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What is with the CJ Gallery?

Guest ImAlwaysDancing

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Guest durrtylexx

Oh yea POD show more tits! :P j/k bro Great JOB Meng...

Cooljunkie is not as cheesy as other sites and it has a bit of class to it..Its more South Beach than tabloid cheap CP or other sites :-X

Great Work Cooljunkie Staff!

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Guest shannon_coolj.

Pod, you left your tripod in my car. 8)

i don't know why, but that sounded pornographic :)

Well, it is Pod and CrzyC...it should sound that way. ;D Nice seeing you last night babes!!! :-*


nice seeing you too!! HAPPY B'DAY!

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POD is at the tops when it comes to taking club photos.

I started taking the usual club pictures and found the stright and narrow path sooner or later, and POD helped show me the way.

You can try and teach someone how to take a artistic picture and that makes the subject look good in a club, but it is like Salvidor Dali trying to teach a 10 year old how to Paint surealism art.

You just have to have the touch for it, and without POD, DJ would be at a big loss. ;D

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Guest web_norah

all along i knew what POD meant but i was calling him out on his oracle-like capabilities, since i am the official PR rep for him :)

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Guest coach

Coach, I agree with all of your suggestions and I would like to implement all of those. I want to feature Pod's work in the best possible light. One of the biggest things that bugs me right now is the huge long URLs on the image pages.

I have solutions for all of this, none of it is hard. It's what I do for a living. It's just a matter of prioritizing. Right now I'm just trying to recover from a hangover so that I can get my butt to Crobar to strike after that party from last night. Not much engineering time for me lately.

Not to sound gay, but I've noticed that you and I often think a lot alike.

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Guest pod

Wow, this thread was fun. I was out all day doing shit, waiting for that lazy bastard Ralph to call me up to finalize a shoot, having dinner with Special Ed, and then running home, then I find this hehe :)

As for tracking names, when I did the Street column, that was the worst part. CJ doesn't require it, so I ain't doing it. Besides, you all know how difficult it is to hear someone spell their name in a club? Half the time they're hammered (and I am too) and it comes out wrong!

A nice mix might be something to consider....not sleazy candids like those other sites (which seem to be set up for the purpose of getting enough emails to have a massive spam-list), so if any of y'all feel up to the task, drop us a line! But something a little more social might be an interesting feature. I hate people so I'm sure as hell not gonna do it. ;D

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Guest endymion

Podster, that photo of that girl yanking my face into her boobs cracked me up tonight when I saw it. I had no idea you were going to publish that.

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