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Bling's Review of Lawler@Space


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Before I begin the review I would just like to say a few words.. I write these reviews not only because I enjoy writing them, but to give back in my own way to the dance community here on CP/CJ. I want to thank all of you cool people who came up to me at Space today (many who dont even post) to complement me on my reviews and call me a club legend.... ( its pretty cool even though i dont consider myself one, but thanks for all ur kind words)

The Review

So I leave my house pretty early even for me to go pick up the beautiful Lilly (fairydust) from CJ. i find her house no problem. LONG LIVE MAPQUEST!!! after a few technical difficulties ;) (actually i got lost and drove north instead of south LOL) we get to space. the second we walk in bam we are flooded by hip hop ugh

so i get my drink a long island iced tea and we just chill and talk. Off in the distance i see Quest4sunrise so we say hi. then the lovely miss carisa comes in all decked out with her space hat all ready for the patio.......


Oscar played a very good set. def had me dancing, lots of energy to start off the nite just right. The place was full all nite but never suffocating like when tiesto or pvd hits town. so I bump into eric, leo, levelistic, zero, turbo240, andrew,the ever beautiful jackie and sexy miriam. Thanks again Pod for the pic :) Great to see Tony as well as my club buddy the amazing and beautiful Patricia . very nice also bumping into shannon and nick junkie as well as sarah. Big shout out to Bruno as well

About this time eddy guerra makes an apperance and gets me a top shelf long island which had patron in it he said :) that one got me good... LMAO i was dizzy for a good 30 min feelin all happy and all :) good shit!!!!!

Lawler Main room set

I anticipated a lot for this set, considering hes my 3rd fav dj. his main room set disappointed me big time. I never got into it . very progressive not tribally really. Its like, Oscar brought the level up and at least to me lawler took it down a bit.....

Lawler went on around 2:20 and ended at 5 or so. He had his moments. some of which had me dancing on the platform, but they were too few and far btw in his main room set

Lawler Patio Set

Now this is steve lawler at its best. amazing. the set started off with some dark ambient stuff with thnder sounds. and then it got nasty from lots of great vocals to lawleresque tribal. it was def what i was waiting for all nite.

the crowd was eating it up... so much so that a girl decided to flash her boobs to the crowd. :) that got a rise out of me LMAO

the smoke was pumpin hard and it blinded me for a good min or so. then all of a sudden. the music stopped and LP comes out to wish lawler a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and everyone on the patio sings happy birthday...... Classic ... so funny to hear everyone sing....

everyone at this point was still shocked i was still there. i left around 735 or so. 8.5 hrs not bad .... but by no means my record .

had a blast with everyone as always. want to thank everyone once again for all the nice comments and birthday shoutouts.

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1. don't ever disrepect cj by putting CP in your review in your first paragraph

2. to be a club legend, one would think you'v been clubbing for more than a year and have been to NYC and understand what real clubbing is like. (going to space doesn't make you a legend)

3. any trance kills any shot at your club legend status

4. tribal is over, thus lawler sucks.

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Guest Cosmigonon

1. don't ever disrepect cj by putting CP in your review in your first paragraph

Exactly what I was gonna say...

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Guest Cosmigonon

2. to be a club legend, one would think you'v been clubbing for more than a year and have been to NYC and understand what real clubbing is like. (going to space doesn't make you a legend)

Hmmm, do I smell fear? ;D

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i agree with bling on this review

lawler is the only A-list DJ i like and everytime i see him, he's perfect -- mixes sound like they went through protools or something (even though they're live) and his selection of music is always excellent. plus, it's like a grab bag with lawler -- you never know what you're going to get.

he's never disappointed me -- except for last night.

i was absolutely BORED with his set in the main room, and i had this nagging urge to run up in the booth and strangle him. i was pissed and he was losing points with me. the music had no energy.

we had just come from privledge, where i went to hear my friend (his DJ name is B612). i'd never heard him before and i was afraid he was going to suck but the music he played was BRILLIANT!!! you guys have to watch him for him.

then i go straight to space and hear the crap steve was playing. >:(

i wish i could have stayed at lawler to hear his patio set because i had a feeling he was going to redeem himself there, but we'd been club hopping for a while and i was sleepy (lawler's set didn't help)!

good to see people from the boards there though!

i hope steve plays what he did last night on the patio tonight -- i need to hear the GOOD steve lawler....!

