

And if you read this WHOLE thread... not ONCE will you see a comment from me about HOUSE -vs- TRANCE... I was actually defending my boy Lyrik because I appreciate his history on the scene... He actually stated his opinion, and tried to throw in some support! And like I said... I was waiting for you or anyone to drop some Trance history or Oakenfold history because I don't know much about either (in terms of history) All I know is that Oakie used to have a WICKED mullet!

Have a stellar day!

OH yeah... P.S. - The "open your mind MAN" comment is usually one you direct at people who have closed minds... I can name 4 people in THIS THREAD that know I listen to many different styles.. I however happen to be known for my ASSOCIATION with events related to house music.

Nice try with the Hall and Oates joke.....I actually have a lot of the jams from the early 80's I dont have no reason to bullshit you or anyone out there. I cherish some of those hits at one point in my life I wanted to Deejay and I wanted to re-do some those hits with my own individual bassline and riffs. Its funny how some of you Deejays think you know it all, when actually you dont. I am not going to kiss your ass because your some DJ, open your mind man there is so much more out there than house.

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Guest lyrik

this thread kicks ass!!!!!!!

WORD....I just got time to read all the posts since my last one...I don't have time to respond so when I get home I'll make an effort to to give my best response to some of these posts....boy aren't some us doing the old pot calling the kettle black routine in here. ::)

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Guest nickjunkie

Dont you guys have something better to do than house vs trance...Oakie vs Knuckles???

Trust me...life is short and all this BS wont mean anything in the end. Have fun, enjoy your life...go to whatever events you want to go to fuck what everyone else thinks. The hate on these boards is ridiculous and makes me just want to quit posting at all. I mean whats the point...if you try to state a constructive criticism or just an opinion that doesnt include hate, you get ripped on anyway. Ans then, if you try to have fun with someone and tease them someone else jumps on your ass...whatever...

I agree 100% with you and to be honest I'm tempted to lock these stupid Knuckles vs Oakie threads.

I've been promoting events for a long time, and trust me, arguing for or against an artist on a message board will make zero difference to the turnout at an event. People will go wherever they want to, and the only thing that influences that is strong marketing.

Why not have a pro Knuckles thread and a pro Oakie thread, and just post in whichever one you're interested in? Makes so much more sense than bickering...

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Guest antonio

True..................especially when I'll try and hit the Oakenfoald/Cattaneo event next weekend!!!!

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Guest lyrik

Please dont lock this thread...it hasn't gotten out of hand and its just a debate. As you can see the differing of opinions moved away from the main CJ thread about the night at space and people are posting here on this thread as an open forum. I really dont have time to get into this too much now and some things have been said that I want to respectfully respond to but cant until I get home from work and that will be in a few short hours.

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Guest vaughan

I agree 100% with you and to be honest I'm tempted to lock these stupid Knuckles vs Oakie threads.

I've been promoting events for a long time, and trust me, arguing for or against an artist on a message board will make zero difference to the turnout at an event. People will go wherever they want to, and the only thing that influences that is strong marketing.

Why not have a pro Knuckles thread and a pro Oakie thread, and just post in whichever one you're interested in? Makes so much more sense than bickering...

I agree too... and I'm glad to see that the Space people or the X'ess people are not on here arguing over any of this. It really was mere chatter and somehow someone mistook a Hall & Oates vinyl collection as a Trance -vs- House thread! This is all part of the scene and it has been for years... and for most people it will ALWAYS be a debate... WHY??? I don't know... why are religious wars fought for thousands of years???

Oakie did have a wicked Mullet though back in the day!

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