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my plan to save club and rave culture

Guest HangTheDJ

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Guest slamminshaun

and p. diddy has started to get into electronic music, by the way.

Yeah, and got booed off stage in Ibiza. He's getting into dance music culture, but dance music culture will never get into him.

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Guest nadia

*~playing the devil's advocate~*

dance-safe tables are evidence of drug-use gonig on on the premises.

and you obviously buy into the myths of the general population, that if we educate, the kiddies will do it more (be it have sex, do drugs, etc).. which research has proven to NOT be true.. in fact, research shows that it does decrease risky behavior, drug use, etc.. damn..those statistics must be bad..

how is passing out some fliers, condoms, and water evidence of drug use? are all the kiddies who are high chillin' behind the dancesafe table? damn..i'll have to remember next time to tell the kids to go stay in the mens bathroom.

another question, have you ever thrown a party previous to this plurtastic idea?

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Guest nadia

and p. diddy has started to get into electronic music, by the way.

Yeah, and got booed off stage in Ibiza. He's getting into dance music culture, but dance music culture will never get into him.


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Guest HangTheDJ

i agree with educating about drugs. i would have dancesafe tables at my parties. they just would not be allowed to pill test, because the point of the party is to not have drugs there. what i'm saying is that pill-testing is evidence that drug use is going on RIGHT NOW on the premises.

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Guest slamminshaun

Unless your parties involve hip-hop, don't think young kids in the United States will go. (I assume we're talking about young kids here....17 and under). As long as Carson Daly brainwashes them with Nelly and P.Diddy, electronic music will never reach them.

what kind of parties have you been to that don't involve hip-hop? when i went to them at state palace theater in new orleans, they brought 2-live crew, grandmaster flash, the jungle brothers, rob base & e-z rock, they even brought electro acts like afrika bambaataa, and egyptian lover

None of the parties I go to have hip-hop. Most of the people on this message board don't either based on what I've seen them say about it. Hip Hop is destroying South Beach if you ask me and alot of the people on this thread.

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Guest nadia

i agree with educating about drugs. i would have dancesafe tables at my parties. they just would not be allowed to pill test, because the point of the party is to not have drugs there. what i'm saying is that pill-testing is evidence that drug use is going on RIGHT NOW on the premises.

hmm. where i lived it was illegal to test pills..so it was done covertly .. not testing pills.. (like thinking NO ONE is going to be on drugs) can be deadly .. then you could possibly end up with an OD at your 'drug free' party.. it's better to have that option available, than to be ignorant that the problem exists

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Guest nadia

None of the parties I go to have hip-hop. Most of the people on this message board don't either based on what I've seen them say about it. Hip Hop is destroying South Beach if you ask me and alot of the people on this thread.

*eyes tear up* but but but.. even me? i don't even esspecially like hip hop *sob* :P

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Guest slamminshaun

None of the parties I go to have hip-hop. Most of the people on this message board don't either based on what I've seen them say about it. Hip Hop is destroying South Beach if you ask me and alot of the people on this thread.

*eyes tear up* but but but.. even me? i don't even esspecially like hip hop *sob* :P

Did you think that I said the people on this thread are destroying the beach? LOL....no!!! If you don't like hip-hop, you're a babe in my book. :-*

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Guest coach

and now i'm really out of here. media center is closing.

LOL! "Media center is closing."

By that I am guessing you mean that you are using the school's internet system. If you can't even afford your own computer and/or internet access, you sure as heck can't afford to "save the scene."

For thousands of years, the older, experienced people say, "that can't be done," and the younger, clueless people say, "fuck you, I'm gonna do it, and prove it can be done." 99.9% of the time, the experience gets it right. It's that .1% that really makes life interesting, though. And there is no way to tell where that's coming from.

And no matter how much us old geezers who know better tell you that it won't work, you're gonna go out and try, anyway. And well you should. If all the young firebrands listened to the old burn-outs, then we'd still be whittling sticks in caves. And you'll kill yourself following your dream and get all burnt out and withdraw from your passion for a few years and then come back later and do something amazing. I did the same thing when I was your age. So, go for it and don't listen to these cynics.

Hopefully one day we will all be standing in a huge line hoping to get tickets to the latest awesome "hand the dj" show. But, yeah, I'll bite. I'm gonna email you and take a look at that plan. But, honestly, don't expect good news.

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Guest DiscJockeyJoey

raves killed the club scene

so I say we call the cops for all your parties.

I would actually have to say that the club scene killed the rave scene.

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Guest slamminshaun

raves killed the club scene

so I say we call the cops for all your parties.

I would actually have to say that the club scene killed the rave scene.

Hip Hop buried them both in smaller markets.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

why do we have to revive the rave scene? that's a huge mistake.

it made it's cycle...it was enjoyable while it lasted. just let a good thing die.

it's just like when really good bands (who broke up a long time ago) try to get back together and fail miserably (with the exception of the pixies!) ...

or what if tarantino made a sequel to pulp fiction?

no thanks...