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Guest ramon

lawler was not up to his standards .. he did have his moments however ..dropping skylark - shout and jack's house acapella and even renato cohen's pontape. Oscar came on and brought up the energy to another level, but no offense to Steve I'm sure he'll be back to his old ways soon enough. I didn't get a chance to see him on the patio cause this was supposed to be my recovery weekend so much for that idea. See you on Saturday morning for Carry On :)

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Guest r3nz0

Yeah, Lawler was not on point in his main room set. :-\

But I think he redeemed himself on the patio. 5_1_116.gif

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great hanging out with you fockers ;D

i thought lawler's set inside was pretty good. "shout" did it for me. but i couldn't believe we heard "photograph" twice in one night :-\

his patio set was awesome. i was sweating like a whore in church. who was the guy that opened for him outside? was that cue?

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Guest bcnjunkie

1. don't ever disrepect cj by putting CP in your review in your first paragraph

2. to be a club legend, one would think you'v been clubbing for more than a year and have been to NYC and understand what real clubbing is like. (going to space doesn't make you a legend)

3. any trance kills any shot at your club legend status

4. tribal is over, thus lawler sucks.

zzzzz...... zzzzzzz....... zzzzzzz....... zzzzzzz.......

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Guest dnb_chick

great hanging out with you fockers ;D

i thought lawler's set inside was pretty good. "shout" did it for me. but i couldn't believe we heard "photograph" twice in one night :-\

his patio set was awesome. i was sweating like a whore in church. who was the guy that opened for him outside? was that cue?

I was soooo hot outside i thought i was going to dyhydrate! The night was just "ok" IMO......main room set didnt excite me, patio was better, though, except for the idiots who kept coming up to our table and attempting to pour drinks from our bottle! I left around 9am somewhat dissapointed. The best actual moment of the night/morn was when i walked back into the main room to find OG playing a Kings Of Tribal track---"Situation" :o I enjoyed those few minutes soooo much---love that track--Overall I think OG wiped the floor with Lawler.....Lawler just never got the mainroom going. Nice seeing the regs i know and great meeting Nick and Sarah! Also great meeting Interview Junkie! `````

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Guest LeVeL

Good review Bling......

But the night in my view went outstanding...Oscar threw it down nasty in the main-room. And Lawler did a great job of not overwhleming us instead he threw a nice set with some peaks and lows, leaving his best for the patio where tribal it was. Even though I only stuck around till the early part of 7am it was a great night. Hung out with some peoples from the cooljunkie camp like Carisa(Crazy C), Ricky(Turbo) hey man sorry I couldn't hang out in the V.I.P. too long had to be down in the main room where the real vibe was at, VIP is not for me. Danny(Bling) cool talking to your brotha. Apotheosis, Hialeah representing. And last but not least Koky's brother, I forgot his name but he was cool as fuck.

Well now for the highlight of the night for me, when Lawler first started his set.There were two chicks going at it, nasty tongue action next to the bar.....all they needed was some dildows and KY Jelly and it was on. We would of had our own lesbian porno at Space. So it was a great night from my standpoint, too bad a couple of you guys didn't think the same.

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Guest durrtylexx
OG playing a Kings Of Tribal track---"Situation" I enjoyed those few minutes soooo much---love that track

Awesome Track one of my favorites also. ;)

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Oscar's opening set was nothing short of GREAT!!! Lawler in side was zzzzzzzzzzz. Cues patio opening set was PERFECT, Lawlers patio set def redeemed him, Cues closing set was BRILLIANT!!!! I left at....well you dont really need to know that do you? The WTF moment of the night....when Lawler dropped the "Milkshake" track inside. I thought it was strange but I LOVE that track so I danced away!!! ;D

BTW...once the patio opened up I never went back inside until the VERY end of Oscars set and he was TEARING it up!!! Thanks again, Dad!!! ;)

Fun night at Space and was great running into sooooo many people.You know who you are.

And damn...I actually made into the photos this time...TWICE!!! LOL! Thanks Pod!

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Guest LeVeL

And damn...I actually made into the photos this time...TWICE!!! LOL! Thanks Pod!

I guess Pod was in a giving mood saturday because of that.

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Guest fairyDust

It was my first time seeing Lawler and I wasn't impressed at all..too bad I only stayed in the patio for a couple of minutes apparently he was better there..Oscar's set was definitely the highlight of my night...

And as always nice meeting and hanging with some fellow junkies...

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Last time I saw Lawler at space34 (in April '02, I think) James Zabiela opened for him. I couldn't decide which of the two was the most awful!!! That was the second to last time I went to Space.

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Guest LeVeL

Last time I saw Lawler at space34 (in April '02, I think) James Zabiela opened for him. I couldn't decide which of the two was the most awful!!! That was the second to last time I went to Space.

You still dont know nothing......to come here and say something like that with you not even going yourself, hearing it from word of mouth. You have to be there to tally criticize the venue and the DJ. Better luck next time buddy....

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Hey Philippio nice meeting you and your girl at Nerve.. ;D

It was wonderful to meet you too, even though you were also at Nerve for Frankie Knuckles (but we didn't have the chance to meet).

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