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my plan to save club and rave culture

Guest HangTheDJ

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Guest pod

True enough. I've found that the "illegal" parties are often set up for the express purpose of drug use, and not for DJs to play outside of an established venue.

Most decent DJs I know would rather play a club anyway, provided it is decent as well.

1): Club has a better sound system. Funktion One or Phazon versus some JBLs on a stick? Come on. Booth has proper monitors and mixer.

2): Lighting...full on system versus an Avenger strapped to a tree?

3): Booze.

4): Club takes care of the DJ, picks him up at the airport, etc.

5): Club won't get shut down unless they do something royally stupid. Excessive intoxication is never tolerated. Security will tell you to calm down or toss your ass out.

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Guest endymion

again i say what is wrong with raves at a club?

i've been doing candyland for 9 years and have never had a problem!

This is what's wrong with promoting 'raves' anywhere. Federal prison is unpleasant from what I understand.

Raves were fun in like 1990 because they were a celebration of a neat new thing with other people cool enough to know about it, and it wasn't explicitly wrong or illegal then. It was maybe an irresponsible thing to be doing and we should have known better but we were young and the dangers were not fully understood and the laws hadn't caught up to us yet. It was a bubble that burst.

The laws have caught up to us now, society as a whole has realized what a bad idea rave events are, and the scene can never be the same now. It just can't happen, not possible, the innocence is lost. People who go to raves now know up front that they are sinning and they know up front that they aren't going to change the world by standing around in a field in the middle of the night with a bunch of horny people feeling the breeze blowing on their skin.

A few thousand 14-year-olds dying face down in the woods has taught us that we were all just wrong when we were running around in the woods insisting that there was no way that what we were doing was dangerous. Wrong. Face it and find a way to keep the music alive. The music is what really mattered, not feeling the breeze blow through the hairs on the back of your neck.

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Guest endymion

You know the difference as well as the rest of us, the difference between a regular night club night and a party called, oh, say, "Candyland".

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Guest slamminshaun

You know the difference as well as the rest of us, the difference between a regular night club night and a party called, oh, say, "Candyland".

My thoughts exactly.

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Guest LeVeL

actually i really don't know the difference.

I agree I dont see the difference between a rave and a club. The only difference is that younger people go to raves and older people go to clubs. But the same stuff happens in both events. You still got drugs being sneaked in to the two and you got alcohol.

But the clubs do have better quality acts.

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Guest endymion

Security, other staff, and law enforcement can keep an eye on crowds in clubs. Clubs also generally have quick access to emergency medical care for when things do go wrong. Strictly from an assume-that-people-will-do-drugs-at-any-party point of view, night clubs are a form of harm prevention.

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Guest HangTheDJ

techjunkie. you obviously have not read the forum. my plan couldn't possibly work unless i was creating "SAFE RAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" that is the entire point of my project. create an environment that has live electronic music, blistering light sets, and everything that raves have to offer MINUS THE DRUGS!!! i am carefully planning this out, cooperating with cops, paramedics, concerned parents, dea, and other people who are scared of raves, and to show that i am serious, ALL the profits will be going to anti-drug and other charitable causes. so tell me.....what is wrong with live electronic music? how is music dangerous??? and if you would like to read my plan in its entirety (email me at HangXTheXDJ@Gmail.com), i'm sure you would agree with why this is a good idea. i'm providing an ALTERNATIVE to drug use that will just happen to resemble environments where drug use has taken place.

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Guest HangTheDJ

i will be tirelessly working to promote the idea that drug use is entirely unacceptable at these events. to get started i am rounding up people who believe in the cliche "it's about the music, not the drugs."

this is more of an experiment in politics and human nature than anything else. TRUST ME...i'll create a situation where anyone who does drugs at my parties will SERIOUSLY regret it, and i will also make the situation such that even if one or two people did try to ruin it, the cost of getting the party shut down will be more damaging than good, from "authority's" point of view.


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Guest endymion

my plan couldn't possibly work unless i was creating "SAFE RAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!" that is the entire point of my project.

You just perfectly summarized why most everybody here thinks it's a bad idea. You are limited to two outcomes:

1) You end up with a bunch of people doing drugs in the middle of the woods.

2) You end up with nobody showing up.

The third possibility that you're imagining is not possible.