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Guest bcnjunkie

kids grew out of rave culture whom now are adults that either don't party or prefer clubs.... anyhow kids listen to hip-hop so supporting drive-by's might be more appealing

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Guest somefiercehouse

Coming from someone who actually lives in Orlando, I agree with everyone else on here for the most part. I also agree with YOU Mr. Hang. I do believe that Orlando needs all the help it can get to revive it's nightlife scene....and Paris Hilton is just not enough!

But like was said...you aren't the first person to do this. I'm not shutting out your idea all together, I would actually like more information because I know a lot of people that are somewhat on the same wavelength as you.

I do have to wonder how you plan on accomplishing bringing back any sort of scene to this town on the track you are taking. The first BIG problem is that we close at 3. The second problem is that this is a family city. In the words of The Great Sander K...This is not Miami. Orlando will NEVER be about club culture...unless that club is a sports club with cheesy top40 remixes playing while cheap women dance on bars and some sort of rediculous theme.

Furthermore, bringing local law enforsement to a party is kinda like having your mom be a chaperone at prom. And it IS impossible to make it 100% drug free. Not to be negative but where there is good music there is good drugs. Lines outside mean lines inside. And they didn't coin the phrase Sex, Drugs, & Rock n Roll for nothing. I'm not saying that everyone who listens to music is high....but someone is.

Like I said, I applaud your efforts and I would like more info. to get the full scoop. I just don't want you to think you're going to save the world of Orlando Nightlife or anything. :-*

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Guest Seb

Yes I would have to agree with everyone on this thread. Although I applaud your efforts your ideas are not practical at all. The whole reason raves were fun back in the day was because they were so free and anything could happen. If you put a lot of rules and regulation on them you won't have the same atmosphere. Increased security will make for a tense environment causing more stress and adverse behaviour. One of the reasons I always liked raves was the fact that no one had an attitude and people were there just to party. What your suggesting would have a huge impact on the party aspect. The best anology to this is the implementation of communism. Looks good on paper but in reality causes more harm than good. History proved that. Sorry man. :-\

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Guest bcnjunkie

Damn you guys are like a pack of wolves rippin this one apart

what they're writing is true... you got a better chance to spread good dance music via by a tax paying club bringing in good money than a low cost rave where they serve water and gatorade at a revenue that's insignificant to the city

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Guest endymion

Orlando law enforcement has put incredible amounts of effort into stopping and preventing raves. They had a task force, they shut down businesses, there were lawsuits, arrests, convictions, the drama went on for years and leaked out into places like Gainesville and Daytona.

Just FYI they will start a file on you the moment you call them with this idea and they will share their file with the FBI, who will keep tabs on whether they need to pull out the RAVE Act against you. That's the "cooperation" from law enforcement that you're going to get.

And from the point of view of one of the EMT's who has picked up dozens of twitching, seizing, drooling, frothing-at-the-mouth 14-year-olds from parking lots, clearings in the woods, rock quarries, and other 'really cool' locations that ravers use to avoid LEA, I just don't think that reviving the rave scene is a good idea at all. Please don't do this. Raves are dangerous. Night clubs are a form of harm prevention.

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Guest obby

hey people

well, i relocated to central FL a year ago and i was saddened to learn that there are no parties here, because the promoters are too scared to put them on. i have a plan which i think will revive rave and club culture.

i am trying to rally support for a non-profit organization which will host d r u g - f r e e parties. i am not trying to be an anti - d r u g preacher, i am simply trying to stop the need for these harsh laws and penalties that are being created, that are killing the scene nationwide. i have 10 pages as part of a plan written out, which i will gladly show you, and i have bought a domain name. if you are interested in learning more, or possibly helping, please email me at hangxthexdj@gmail.com. or you can simply post a response.

i would be happy to discuss any issues you may have, or anything you would like to do to help. if anyone sees a reason why i shouldn't go through with this, please let me know. :)

my name is erik, by the way.

I think your heart is in the right place. I wish you the best. Know that SOTU Records appreciates your insight on helping our scene. God knows we need it.

Best of luck,


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Guest slamminshaun

And you people dare dispute the wisdom of Techjunkie in other cases? ;D

He hit the nail on the head right there.

And SlamminShaun goes on the record as saying, "I agree with TechJunkie". :o

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Guest slamminshaun

TJ knows a lot about a lot of shit. Just when I think I can stump him, he'll come off with something I didn't know he knew about.

Yeah, he's smart. Too bad he puts all that smarts toward the wrong causes...haha ;)

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Guest endymion

Hey smart is not automatically a good thing. Look at Clinton.

One of the worst memories of my life so far was a 14-year-old male patient who went into a G-hole in the woods at a rave in Alachua county near Gainesville. Outside of Gainesville to avoid law enforcement. Well guess what, the further away you are from law enforcement the further away you are from emergency medical services. He was face down in the dirt, only about ten feet past the treeline away from the clearing where his friends had all been.

Face down in the dirt is not a good position for breathing, he was DOA at the hospital, never regained consciousness. Far from my only rave story. I was an electronic music fan before, during and after that event and it sealed my opinion that raves really do have to go in order for the music to survive.

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