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Guest HangTheDJ

well, about the kids in the woods thing...honestly, i do see your point. but i am not the world's police, nor do i intend to have anything to do with what takes place OUTSIDE of my events. kids can already go out into the woods now, and they do. this girl i know just told me recently that she got harassed by cops because she was hanging out near an abandoned grocery store that kids were breaking in to have drug-sex parties

i would hate to know that MORE kids were going into the woods if i created a scene that's completely devoid of drugs, but ultimately the government is responsible for taking care of the drug problem. my goal is to create a drug-free, crackdown-free environment.

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Guest pod

Today's government is wholeheartedly corrupt. I'm dead serious in saying that the only way something like this would happen is if you payed off a lot of people.

Plus, kids are stupid nowadays. They want the drugs and all the bad stuff that comes with our scene. I have yet to hear a kid go "man, the music rocked at that party..." I usually hear "damn, that shit fucked me up hardcore...."

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Guest HangTheDJ

and about people not showing up...i am on the search as we speak, to find people who are willing to be sober at a party and enjoy the music. i won't have money raised for this until i have a LOT of people involved. if i DON'T get people involved then yes...ultimately my idea will fail, and no money will have been raised. but i will still be proud of the effort i put forth, and i will use what i learned to pursue something else. ultimately, being a musician is my primary goal. and there is absolutely nothing contraversial about that.

but i don't feel that i won't find people who are interested. i feel that the rave scene is split in half. and i have gotten about 50/50 for/against response.

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Guest HangTheDJ

Today's government is wholeheartedly corrupt. I'm dead serious in saying that the only way something like this would happen is if you payed off a lot of people.

Plus, kids are stupid nowadays. They want the drugs and all the bad stuff that comes with our scene. I have yet to hear a kid go "man, the music rocked at that party..." I usually hear "damn, that shit fucked me up hardcore...."

about paying people off, who would i have to pay off? my operation isn't going to be underground, it's going to be in plain sight, and i'm going to try to make it as high-profile as possible. i am going to do what i can to get the media on my side, and of course i am going to use propaganda.

and about kids nowadays..well, if there is NO desire for music, then this wouldn't work, but i'm going to seek advice from anti-drug organizations. partnership for a drug-free america is skilled at reaching out to kids.

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Guest HangTheDJ

oh, and about me pushing kids to do drugs in an uncontrolled setting, explain how what i would be doing is worse than the gov't cracking down on parties. they are going AFTER people. i wouldn't be going after people. nobody would have reason to run from me, but they currently do have reason to run from the gov't.

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Guest pod

Split in half how? Because people prefer to go to clubs nowadays where by policy you can at least be confident that the party probably won't get shut down?

I started out in clubs, but tried "raves" just to see what the raving was about (haha), no matter who put them on, there was always something majorly wrong with the party.

- bad sound system, terrible lighting

- sketchy promotions

- shit talent

- party raided

- promoters don't pay a bill or a permit fee and party gets shut down. True story, a few years ago I and a friend were called to a party by the lead promoter, since he wanted us to scope it out and possibly give him a discount on the rental and configuration of a sound system and intelligent lighting array. We get there and we've found out that despite the fact that we are there on business, we are not on this guy's list, since a co-promoter had torn it up in frustration since too many people were getting comped. Then, to add insult to injury, their current sound company pulls the plug due to the fact that they had not received full payment by the specified time in the contract, which is perfectly normal. We had done shows ourselves in the past where we have just plain shut the systems down due to nonpayment. PLUR my ass, tell me how you feel after lugging a 500 lb amp rack up some stairs on sheer manpower, and then you don't get paid for it. No money, cut the signal, simple as that.

So in the end you would really just need a shitload of money.

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Guest HangTheDJ

my plan is nation-wide. in cities where there is a booming scene there is no work to be done. forget the words "club" and "rave." i'm talking about the "electronic music scene," and all of this falls under the same umbrella. most big-name dj's spin at raves, and at clubs.

in san fran, there is an organization "san francisco late night coalition (www.sflnc.com)" because their club scene is threatened. in new york, giuliani has been raining hell on clubs, so "clubbers" are affected as well.

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Guest endymion

What would motivate a bunch of people to get all excited and mobilized to support going outside at night to listen to a bunch of electronic beeping and popping?

I mean other than drugs.





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